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jiǎn yuē
  • economical;thrifty;frugal;sparing
俭约 [jiǎn yuē]
  • [economical] 俭省节约

  • 刻苦俭约

俭约[jiǎn yuē]
  1. 同时倡导薄葬和俭约之风,并身体力行。

    At the same time , he advocate a thin buried and frugal of the wind , and personally .

  2. 说到礼,与其奢华浪费,不如俭约些好。

    Speaking of propriety , it is better to be frugal than extravagant .

  3. 对687份问卷进行探索性因子分析,根据俭约的原则和因子分析的具体结果对条目进行简化,对问卷结构进行探索;

    The formal questionnaire was established by exploratory factor analysis and the reliability and the validity of the questionnaire were examined .

  4. 俭约性方法中主要分为三类:数据转换方法、距离叠加树方法和频率空间重建系统发育的方法。

    Parsimonious methods were composed by the three groups i. e data transformation , additive tree and reconstruction of phylogenetic of phylogeny in frequency space .

  5. 布朗、奥巴马两位夫人都因为“俭约的本国风格”受到《英国卫报》的大力赞赏,认为此举能促进时尚工业的发展。

    Britain 's Guardian newspaper gave both Brown and Obama points for their " homegrown style on a budget " that would be a boost for the fashion industry .

  6. 历览前贤家与国,成由勤俭败由奢。说到礼,与其奢华浪费,不如俭约些好。

    To see all the nation and family of past , The extravagance causes failure and success comes from thrift . Speaking of propriety , it is better to be frugal than extravagant .

  7. 这种转型是在传统的“出世”思想向“入世”思想转变的基础上,通过职分观、义利合一观和俭约论等观念的组合确立起来的。

    This transformation was made possible by the change of thinking mode from an escapist one to a worldly one , by the division of office and by the combination of justice and interest .
