
  • 网络baoshan;Baoshan City
  1. 在云南省保山市石灰岩红壤地区进行了历时4年的蓝桉幼林N、P、K不同配比的10种处理施肥试验。

    10 fertilization tests of different match and ratio of N , P , K were conducted on young Eucalyptus globulus plantation in limestone red soil in Baoshan city for 4 years .

  2. 保山市农村能源现状与沼气发展研究

    The Findings Report of Rural Energy and Biogas Development in Baoshan

  3. 保山市农田生态系统养分循环与平衡研究

    Nutrient Cycling and Balance of Agro-ecosystem in Baoshan , Yunnan Province

  4. 2008年保山市疟疾流行及防治分析

    Epidemic and Control Situation of Malaria in Baoshan City in 2008

  5. 保山市云杉定量间伐研究初报

    A Preliminary Study of Quantitative Thinning of Picea asperata in Baoshan

  6. 保山市隆阳区农村沼气发展思路

    Speculations on Rural Biogas Development in Longyang District of Baoshan City

  7. 保山市大气监测点位模糊聚类优化

    Indistinct Collecting and Optimization of Air Monitoring Places in Baoshan City

  8. 云南保山市2005年疟疾疫情分析

    Analysis of malaria situation in Baoshan City of Yunnan Province in 2005

  9. 保山市桉树主要病虫害种类调查

    An Investigation on Main Species of Pest of Eucalyptus in Baoshan District

  10. 保山市生态环境特点与水稻品种选育应用

    Ecological characteristics of Baoshan and variety breeding in rice

  11. 建设社会主义新农村时期加强农村思想政治工作的探讨&以保山市为例

    Ideological , Political Work in Constructing New Socialist Village

  12. 1959~2001年保山市隆阳区降水时序特征初步分析

    Preliminary study on the serial characteristics of annual precipitation in Baoshan Longyang region

  13. 保山市林产业开发研究

    Study on Development of Forest Industry of Baoshan City

  14. 保山市隆阳区16所小学新课程改革调查报告

    Survey of Reform in New Curriculums in 16 Primary Schools in Long Yang District

  15. 保山市青少年民族团结教育现状调查报告

    A Survey of National Unity Education Among Juniors

  16. 1966~2007年保山市人体旋毛虫病疫情分析

    Analysis of the Epidemic of Trichinosis during the Period in Baoshan City from 1966 to 2007

  17. 保山市城市垃圾物相组成与处理

    Composition and Disposal of Urban Refuses

  18. 最后,将该算法运用到云南省保山市隆阳区的局部路网中。

    Finally , the algorithm is applied to the local road network of Longyang District , Baoshan City , Yunnan Province .

  19. 火葬俗称“火化”或“熟葬”,是一种最古老、流传范围较广泛的一种葬法。自80年代以来,在保山市域范围内发现了多处火葬墓群。

    Cremation tombs , which were an old and widely used way to bury the dead , were found in Baoshan in1980s .

  20. 本文以保山市隆阳区杨柳彝族白族乡实地调查的91块云南松林样地数据研究了林分生长模型。

    Stand growth model was studied based on91 sample plots data collected in the Yangliu Township , Longyang District , Baoshan Prefecture .

  21. 云南省保山市和顺镇以规划为龙头在保护框架内开发旅游资源

    Bao Shan City and Shun Gu Town of Yunnan Province : Giving Planning the Leading Role to reasonably develop and preserve tourism resources

  22. 云南省保山市隆阳区位于云贵高原,是我国西南部对外开放的门户。

    Longyang district of Baoshan City , Yunnan province is located on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau , the southwest open-door to the outside world of China .

  23. 介绍了保山市水源水质情况,分析了主要污染源及水环境问题,提出了环保对策与措施。

    This article introduces the situation of water quality at sources , analyzes the major pollution sources and water environment issues , proposes countermeasures for environmental protection .

  24. 根据保山市饮水安全状况,对保山市饮用水水质存在的问题进行探讨,为安全、合理饮水提供帮助。

    According to the Baoshan city potable water security condition , this paper carries on the discussion of Baoshan city tap water quality to offer help for safe and health water .

  25. 结构调整,是作为确保实现保山市未来五年发展目标的重大战略举措写入《规划纲要》的,做好产业结构调整这篇大文章,有利于保山市经济持续、高速、健康发展。

    Economy structure adjustment , which ensures the realization of future " Five-year Plan ", will benefit and guarantee Baoshan economy to develop in a sustainable , fast and health way .

  26. 通过对保山市林产业发展现状及其比较优势和制约因素的分析研究,提出了保山市林产业的发展方向和开发重点。

    Tendency and priority of development about forest industry of Baoshan city are proposed , based on analyzing and studying the current situation , comparative advantages and limitation of forest industry in Baoshan .

  27. 保山市广大科技人员8年来积累了一整套山葵育苗技术和大田栽培技术,通过该项技术推广,为广大冷凉山区种植业结构调整找到了又一条新路。

    During past 8 years , the whole techniques about raising of seedling and field cultivation have been set up by technicians , which provided a new way for the adjustment of crop production in cool mountain regions .

  28. 结果昌宁县首次发生人间流行性出血热2例,发病率0.57/10万,这是保山市所辖五县(区)首次人间病例报告。

    Results Two cases of human epidemic hemorrhagic fever were found for the first time in Changning Conty , its morbidity being 5.57/100000.This was the first report of human cases of the five counties ( distrits ) under Baoshan city .

  29. 本文针对云南省保山市昌宁县部分乡镇辖区内的被征地农民进行走访调查,发现当地被征地农民面临的问题,同时结合当地政府相关部门的调研采访,发现现行制度中存在的问题。

    Some villages and towns within the jurisdiction of the landless farmers investigations , found that local land acquisition problems faced by farmers , combined with the relevant departments of local government research interviews , found that the problems in the existing system .