
  • 网络insurance statistics;actuarial
  1. 本文以保险统计数学的发展历史为背景,依层次地论述了寿险系统研究的三类数学模型:(1)古典确定性模型;(2)风险性模型;

    Based on the historical development of actuarial mathematics , this paper gives a survey of the follow-ing three mathematical models in the researches for life insurance system : ( a ) the classical deterministic mod-el , ( b ) the risk model , ( c ) the probabilistic model .

  2. 第二章研究中国保险统计的现状。

    Chapter II : Research the current status of insurance statistics .

  3. 保险统计数据表明,大部分的妻子比丈夫长寿。

    Insurance statistics show that most wives survive their husbands .

  4. 表现在:现行保险统计模式落后;

    For instance , insurance statistics model is old-fashioned ;

  5. 第四,完善充实保险统计指标。

    Fourthly , we should improve insurance statistics index .

  6. 其次,要加强保险统计分析研究。

    Secondly , we should make more effort in the study of insurance statistics analysis .

  7. 试论社会保险统计指标的预测分析

    Forecast with the Social Insurance Statistical Indicators

  8. 保险统计长期没有建立统计预警指标体系,对保险企业内外监督不力;

    No alert system is established and inspection to insurance enterprises is not well done .

  9. 中国保险统计问题研究

    A Study about Chinese Insurance Statistics

  10. 谈社会保险统计

    On Statistics of Social Insurance

  11. 保险统计是一门研究保险经营活动过程中的数量方面及其影响数量变化因素的科学。

    Insurance statistics is a science that studies quantity and the factors influencing it in the insurance operation .

  12. 这就要求保险统计必须按照市场经济的要求,建立一个与之相适应的保险统计模式。

    Accordingly an updated insurance statistics model is to be established to meet the requirements of market economy .

  13. 如何做好医疗保险统计工作

    On Medical Insurance Statistics

  14. 保险统计人员必须提高自身素质尤其是对事物的敏锐洞察力,善于捕捉各种信息,为保险企业经营发展服务。

    Insurance statistics employee should improve their own capabilities and abilities of in-sight , catching all sorts of information to serve their companies .

  15. 二是通过对06年、07年预测数据和养老保险统计年报数据的对比证实模型的合理性。

    Second , through the 06 , 07 forecast data and endowment insurance Annual Report Comparative data to confirm the reasonableness of the model .

  16. 以此为基础,文章建立了森林灾害和保险统计数据收集体系,系统地介绍不同阶段、不同指标的具体数据收集方式。

    On this basis , the paper established the relevant data collection system , different stages and indicators should use different methods of data collection .

  17. 然后,文章运用德尔菲法对初建的指标体系进行完善,并利用获取的数据对指标和指标体系进行基本检测,最终确定较为完善的森林灾害和保险统计指标体系。

    Then , the paper used the Delphi method to improve the statistical indicators system , and determined the final forest disaster and insurance statistical indicators systems .

  18. 根据自身工作实际,分析了长治市医疗保险统计工作的现状,对进一步加强工作提出了几点建议。

    According to the writer 's work practice , the article analyses the present situation of medical insurance statistics and puts forward some suggestions on further strengthening this work .

  19. 笔者一是利用山东省06年的养老保险统计年报数据,对比新老政策下我省城镇职工养老保险待遇的变化和基金收支情况。

    First , the author uses the data in annual report of 2006 to Contrast the pension under the old and new policies for urban workers in the treatment of old-age insurance and fund balance of payments situation .

  20. 以偿付能力为核心指标的保险监管统计信息系统探讨

    Index ; An Approach to the Informational System of Insurance Control Statistics Focused on the Ability of Insurance Indemnity

  21. 就本保险业务统计数字之用途而言,指根据《保险公司条例》只获授权经营再保险业务的保险公司。

    In relation to its use in this Insurance Business Statistics , means an insurer which is authorized under the Insurance Companies Ordinance to carry on reinsurance business only .

  22. 为了充分利用保险企业的统计数据,指导公司的业务发展和决策支持,该文提出了一种基于数据仓库、在线分析处理及数据挖掘的保险企业管理系统解决方案。

    Brings forward a solution for insurance enterprise management system based on data warehouse , online analytical processing and data mining technologies . The intention is to utilize the statistic data from insurance enterprise sufficiently and instruct the operation development and decision support of the company .

  23. 居民购买保险态度问卷调查统计分析

    Statistic Analysis of Questionnaire of Residents ' Attitude Towards Insurance

  24. 我国保险业经营效率统计研究

    Statistical Researching of the Performance Efficiency of Insurance Industry in Our Country

  25. 农村医疗保险前后住院费用统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Hospitalization Expense around the Medicare

  26. 养老保险统筹费率的统计研究

    Statistical Research on Overall Cost Rate of Accumulation Found

  27. 基于数据仓库的社会保险业务信息查询统计系统分析

    An analysis of the social Insurance consultative and statistical system based on DW

  28. 第一章研究保险经济及保险统计的功能、地位、作用。

    Chapter I : Research the function , position , effect of insurance economy and insurance statistics .

  29. 然而,目前保险行业总部数据统计方式容易造成差错,甚至导致应用服务器崩溃。

    However , the current statistical methods of the insurance industry headquarters prone to errors easily , and even leades to the application server crash .