
  1. 我国财产保险公司分支机构偿付能力监管研究

    China 's Property Insurance Company Branch Office Reimburses Ability Supervision Research

  2. 保险公司分支机构治理存在的问题及改进建议

    The Problems and Proposals for Corporate Governance of the Insurance Company Branches and Sub-branches

  3. 保险公司分支机构不得从事外汇资金的境外运用业务。

    Branches of an insurance company shall not be engaged in overseas use of foreign exchange funds .

  4. 保险公司分支机构不具有法人资格,其民事责任由保险公司承担。

    The subsidiaries of an insurance company do not enjoy the status of legal persons , whose civil liabilities shall be borne by the head office .

  5. 经核准开业的保险公司分支机构,应当持核准文件及保险许可证,向工商行政治理部门办理登记注册手续,领取营业执照后方可营业。

    The insurance company branch of approved practice , ought to hold approve file and insurance license , to industrial and commercial administration the branch deals with registration book formalities , receive business patent rear can do business .

  6. 保险公估公司分支机构发展思路

    Reflection on Branch Deployment of Insurance Surveyors and Loss Adjusters Company

  7. 另外,少数民族地区保险公司的分支机构普遍过少也是不容忽视的问题。

    In addition , we cannot ignore the situation that insurance company branches in the minority regions are not enough .

  8. 境内保险公司的分支机构不得办理境外再保险分出业务项下购汇手续。

    Branches of domestic insurance companies may not go through the formalities for purchase and payment of foreign exchange under overseas reinsurance ceding .

  9. 保险公司及其分支机构不得委托注册地以外的保险兼业代理机构开展异地业务。

    No insurance company or any of its branches may entrust any part-time insurance agency institution located outside the place of their registration to carry out business in different places .

  10. 保险公司各部门和分支机构对其职责范围内的合规管理负有直接和第一位的责任。

    The departments and branch offices of an insurance company shall , within their respective scope of functions and duties , assume direct and primary responsibility for compliance management .

  11. 今后还将适当增加外国银行和保险公司在中国的分支机构,同时还准备扩大外国银行办理人民币业务的试点。

    Henceforth , the number of branch institutions of foreign banks and insurance companies in China would also suitably increase , and at the same time would also prepare to expand experimentation of foreign banks handling RMB business .

  12. 本规定所称保险机构,是指保险公司总公司及其分支机构。

    The " insurance institutions " as mentioned in these Provisions refers to the headquarters and the branch institutions of insurance companies .

  13. 其他的境内保险公司(包括上述保险公司在境内的分支机构)不得从事外汇拆借活动。

    Other domestic insurance companies ( including the branches of the above said insurance companies ) are prohibited from engaging in interbank foreign exchange borrowing ( lending ) activities .

  14. DFA方法在保险公司偿付能力评估中的应用我国财产保险公司分支机构偿付能力监管研究

    DFA Approach for Insurer s Solvency Assessment ; China 's Property Insurance Company Branch Office Reimburses Ability Supervision Research