
dào dài
  • tape rewind;rewinding
倒带[dào dài]
  1. 不再倒带、住在过去,而是向前方望去专注未来和手中的选择。

    No more rewinding and dwelling in the past , but eyes forward-focused on the future and the decisions at hand .

  2. 新带使用之前按快进键进带,然后倒带。

    Before recording onto a new tape , wind it on fast forward , then rewind

  3. 他把控制键转换到回答-播放模式,然后等待倒带。

    He switched the control to the answer-play mode and waited for the tape to rewind .

  4. 按下倒带键或快进键。

    Press rewind or fast-forward .

  5. 按下倒带键。

    Press the rewind button

  6. 她间歇性的拍摄的这些复苏视频看起来就像是有人正在倒带播放植物的死亡。

    Her time-lapse videos of the revivals look like someone playing a tape of the plant 's death in reverse .

  7. 听完后倒带,再听一遍。

    When you 've finished , run back and try again .

  8. 让我们倒带就当这从来没有发生过。

    Let 's all rewind and just pretend this never happened .

  9. 你能听到的那响声是磁带倒带的声音。

    That noise you can hear is the tape winding back .

  10. 不能进行倒带这一任务。这听起来是个挺棒的理论,

    Now , I mean , this sounds like a good theory ,

  11. 他去找资料,他必须倒带。

    He accesses the file . He has to rewind the tape .

  12. 你可以倒带让我再听一遍吗?

    Can you rewind the tape so I can hear it again ?

  13. 带有自动倒带装置的录音机自动倒卷底片并不是最有用的。

    A tape-recorder with an auto-reverse The automatic rewind isn 't the most useful .

  14. 你可以倒带你的教训,任何时候你想要奏出行动阶级。

    You can rewind your lesson any time you want for a tune-up class .

  15. 或者,我只要倒带至15分钟前

    or I could just rewind this to , uh , 15 minutes beforehand .

  16. 倒带再看一次。

    Let 's see that again .

  17. 我希望可以将人生倒带,回到过去,再次看到你。

    I wish that I could press rewind and go back in time just to see your face again .

  18. 倒带子,把最后那个短语再听一遍。不过??我倒是带着信用卡!

    Run back and listen to that last phrase again . But ? I do have my credit card !

  19. 我们可以倒带回放,然后计算宇宙大爆炸开始的时间。

    We can run the video tape backwards and then calculate when it all came from a cosmic explosion .

  20. 在磁记录技术中使用的一种机构,在快速进带或倒带时能把磁带移开,以免和磁头接触。

    In magnetic recording , a device which removes the magnetic tape from contact with the head on fast wind or rewind .

  21. 席曼斯也有相同经验,他说:「们当场倒带,让受试者确知大家看的是同一卷带子。

    Simons had the same experience : We actually rewound the videotape to make sure subjects knew we were showing them the same clip .

  22. 弦论学家预期,当我们把宇宙的历史倒带,就会看到时空的曲率开始增加。

    String theorists expect that when one plays the history of the universe backward in time , the curvature of spacetime starts to increase .

  23. 电影放映:由于是使用35毫米胶片放映,每次影片结束都必须人工倒带,需要一定的时间。

    Film screening : Owing to the use of35-mm film , it takes certain amount of time to manually rewind the film when the movie ends .

  24. 每段爱情在走向终结时,倒带归去,一路上或花草鲜美,或落下的话缤纷,而最初总是倾心的。

    When every love comes to the end , if you look back , you will find flowers and sorrows , but it 's always beautiful .

  25. 记住这些信众没有你讲道的录像带好让他们能倒带多听几次,明白意思。

    Remember that your listeners do not have you on videotape so that they can rewind and listen to a section a couple of times to get the meaning .

  26. 看到天上的云会觉得像是恐龙、耶稣或是在倒带的时候听到什么声音,着都是常见的空想性错现症状。

    Seeing clouds in the shapes of dinosaurs , Jesus on a hot pocket , or hearing messages when a record is played backward are common examples of pareidolia .

  27. 趁倒带的时间她把编辑台上积累的聚苯乙烯咖啡杯收拢,丢进了垃圾桶里。

    As she waited for the tape to rewind she cleared away some of the dirty polystyrene coffee cups that had accumulated on the editing desk and tipped them into the bin .