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  1. “路菜”应便于携带,而且放上两三个月也不会坏。

    Travel-ready dishes should be easy to carry around and would not go bad in two to three months . Example :

  2. 韩国天然气公司(KoreaGasCorp)今年1月也达成了一笔为期20年的类似交易。

    Korea Gas Corp agreed a similar two-decade deal in January .

  3. 除此之外,还有几家公司在过去几个月也吸引了大量投资。比如PrimaryData公司在二月的B轮融资中融得1000万美元;

    A few other examples that have drawn investment attention in the past few months : Primary Data , which took in $ 10 million in Series B funding in February ;

  4. 美国银行(BankofAmerica)今年前3个月也在投资组合中加入了超过6亿美元的意大利国债。

    Bank of America ( BAC ) , too , added over $ 600 million of Italian government bonds to its portfolio in the first three months of the year .

  5. 即便是在香港发行、以人民币计价的点心债券(dimsumbonds)价格,本月也出现了至少6个月来的首次下跌。

    Even dim sum bonds , international deals denominated in renminbi , have fallen in price this month for the first time in at least six months .

  6. 本田汽车(HondaMotorCo.,7267.TO)2月也将开始在墨西哥生产Fit品牌汽车,而不再从日本出口这款小型车。

    Honda Motor Co. will also start producing Fit-brand cars in Mexico , instead of exporting the subcompact model from Japan , beginning in February .

  7. 执导了《花样年华》(IntheMoodforLove)和《2046》等影片的王家卫(WongKar-wai)今年1月也携《一代宗师》(TheGrandmaster)来“凑热闹”,其中梁朝伟饰演叶问。

    In January , Wong Kar-wai , director of cinephile fare such as ' In the Mood for Love ' and ' 2046 , ' joined the party with ' The Grandmaster , ' starring Tony Leung Chiu-wai .

  8. IgG-胶乳玻板试验是检测类风湿因子(RF)的有用工具,但是,按文献报道方法制备的试剂其稳定性不理想,甚至贮存数月也难以做到。

    The IgG-latex fixation test is a useful tool for the detection of rheumatoid factors ( RF ), but the stability of the reagent is unsatisfactory . The reagent so prepared according to the method reported in literature can not be stored even for a few months .

  9. 纳瓦拉大学(UniversityofNavarra)IESE商学院上个月也公布说,根据对包括城市治理、科技、公共管理和城市规划等50个指标的研究,东京是全球最“聪明”的城市,排在其后的是伦敦和纽约。

    IESE Business School at the University of Navarra last month also revealed that Tokyo is the ' smartest ' city in the world followed by London and New York , according to a study of 50 indicators including governance , technology , public management and urban planning .

  10. 上两个月也来过几次。

    And a few other times over the last couple of months .

  11. 罗斯坚信自己在今年7月也值得一份康利水平的顶薪。

    Rose clearly believes he 's worth a Conley-level deal come July .

  12. 阿拉斯加、亚利桑那州和爱达荷州本月也加入了这个行列。

    Alaska . Arizona . Idaho . All have fallen this month .

  13. 所有其它的论文在出版之后6个月也全部变为开放获取。

    All other papers become open-access six months after publication .

  14. 把我关在这一个星期,一个月也没关系。

    Put me in the stocks for a week , a month even .

  15. 6月也会出现相似的结果。

    Similar results were also found in June .

  16. 之前为了克服困境而做出的努力本月也将看到结果。

    This month , putting others'agendas ahead of your own is the best strategy .

  17. (为了给南半球研制流感疫苗,去年9月也召开了另一场类似的峰会。)

    ( A separate but similar summit happens for the Southern Hemisphere in September . )

  18. 《消失的爱人》影星本-阿弗莱克最近几个月也留起了胡子。

    Gone Girl star Ben Affleck has also been sporting a beard in recent months 。

  19. 因此即使该政策的颁布再延后几个月也不足为奇。

    Few Iranians will be surprised if implementing the policy is delayed for several more months .

  20. 但是大家也别忘了贾斯汀童鞋上个月也跟粉丝们玩了一次恶作剧。

    Now before the world stops spinning , just remember how Justin pranked fans last month .

  21. 与此同时,本田汽车在其关键性市场美国的销售量上个月也下降了30%。

    Honda car sales in their key U.S. market meanwhile were down 30 percent last month .

  22. 若是公用地段的一块玻璃坏了,一连几个月也没人修。

    Let a pane break in a public window and it will go unrepaired for months .

  23. 林芝:嗨,听说你下个月也要去迷笛。

    Lin Zhi : Hey , I heard you 're going to Midi next month too .

  24. 有些可能明天就产生回报,有些可能几个星期、几个月也没有回报。

    Some may pay off tomorrow , and some may not pay off for weeks or months .

  25. “下个月也不用付了,再下个月也不用付了,再下个月也一样,”房东说。

    " Or next month , or the next , or the next ," her landlord said .

  26. 我们下个月也将开启一个叫做“了解丹宁斯集团”的特别介绍周。

    We are also running a special introduction week called ' Getting to know Dennings ' next month .

  27. 再生小植株在试管中继代2-3个月也可开花结实。

    Besides , the regeneration plantlets undergone 2 - 3 months of subculture flowered and fruited in culture tubes .

  28. 另外一个保持稳定的职业就是教育,该行业甚至还有几个月也增加了就业机会。

    Education is another area that has been holding steady or , in some months , even adding jobs .

  29. 正如今天你们结束了一段旅程,将要开始下一个旅程,我在今年11月也会如此。

    Just as you end one journey today and begin the next , so too do I in November .

  30. 但是,他花了好几个月也没找到担任营销副总裁的理想人选。

    But for months he has failed to find the ideal candidate for the post of vice-president for marketing .