
  • 网络Pyramid of The Moon;Moon Pyramid;Pyramid of moon;Pirmide de la Luna;Piramide de la Luna
  1. 谁说波斯尼亚没有金字塔?放射性碳年期测试法证实,波斯尼亚的月亮金字塔被建于一万年前!

    Who says there are no pyramids in Bosnia ? Radiocarbon dating method confirmed that the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon was built about ten thousand years ago !

  2. 在它的附近是一个巨大的金字塔,月亮金字塔。

    Near it is another huge pyramid , the Pyramid of the Moon .

  3. 放射性碳年期测试证实:波斯尼亚的月亮金字塔被建于一万年前!

    Radiocarbon dating confirmed : Bosnia 's Moon Pyramid was built about ten thousand years ago !

  4. 太阳金字塔和月亮金字塔

    Sun Pyramid and Moon Pyramid

  5. 未来5年,中国出境旅游有望超过4亿人次,墨西哥的太阳月亮金字塔、奇琴伊察古城、阿卡普尔科海滩,将会出现更多中国游客的身影。

    In the coming five years , outbound Chinese tourists are expected to exceed 400 million and leave their footprints at the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon , the ancient city of Chichen Itza and the beaches of Acapulco .