
  • 网络Insurance Broker;Insurance Agent
  1. 他是一名保险经纪人。

    He is an insurance broker .

  2. 而如果你的职业涉及特殊工种救护车司机、保险经纪人、波音747飞行员等等那麽就像iPhone的应用程式,适合戴的手表各式各样。

    If your occupation involves specific tasks from ambulance driver , to insurance broker , to747 pilot then , just as with iPhone apps , 'there are watches for that .

  3. WTO条件下对我国保险经纪人制度的思考

    Thoughts of China 's Insurance Canvasser System in the Conditions of WTO

  4. 保险经纪人与保险代理人比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Insurance Broker and the Insurance Agent

  5. 保险经纪人是保险公司和客户之间的中间人。

    Insurance brokers are intermediaries between insurance companies and their customers .

  6. 你为什么认为你会成为一个好的保险经纪人?

    Why do you think you would make a good insurance agent ?

  7. 他打电话给保险经纪人,然后选择一个保障计划。

    He called an insurance broker , and chose a protection plan .

  8. 对保险经纪人实行科学的资格等级、差别佣金制度;

    To carry out scientific system of qualification rank and difference commission ;

  9. 我发现我的保险经纪人在这个方面很有帮助。

    As one of the insurance intermediary , insurance broker .

  10. 保险经纪人功能的经济学思考

    An Economic Perception on the Function of Insurance Brokers

  11. 此外,保险经纪人也应成为告知义务人。

    In addition , the insurance broker would become an obligor of representation .

  12. 保险经纪人市场有效性的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of Effectiveness in Insurance Broker Market

  13. 保险经纪人公会保险经纪人协会一个人走进保险公司要求做人寿保险。

    A man walked into an insurance company to have his life insured .

  14. 保险经纪人协会准会员;

    Associate member of the Corporation of insurance brokers ;

  15. 因此,保险经纪人也是保险市场的重要组成部分。

    Therefore , the insurance broker is an important part of insurance market .

  16. 威尔是我们的保险经纪人,他来这儿与我们分享他的专业。

    Will 's our insurance agent , and he 's here as a courtesy .

  17. 承保单是保险经纪人使用的一张纸条。

    The slip is a piece of paper which is used by the insurance broker .

  18. 若没保险经纪人的份,他休想拿到赔偿。

    He 'd never get paid if the claims agent wasn 't in on it .

  19. 从中我们可以了解到国外保险经纪人制度的整个发展过程。

    In this part , we may understand the overall development history of insurance broker system overseas .

  20. 论我国保险经纪人监管

    On Supervision over Insurance Brokers

  21. 同中学毕业班同学们的讲演和同一群保险经纪人的讲演是不同的。

    Talking to seniors in high school is different than talking to a group of insurance brokers .

  22. 除非信用证有特别授权,否则银行不接受由保险经纪人签发的暂保单。

    Cover notes issued by Brokers will not be accepted , unless specifically authorised in the Credit .

  23. 英国保险经纪人协会

    British Insurance Broker 's Association

  24. 我明白。要购买一种不定额保单,我想我们要打电话给保险经纪人。

    I see . To take out an open policy , I suppose we phone our insurance broker .

  25. 体育保险经纪人是体育保险市场发展到一定阶段的产物。

    The insurance agent of sports is a result that the market of sports insurance developed into certain stage .

  26. 达信保险经纪人公司和捷蓝航空公司提供了很好的范例,两家公司都不拘一格地进行了品牌康复治疗。

    Marsh & McLennan and JetBlue provide good examples of companies that took a no-holds-barred approach to brand rehabilitation .

  27. 但是,这个由保险经纪人、言语矫治师以及企业家等组成的差异很大的人群给出的答案让我意外。

    But the responses from a disparate group that included insurance brokers , speech therapists and entrepreneurs surprised me .

  28. 对那些自称为财务计划专家的股票经纪人、债券经纪人、共同基金经纪人和保险经纪人来说也是一样。

    And that is true for stock , bond , mutual fund and insurance brokers who call themselves financial planners .

  29. 销售婚姻险的保险经纪人表示,事实上,这类保险更多的是在离婚时、而不是在婚姻存续期间发挥作用。

    In fact , such policies have more to do with divorce than marriage , say brokers who sell them .

  30. 第三部分讨论保险经纪人代收代付行为时间的法律问题。

    In the third part , the author discusses the legal problems arising from the debit and credit premium by brokers .