
  • 网络Complexity Theory;complex theory
  1. 基于复杂理论的企业知识创新驱动力的机理研究

    Study on Mechanism of Driving Forces of Enterprise Knowledge Innovation Based on Complexity Theory

  2. 根据行为复杂理论,虚拟团队的领导者需要担当一系列复杂多样的领导角色。

    Based on behavioral complexity theory , leader of virtual team have to display a set of various leadership roles .

  3. 基于复杂理论的配送系统适应能力研究

    Research on the Adaptability of Distribution System Based on the Complex Theory

  4. 基于复杂理论的MoSoSo系统中路由关键问题研究

    The Research of Routing Key Problem for Mobile Social Software System Based on Complex Networks Theory

  5. 其他人列出了大量公式来支持相关复杂理论,其中涉及到群体成员资格所带来的社会效益。

    Others produce reams of equations to back up complicated theories involving the social benefits of group membership .

  6. 复杂性思想与课程创生的结合有助于加强复杂理论的应用性研究和拓宽课程创生的理论视野,对于我国课程的变革、发展及实施具有重要的学术意义和实践价值。

    Combination between complexity and curriculum enactment helps to strength study on application of complexity theory , and broaden theoretical horizon of curriculum enactment .

  7. 最后,依据复杂理论建立了创新系统的结构框架,并指出了进一步研究的方向。

    In the end , according as complexity theory the framework of innovation system is established and the direction of more research is pointed out .

  8. 新兴学科代谢组学的出现,给中医药复杂理论体系的研究、中医药现代化提供了强有力的研究手段。

    Metabonomics , a new and rapid-developing technology , will be powerful means to the research of complexed theory system and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) .

  9. 这是一种与外来的复杂理论完全不同的深度,它植根于我们民族传统文化,继承了我国古代写作教学经验,对于今天的作文教学,仍具有研究价值。

    It is a complex and alien " theory " which is completely different depths , rooted in our traditional culture , inheriting the ancient Chinese writing teaching experience .

  10. 本文以深圳股票市场成分指数为样本数据,研究这一类企业或与企业相关的时序性经济数据的处理、分析和预测方法。研究的依据是一般时序性数据分析理论和非线性复杂理论。

    Component stock index of Shenzhen stock market is taken as sample and the practical analysis is based on the theories of time series analysis and nonlinear complicated system .

  11. 考克斯凭借他的大男孩的帅气,欢快的语调,以及用简单推类来阐述复杂理论的技巧赢得大批粉丝。

    Mr Cox has secured a large fan base with his boyish good looks , his happy turns of phrase and his knack for presenting complex ideas using simple analogies .

  12. 最后对复杂性理论在城市系统研究中的应用进行了概括与总结。在对复杂性理论归类的基础上,比较了中外复杂理论和方法的异同。

    The applications of complexity theory to urban system are summarized . Based on the classifying of complexity theory , the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign countries ' are compared .

  13. 但是,复杂理论指导下的研究建立了因果模型,说明性格与英语水平并没有直接的因果关系而是通过学习策略和学习风间接的影响英语学习水平。

    In addition , the CT-led research integrated a Causal Model which indicated that personality was not a direct determinant of English proficiency , but an indirect cause of proficiency through two causal links , learning strategies and learning style .

  14. 比起最复杂的理论,大众心理学更接近那些显而易见的事实。

    Folk psychology comes closer to the obvious truth than the most sophisticated theories .

  15. 从复杂度理论角度出发,讨论了如何用量子搜索算法加速背包问题等NP完全问题的求解。

    How to use Grover 's quantum searching algorithm to speed up the knapsack problem was talked about based on computational complexity theory .

  16. 在2008年,Larsen-Freeman与Cameron出版的专著ComplexSystemsandAppliedLinguistics率先将复杂系统理论应用到二语习得领域。

    The monograph " Complex Systems and Applied Linguistics " published in2008 ; Larsen-Freeman and Cameron are the first people who apply the Complex Adaptive System into the Second Language Acquisition field .

  17. 按照复杂适应性理论(CAS),采用动态管理的方法对建立的模型进行了分析,开发出基于工作流的具有普遍适应性的电子公文流转处理系统。

    A model of government-document-moving was built according as a material and representative sending-file moving , analyzed using the Complex Adaptability System ( CAS ) and dynamic management method .

  18. 利用复杂网络理论,将TimetoLive(TTL)的概念引入到物理层中,研究物理层网络的拓扑结构对应用层的P2P网络的资源利用率的影响。

    Using complex network theory and introducing the concept of time-to-live ( TTL ) to the physical layer , this paper studies the influence of the physical network topology structure on the P2P network resource utilization of the application layer .

  19. 根据两类因素的特点,本文提出未来研究理论、复杂系统理论和路径依赖理论是能够指导SEA预测分析的理论基础,它们对SEA中所采用的技术方法提出了具体的要求。

    According to characteristics of these two types of factors , this thesis proposes that theories of futures study , complex system and path dependence can be regarded as fundament for prediction in SEA . The requirements for SEA prediction techniques and methods are concluded from these three theories .

  20. 基于复杂系统理论的域间路由系统演化模型CMV-HOT

    CMV-HOT : An Evolution Model of Inter-Domain Routing System Based on the Complex System Theory

  21. 受R.Feynman,D.Deutsch等人工作的启示,我们形式地建立了物理可计算理论以及相应的物理复杂度理论。

    Inspired by the work of R.Feynman , D.Deutsch , We formally propose the theory of physical computation and accordingly , the physical complexity theory .

  22. 实验结果表明,与HT算法相比本章所提出的算法在影响扩散范围方面有着明显的优势,且在时间效率方面要好于HT算法。最后,本文利用复杂网络理论研究网络结构演化问题。

    The results show that , compared with HT algorithm the size of influence spread of our algorithm has an obvious advantage , and time efficiency is better than the HT algorithm . Finally , we try to analyze the features of structure evolution of the network by complex networks .

  23. 目前国际上在复杂系统理论的背景下,利用地理元胞自动机(Geo-CA)模型模拟地理时空过程的复杂行为是地理建模的前沿地带。

    Under the background of the complex systems theory in the world at present , it is the frontier area of geographic modeling that using Geographic Cellular Automata model to simulate geographic space-time course .

  24. 基于复杂网络理论的电力通信网脆弱性分析

    Vulnerability analysis on power communication network based on complex network theory

  25. 复杂网络理论与城市交通系统复杂性问题的相关研究

    Research on Problems Related to Complex Networks and Urban Traffic Systems

  26. 复杂网络理论是复杂性科学理论的重要前沿分支之一。

    Complex network is an important branch of science of complexity .

  27. 复杂系统理论涉及诸多领域。

    Complex systems theory involves quite a lot of fields .

  28. 从复杂系统理论视角看人工生命的发展

    The Emergence of Artificial Life Viewed from the Theory of Complex Systems

  29. 将复杂系统理论应用到农业风险管理中。

    The complex theory is applied to the management of agricultural risk .

  30. 基于复杂系统理论的电网连锁故障研究

    Research on power system cascading failure with complex system theory