
xìn hào
  • signal;cue;semaphore;gun
信号 [xìn hào]
  • (1) [signal]

  • (2) 经商定作为采取一致行动的时刻的暗号

  • (3) 一种可以觉察的物理量或脉冲(如电压、电流、磁场强度等),通过它们能传达消息或信息

  • (4) 用电报、电话、无线电、雷达或电视传达的情报、信息、声音或形象

信号[xìn hào]
  1. 传感器沿光导纤维输送光信号。

    A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre .

  2. 胸部疼痛可能是心脏病的报警信号。

    Chest pains can be a warning signal of heart problems .

  3. 减刑会向犯罪分子发出错误的信号。

    Reducing prison sentences would send the wrong signals to criminals .

  4. 你要朝哪个方向转,必须发出信号。

    You must signal which way you are going to turn .

  5. 交通信号灯由中心计算机控制。

    The traffic lights are controlled by a central computer .

  6. 她给信号后把车开进了慢车道。

    She signalled and pulled over into the slow lane .

  7. 所有重要的交叉路口都安装了交通信号灯。

    Traffic lights have been placed at all major intersections .

  8. 收到约定的信号后,他们离开了房间。

    At an agreed signal they left the room .

  9. 向宇宙飞船发出了无线电信号。

    A radio signal was sent to the spacecraft .

  10. 响亮的喇叭声是国王驾到的信号。

    A fanfare signalled the entrance of the king .

  11. 她给我们看了一个奇怪的玩意儿,样子像碟形卫星信号接收器。

    She showed us a strange contraption that looked like a satellite dish .

  12. 红绿灯信号不协调。

    The traffic lights were out of phase .

  13. 我一发信号,你就跑!

    When I give the signal , run !

  14. 他打出的是左转信号,然后却向右转了。

    He indicated left and then turned right .

  15. 这艘船点起了遇险信号以引起海岸警卫队的注意。

    The ship sent up distress flares to attract the attention of the coastguard .

  16. 在第一个交通信号灯处向左拐。

    Turn left at the first robot .

  17. 在交通信号灯处向左拐。

    Turn left at the traffic lights .

  18. 等我发出信号后再开枪。

    Don 't fire until I signal .

  19. “那男孩在哪里?”西蒙像是接到了信号一样刚好出现在门口。

    ' Where is that boy ? ' As if on cue , Simon appeared in the doorway .

  20. 库尔德领导人将这次访问视作一种表示支持的重要信号。

    Kurdish leaders saw the visit as an important signal of support

  21. 他们被指故意干扰信号传输。

    They have been accused of deliberately causing interference to transmissions .

  22. 发射台会自动将信号发射到地方基站。

    The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station

  23. 我们忽视有关自身健康的种种预警信号。

    We overlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health .

  24. 声音信号可以通过电缆传送而不失真。

    Audio signals can be transmitted along cables without distortion .

  25. 该设备不是为向卫星发送信号而设计的。

    The device is not designed to transmit to satellites .

  26. 天一黑,埃文斯夫人就发出了信号。

    As soon as it was dark , Mrs Evans gave the signal

  27. 编码信号由碟形卫星天线接收。

    The coded signal is received by satellite dish aerials .

  28. 大约6万用户拥有特殊的适配器来接收和转换信号。

    About 60,000 subscribers have special adapters to receive and decode the signals .

  29. 非正常的出血是你的身体发出的危险信号。

    The abnormal bleeding is your body 's own red flag of danger .

  30. 信号会被转变为数字代码。

    The signal will be converted into digital code .