
  • 网络Game Developer;Video game developer
  1. 游戏开发者可以踩在盛大的肩膀上,共同造就世界级的不朽之作。

    Game developer can walk on royal shoulder , bring up class jointly make immortally .

  2. 他是JunctionPoint的创意总监,是迪士尼的游戏开发者,也是《传奇米老鼠》的制作人。

    He ` s the creative director of Junction Point , a Disney-owned game developer that came up with Epic Mickey .

  3. 这种技术通常是游戏开发者使用,以及做电影的3D工作室使用。

    That 's commonly used by game developers and3D studio that make movies of it .

  4. 韩国经济研究所(KoreaEconomicResearchInstitute)数据显示,从2009年到2014年,韩国国内游戏开发者人数下降30%,至1.4万人,同时不断亏损的中型企业被迫进行裁员。

    The number of local game developers fell 30per cent to 14000 between 2009 and 2014 , according to Korea Economic ResearchInstitute , while midsized lossmaking companies have slashed their workforces .

  5. 国际游戏开发者协会(InternationalGameDevelopersAssociation,简称IGDA)是全球顶级的行业活动组织者之一,通过本地、全国性和全球性活动把来自各个地区的游戏开发商联合在一起。

    The International Game Developers Association ( IGDA ) is one of the leading global entities that unites game makers from every region through localized , national and global activities .

  6. 游戏开发者可以直接在iPad上创建和展示游戏,Codify具有代码自动完成和简洁的编辑器。

    Games can be created and demonstrated on the iPad , with auto-completion and tight editing .

  7. 美国动视(Activision)在上周于旧金山举办的一年一度的游戏开发者大会(GameDeveloper'sConference)上展示了他们的最新技术成果。

    Activision ( ATVI ) is showing off new technology at the annual Game Developer 's Conference , taking place in San Francisco this week .

  8. 他们一直帮我们与游戏开发者开展合作,还帮着优化我们在谷歌开发者大会(GoogleIO)发布的开发者样机的图像性能。

    They have helped us work with game developers , as well as optimize graphics performance on the developer devices we gave away at Google IO .

  9. 游戏开发者将这个新角色“SparkofMadness”描述为一名“杀人医生”,而他的外表则酷似一个机械人。

    The game developer described the new character , Spark of Madness , as " a killer doctor , " and his appearance resembles an electric humanoid .

  10. 今年秋季,随着谷歌携其安卓电视(AndroidTV)挺进这一领域,游戏开发者们将能够创造跨平台的游戏体验,从而与传统游戏机厂商开始更直接地交锋。

    With Google 's GOOG - 1.04 % entry into this space this fall with Android TV , game developers will be able to create cross-platform experiences that will begin to compete more directly with the traditional console manufacturers .

  11. 阮哈东说自己是一个非常热情的独立游戏开发者,他在推特上也表示自己不会出售flappybird,但以后还会继续做游戏。

    Mr Nguyen , who describes himself as a passionate indie game maker , also said on the micro-blogging site that he will not sell Flappy Bird but that he will still make games .

  12. 阮哈东说自己是一个“非常热情的独立游戏开发者”,他在推特上也表示自己不会出售FlappyBird,但以后还会继续做游戏。

    Mr Nguyen , who describes himself as a " passionate indie game maker , " also said on the micro-blogging site that he will not sell Flappy Bird but that he will still make games .

  13. 我们需要ESL,WCG和ESWC,需要理解电子竞技的游戏开发者,并且有志于帮助电子竞技的发展,说服他人,培养他们。

    We need the ESL , WCG and ESWC to work with game developers who know of esports and are willing to help , and to convince others and educate them .

  14. 他抱怨称,中小游戏开发者的经营受到严重影响。

    He complained small developers would be driven out of business .

  15. 我们生活的现实世界,游戏开发者们开始意识到

    the real world we live in , that game developers realize

  16. 但是如果你去参加一个游戏开发者大会

    But if you were to go to a game developers conference ,

  17. 她还是游戏开发者大会之本地化峰会的主办方之一。

    She co-organized the Game Developer Conference 's Localization Summit .

  18. 在打造安卓电视时,你们和游戏开发者们到底是如何合作的?

    How have you worked with actual game developers in creating Android TV ?

  19. 我想游戏开发者会十分喜欢这种方法的。

    I think game developers are going to be pretty happy with this approach .

  20. 安卓为游戏开发者、尤其是那些小团队开放了哪些机会?

    What opportunities has Android opened up for game developers , especially smaller teams ?

  21. 各出展公司以及游戏开发者门分分向东日本大地震捐出了自己的爱心。

    The exhibit companies and game developers gate sub-divided east Japan earthquake donated his love .

  22. 我不认为游戏开发者为安卓系统开发新游戏时会受到任何限制。

    I don 't see any limit to what game developers can bring to Android .

  23. 公司:国际游戏开发者协会

    Company : International Game Developers Association

  24. 无论如何,游戏开发者还是需要编写他们的程序来防止恶意的分数文件。

    Game developers still need to write their programs to protect against malicious score files , however .

  25. 目前安卓平台的游戏开发者面临的主要挑战之一是不同设备的数量问题。

    One of the current challenges facing game developers on Android is the sheer number of different devices .

  26. 身为《纪念碑谷》的首席设计师,王友健认为,游戏开发者应该真诚地对待自己的游戏。

    Ken Wong , the lead designer of the game , believes developers should be true to their games .

  27. 几乎一年以前我们就开始遴选游戏开发者了,并向密切合作伙伴透露了自己的计划。

    We started reaching out to select game developers almost a year ago and disclosed our plans with close partners .

  28. 后来佩尔松从JAlbum辞职,跟同为游戏开发者的波尔塞一起创办了一家独立的游戏制作公司。

    Eventually Mr Persson quit JAlbum to found an independent games studio with Mr Porser , a fellow game developer .

  29. 作为最优秀的游戏开发者,你应当知道这个产业的实际需求。

    Being the best developer you can be requires that you have intimate knowledge about the real demands of the industry .

  30. 为了提高游戏开发者们的效率和游戏引擎的高隐藏性,本文设计和实现了游戏引擎的场景接口。

    Secondly , the scence interface has been designed to make the game developping easier and make the engine more hider .