
  • 网络protection level;Protect Grade;IP Code
  1. 使用JRuby和经过编译的Ruby源码也许能得到很高的保护等级。

    Using JRuby and compiled Ruby sources may produce a very good level of protection .

  2. 该类变送器具有防震的不锈钢外罩,外罩达到IP65保护等级。

    These transmitters have a robust vibration-proof stainless steel sheath with IP65 protection class .

  3. 随着PKI的逐步发展,对PKI进行评估变得越来越重要,安全保护等级评估是PKI评估的一个重要方面。

    Combined with analytic hierarchy process , linear weighted assessment , this paper provides an assessment method of PKI security assurance level .

  4. 最后,详细论述了规划在以下6个方面所做的探索:资源保护等级光谱(CDS)、三层次协同规划体系,管理政策分区规划、分区规划图则、解说规划以及社区规划。

    Five characters of the plan are summarized , and detailed introduction of the explorations from the following six aspects : Conservation Degree Spectrum ( CDS ), three levels planning framework , management policy zoning , zoning code , interpretation plan , and community plan .

  5. 而在整个研究期内,一直都伴随着填充式扩展。(4)SLEUTH模型较好的模拟了在4种不同的保护等级情景下2006-2035年的城市增长和土地利用变化。

    The infill growth always happened through the whole study period from 1989 to 2005 . ( 4 ) SLEUTH model could well simulated the future urban growth and land use change under four different scenarios with different protection levels from 2006 to 2035 .

  6. 福建省滨海湿地生物多样性保护等级划分研究

    Study on Dividing Grades of Biodiversity Protection in Fujian Coastal Wetland

  7. 信息安全设计框架与安全保护等级划分

    Design Framework of Info Security & Security Protection Classifying

  8. 药用植物濒危与保护等级划分中的问题及其标准探讨

    Discussion on criterions of endanger and protection levels of traditional Chinese medicine herbs

  9. 他的人已经要求我们提高保护等级。

    His people have asked for extra protection .

  10. 由于策略方面的原因,命令保护等级被拒绝。

    Command protection level denied for policy reasons .

  11. 吉林省地方野生植物受威胁及优先保护等级评价方法的探讨

    An evaluation system for the threatened level and priority protection of wild plants in Jilin Province

  12. 对周边建筑物保护等级较高、基坑变形控制较严的工程尤为适宜。

    It is especially suitable for projects of high-grade protected surrounding buildings and strict deformation-control foundation pit .

  13. 介绍了最近公布的国家标准计算机信息系统安全保护等级划分准则(GB17859&1999)的主要内容。

    In this paper , the new country standard classified criteria for security protection of computer information system is introduced .

  14. 从物种濒危与保护等级划分的现状出发,对药用植物濒危与保护等级划分中存在的问题进行了分析。

    On the bases of present species endanger and protection levels , problems in the traditional Chinese medicine herbs are analyzed .

  15. 米德尔堡法院提高了去年实施的保护等级,置劳拉德克于儿童保护部门的监护之下。

    The court in Middelburg lifted a guardianship order imposed last year , which placed Laura Dekker under the care of child protection services .

  16. 此标准提出和规定了不同安全保护等级信息系统的最低保护要求,即基本安全要求。

    The standard raises the minimum standards of different level of security to protect information systems , that is , the basic safety requirements .

  17. 本文运用模糊数学中的隶属度来划分砖石结构建筑物保护等级,并对地表各种变形进行单项评判。

    In the paper , the grade of membership of fuzzy mathematics has been used to divide the protection category of brick - stone buildinges .

  18. 感谢这个项目,到1986年,阿拉伯羚羊的保护等级已经下降到“高危”,也就是这次最新等级前的一直保持的状态。

    Thanks to the program , the Arabian oryx was upgraded to " endangered " by1986 , a status the species held until this latest upgrade .

  19. 首先,将厂区建筑划分保护等级;在此基础上,对场地的特征深入分析。

    First , divide the protection level and the area of the buildings in factories . On this basis , analyze of the characteristics of the site deeply .

  20. 安全风险要适度,就必须正确选择系统的保护等级,而确定安全保护等级的基本方法是进行风险评估。

    The only way to realize this purpose is choosing correct protection class for the system , and risk assessment is the basic way to determine security protection class .

  21. 结果表明:在各种情景下,城市土地利用类型的面积均呈增长趋势,增量随着保护等级的提高而逐渐减少;

    Under the four land resources protection scenarios , the areas of different urban land use types all kept increasing , but the increments decreased with increasing protection degree .

  22. 他指控该行向客户撒谎,在其暗池提供的保障客户不受高频交易商损害的保护等级上误导客户。高频交易商寻求利用自己的速度优势获利。

    He accused the bank of lying to clients about the level of protection they would receive in its dark pool from high-frequency traders aiming to profit from their speed advantage .

  23. 根据本基坑的环境保护等级,建议在基坑东侧设置斜抛撑,而在基坑西侧可不设置斜抛撑。

    According to the environmental protection grade of the foundation pit , the inclined bracing is proposed to be set on the east side , and considered to be unnecessary on the west side .

  24. 在传输过程中,依据信道误码率和网络丢包率进行自适应的信源不同保护等级编码和网络拥塞控制策略。

    Then the source rate , protection level and congestion control strategy are dynamically adjusted according to different error status in which the packet loss is caused by network congestion or unreliable transmission in wireless channel .

  25. 然后通过对评价指标定量化和权分配一系列处理,并通过最初一、二层的综合评判,求得濒危度和保护等级,进而确定物种的濒危状态及其在省级和国家级的保护序次。

    And then , the risk size and the conservation grade in the province and throughout the country were calculated by the index quantification , weight allocation and initial 1 ~ 2 ladder Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation .

  26. 研究结论:完整的、正确的理解每一个安全保护等级的安全要求,并合理地确定目标系统的安全保护等级,是将安全等级保护合理地运用于信息安全风险评的重要前提。

    Research conclusions : Complete , correct understanding each safekeeping of security rank safe request , and reasonably sets a target the system safekeeping of security rank , is reasonably utilizes the security rank protection the important premise which comments to the information security risk .

  27. 基本安全要求包括基本技术要求和基本管理要求,本系统是从基本技术要求角度来实现安全保障的,从安全保护等级上来分,属于第三级安全保护等级。

    The basic safety requirements include the basic technical requirements and management of the basic requirements . The system achieves security on the side of the basic technical requirements . From the level of security , the system belongs to the tertiary level of security protection .

  28. 保护锁等级愈高,特定期间便愈长,反之则愈短。

    The higher the grade of the protection lock-the specific period is longer , and vice versa .

  29. 以NDM1小型断路器为样本,按照产品标准规定的寿命指标、设定的操作失效率和瞬动保护成功率等级,验证了产品的可靠性。

    Taking example for NDM1 MCB , the product reliability was validated according to endurance index set by standard , level of invalidation rate of operation and success rate of instantaneous protection .

  30. 我国重点保护野生动物等级划分标准的探讨

    Investigation of Standards for Class Division of Wildlife Specially Protected in China