
bǎo shǒu
  • conservative;keep;protect;guard;hold on;inertia;keep in store
保守 [bǎo shǒu]
  • (1) [keep]∶保存守护

  • 保守国家机密

  • (2) [protect;keep in store]∶保护;保藏

  • 保守胎根

  • (1) [conservative] 守旧;维持原状,不想改进

  • 惟留恋也故保守。--清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》

  • (2) 也指思想跟不上形势的发展

保守[bǎo shǒu]
  1. 保守派不满布鲁尔推行的这些变革。

    The old guard did not like the changes that Brewer introduced

  2. 她一直信守承诺,保守着这个秘密。

    She had been faithful to her promise to guard this secret

  3. 两名保守党议员已转向自由民主党人一边。

    Two Conservative MPs have gone over to the Liberal Democrats .

  4. 如蒙保守这个秘密,我将感激不尽。

    I 'd be obliged if you would keep this to yourself .

  5. 在上次选举中保守党从工党手中夺得了这个议席。

    The Conservatives won the seat from Labour in the last election .

  6. 英国政坛的右派是以保守党为代表的。

    The Right in British politics is represented by the Conservative Party .

  7. 他们以保守党人自己的逻辑在和他们斗争。

    They are fighting the Conservatives on their own ground .

  8. 在民意测验中保守党的支持率落后于工党。

    The Conservatives are trailing Labour in the opinion polls .

  9. 他们饮料的配方是严格保守的商业秘密。

    The recipe for their drink is a closely guarded trade secret .

  10. 我能相信你会保守这个秘密吗?

    Can I rely on you to keep this secret ?

  11. 按照保守的估计,他会赚到5万英镑。

    At a conservative estimate , he 'll be earning £ 50 000 .

  12. 保守主义和自由主义的区别在哪里?

    Wherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism ?

  13. 捐赠人的身份是一个严加保守的秘密。

    The donor 's identity is a close secret .

  14. 我父母对男女关系和婚姻问题思想保守得很。

    My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage .

  15. 我可以理解她想保守秘密的愿望。

    I can understand her wish for secrecy .

  16. 她的服装式样一点儿也不保守。

    Her style of dress was never conservative .

  17. 那时是保守党当政。

    The Conservatives were then the governing party .

  18. 至少5000人丧生,这还是个保守的估计。

    At least 5 000 people were killed , and that 's a conservative estimate .

  19. 在选举中保守党大大失利于自由民主党。

    The Conservatives lost a lot of ground to the Liberal Democrats at the election .

  20. 他被迫保守秘密。

    He had been bound to secrecy .

  21. 你能保守秘密吗?

    Can you keep a secret ?

  22. 他们签署了一份保守机密的协议。

    They signed a confidentiality agreement .

  23. 英国保守党在选举中失败。

    The Tories lost the election .

  24. 她在分裂保守党这件事上所起的作用比任何人都大。

    She has done more to divide the Conservatives than anyone else

  25. 受影响最严重的是伦敦及英国东南部的保守党核心势力地区。

    Worst-hit areas were Tory heartlands in London and the South-East .

  26. 保守党能否继续实行国民医疗保健制度?

    Is the National Health Service safe with the Conservative party ?

  27. 保守党愤怒地抨击他破坏政府。

    The Conservative Party rounded angrily on him for damaging the Government

  28. 琼斯自己是个奇特的混合体,既保守又激进。

    Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism .

  29. 保守党人在治安问题上不知所措。

    The Tories have lost the plot on law and order .

  30. 我们认为被称作“保守分子”是对我们的一种赞赏。

    We consider it a compliment to be called ' conservative '