
  • 网络Paul;Bao Loc;St. Paul;Paulus
  1. 稍后,在圣保罗曾向雅典基督徒宣道之处,若望·保禄再与Christodoulos会晤。

    Later John Paul and Christodoulos met on a spot where Saint Paul had once preached to Athenian Christians .

  2. 由圣伯多禄圣保禄堂区组织的团体已率先于八月一日出发。

    The first group from Saints Peter and Paul parish departed for Madrid yesterday .

  3. 282,你带几个弟兄去保禄客栈封锁现场。

    282 , get some boys to close the up PO Luk hostel .

  4. 此后,保禄就离开雅典,来到了格林多。

    After these things , departing from Athens , he came to Corinth .

  5. 教宗若望保禄二世,《信仰与理性》通谕1998。

    Pope John Paul II , Encyclical letter : Faith and Reason , 1998 .

  6. 澳门圣保禄学院是我国第一所西方式的高等学校。

    Macao ′ s Saint Paul University was the first Western-style university in China .

  7. 然而,这正是我们应该期望在一书信的圣保禄。

    That , however , is precisely what we should expect in an Epistle of St.

  8. 保禄在耶路撒冷时(18节)他见过谁?

    Q3 : When Paul went to Jerusalem ( v.18 ), who did he see ?

  9. 届时教宗若望保禄二世或将参加这次会议。

    At that time , the pontiff , Pope John Paul II may attend the meeting .

  10. 因天主的旨意作基督耶稣宗徒的保禄与弟茂德弟兄。

    Paul , apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God and Timothy our brother .

  11. 这是特别恳求否认保禄二世为榜样,提出了这一观点。

    It is special pleading to deny that Paul , for example , puts forward this view .

  12. 每逢安息日,保禄就在会堂里辩论,劝化犹太人和希腊人。

    Every sabbath he held discussions in the synagogue , trying to convince both Jews and Greeks .

  13. 它给了必要的资料转换圣保罗和他的使徒,并就形成的伟大教会的圣保禄写下书信。

    Paul and his apostolate , and also concerning the formation of the great Churches to which St.

  14. 圣保禄学院在中西文化交流中的作用及其对我国近代教育的影响

    The Role of Saint Paul College in the Sino-Western Cultural Exchange and its Influence on Chinese Modern Education

  15. 大卫:你是说教宗若望保禄的消息?我听说他病得很重。

    David : you mean about Pope John paul ? I 'd heard that he was very ill .

  16. 若望·保禄二世说,结束宗派分裂,是他最大的心愿之一。

    John Paul II stated that an end to the Great Schism was one of his fondest wishes .

  17. 因此圣保禄对我们说:「扩大你们的心胸!不要和不信的人共负一轭。」

    That is why we are told : Enlarge your desires , do not bear the yoke with unbelievers .

  18. 圣保禄学院的创办与入华耶稣会的活动

    On the Foundation of Saint Paul 's College of Macao and the Mission Activity of the Society of Jesus to China

  19. 若望·保禄二世又说,对君士坦丁堡的洗劫,是天主教徒的“深切悔恨”之源。

    John Paul II also said that the sacking of Constantinople was a source of " profound regret " for Catholics .

  20. 奉我们的救主天主,和作我们希望的基督耶稣的命,作基督耶稣宗徒的保禄。

    From Paul , apostle of Christ Jesus by a command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope .

  21. 这是自9年前教宗若望保禄二世后的首次宗教访问。

    It is the first trip to the region since Pope John Paul II made a similar some nine years ago .

  22. 莉贝卡:这麽多人,都是要向盛装躺卧著供人瞻仰的教宗若望保禄致敬告别的。

    Rebecca : So many , all want to pay their final respects at the lying in state of Pope John Paul .

  23. 保禄和巴尔纳伯却留在安提约基雅施教,同别的许多人宣讲主的道理。

    And Paul and Barnabas continued at Antioch , teaching and preaching , with many others , the word of the Lord .

  24. 第一张摄于2005年,画面中是人头攒动的梵蒂冈教廷广场,人们在教皇若望·保禄二世的葬礼上举行悼念活动。

    The first , taken in 2005 , depicts a crowd gathered at the Vatican for Pope John Paul II 's funeral .

  25. 我们进了罗马,保禄获准与看守他的士兵独居一处。

    And when we were come to Rome , Paul was suffered to dwell by himself , with a soldier that kept him .

  26. 犹太人一看见这麽众多的人,就满心嫉妒,反对保禄所讲的,且加以辱骂。

    And the Jews seeing the multitudes , were filled with envy , and contradicted those things which were said by Paul , blaspheming .

  27. 这将是最荒谬的约束下降至一个狭窄的一套词汇和作家这样的智慧的活力和文学的多功能性作为圣保禄。

    It would be most absurd to bind down to a narrow and set vocabulary a writer of such intellectual vigour and literary versatility as St.

  28. 据报道,这道题目是越南保禄地区小学三年级的数学题。

    According to the VN Express , it was set as a problem for third graders in the town of Bao Loc in the Vietnamese highlands .

  29. 在I提摩太3时15分,圣保禄说的是“内务上帝,这是教会的活着的上帝,支柱产业和地面的真相”;

    Paul speaks of " the house of God , which is the church of the living God , the pillar and ground of the truth ";

  30. 教皇若望保禄二世表示,相比在西方资本主义国家,宗教在无神论的东方更受欢迎&至少在波兰是很受欢迎的。

    Pope John Paul II demonstrated that religion was even more popular in the atheist East or at least in Poland than in the capitalist West .