
  1. 论保险资产管理公司法律规制

    On Legal Supervision on Management Company of Insurance Assets

  2. 设有专业的资金运用部门或者相关的保险资产管理公司;

    It has a specialized fund use department or a relevant insurance asset management company ;

  3. 随着保险资产管理公司的相继成立和保险资金的集中专业化管理,保险业投资管理水平显著提高。

    With the foundation of the insurance management company and professional investment of insurance money , the level of investment management rises remarkable .

  4. 第三十九条保险资产管理公司外汇资金境外运用参照本办法执行。

    Article 39 These Measures shall also , mutatis mutandis , apply to overseas use of foreign exchange funds by an insurance asset management company .

  5. 保险资产管理公司独特的资本结构和组织形式决定了正确处理大股东关系是优化其治理机制的核心内容。

    The unique capital structure and form or organization of insurance asset management companies make proper relationship with major shareholders a key component of their governance mechanism .

  6. 许多退休基金,保险公司及资产管理公司都想避免因持有大量可抵押的安全资产而导致的收益下降。

    Many pension schemes , insurers and asset managers balk at the drag on returns associated with holding lots of safe assets to post as collateral .

  7. 对银行资本进行大规模内部纾困也可能导致金融体系中的其他部门出现问题,比如持有被转换为股权的债券的保险公司和资产管理公司。

    A mass bail-in of bank capital could also create distress in other parts of the financial system , among insurers and asset managers holding bonds that are swapped into equity .

  8. 与此同时,中国的券商、保险公司和资产管理公司都希望在境外构建自己的能力,这加大了对双语分析师和具有国际经验的银行家的需求。

    Meanwhile , Chinese brokerages , insurers and asset managers are looking to build their capabilities outside the mainland , creating an extra source of demand for bilingual analysts and bankers with international experience .

  9. 美欧几家金融机构已悉数出售它们在亚洲金融公司包括上市及未上市的银行、保险公司和资产管理公司的股权。目前亚洲地区的投行家正热烈讨论今年出现新的类似交易的可能性。

    Several US and European financial institutions have sold out of listed and unlisted banks , insurers and asset management businesses in Asia , and investment bankers in the region are talking up the likelihood of fresh sales this year .

  10. 二是从组织形式看有能力的保险公司应成立资产管理公司进行专业化运作。

    ( b ) the able insurance companies should establish asset management company to operate professionally ;

  11. 能够确保保险公司和保险资产管理公司管理资产的安全、完整;

    They can guarantee safety and integrity in the asset management of insurance companies and insurance asset management companies .

  12. 因此,保险、证券和资产管理公司现在拥有了一些新的商业机会,而这些业务以前只有银行能做。

    So insurers , securities and asset-management firms now have business opportunities , which were only available to lenders before .

  13. 与境外托管代理人共同监督保险公司、保险资产管理公司、境外受托人的境外投资运作;

    Supervising the overseas investment operation of insurance companies , insurance asset management companies and overseas trustees jointly with overseas escrow agents ;

  14. 发现保险公司、保险资产管理公司或者境外受托人投资指令违法、违规的,及时通知保险公司;

    Timely informing an insurance company after finding illegal and regulation-violating investment instructions of the insurance company , its relevant insurance asset management company or its overseas trustee ;

  15. 随着我国经济发展不断深入,经济政策对证券市场的不断支持,包括投资基金、证券公司、保险公司、银行资产管理公司以及众多的个人投资者等等,都源源不断地参与股票市场的投资。

    With continuously economic development of our country , and more supports on securities market put forward by financial policy , large quantity of investors such as investment funds , securities company , insurance company , property management company of bank and individual investor are continually flooding into stock marketing .

  16. 但是,保险资金要健康入市,并取得丰厚的回报,其前提是必须建立独立于保险业务的保险资产管理公司,按照投资管理的专业标准管理保险公司的投资业务。

    However , a healthy entry into capital market of insurance fund with a sound return is under the condition that insurance assets management companies which are independent of insurance business must be established and investment operation for insurance companies must be run according to standardized and specialized investment management .