
  • 网络the right of integrity
  1. 保护作品完整权的重构&对我国著作权法相关条款的质疑

    Reconstruction of the Right of Integrity of Copyrighted Works

  2. (四)保护作品完整权,即保护作品不受歪曲、篡改的权利;

    The right of integrity , that is , the right to protect one 's work against distortion and mutilation ;

  3. 精神权利研究&以署名权和保护作品完整权为主轴

    Research Into the Spiritual Right & Focus on the Right of Signature of Author and the Right of Integration of Work

  4. 作者的署名权,修改权,保护作品完整权的保护期不受限制。

    The term of protection of the rights of authorship , alteration , and integrity of an author shall be unlimited .

  5. 作为著作权重要的精神权利之一,保护作品完整权一直都是学术界争论的热点。

    As one of the most important personality rights , the right of integrity has always been the focus of the argument in academic world .

  6. 最后着重阐述了对建筑作品作者修改权和保护作品完整权的合理限制和反限制规则。

    Chapter Two finally focuses its attention on the reasonable restriction and counter-restriction rules in the revision right and integrity protection right of architectural works .

  7. 实际上日本著作权法规定的同一性保持权涵盖了我国著作权法中的修改权和保护作品完整权。

    In fact the right to maintain identify of the Japanese Copyright Act include the right to amend and the right to keep the integrity .

  8. 运用经济学上的效益&成本理论对精神权利中的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权、发表权、收回权分别论述,论证上述权利是有效益的。

    At last the benefit & cost theory in the economic is employed to make respective analysis on the rights of paternity , modification , integrity , publication and recall to reach a conclusion that the above rights are effective .

  9. 本文第二章首先集中讨论了涉及建筑作品署名权、作者身份公开权、发表权、修改权和保护作品完整权等著作人身权的行使和限制中的特殊问题。

    Chapter Two of the thesis first focuses the discussion on the special problems in practicing and restricting the moral rights of architectural works , which includes authorship right of architectural works , personal identity disclosure right , the right of publication and the right of revision .

  10. 建筑作品的作者对其人身权具体如何行使发表权、署名权、修改和保护作品完整权,都是完善建筑作品人身权立法中应予以考虑的。

    It should be taken into consideration in the future legislation how the author of architectural works , in terms of moral rights , to exercise his rights of publication , signature , modification , and the right of protection of the integrity of the architectural works .