
  • 网络hypothesis-deduction method;Hypothetico-Deductive method
  1. 可以用科学的逻辑方法-假说演绎法对刑事诉讼证明标准进行了研究,从确认反常、提出假设,再由此假设演绎出推论并验证之。

    The article uses the scientific logic method - hypothesis-deductive method to study the standard of proof of criminal suit from confirming abnormal thing , bringing forward hypothesis to deducting the deduction according to the hypothesis which will be verified .

  2. 其逻辑方法的本质是假说&演绎法,其机制是共同体内的讨论。

    The essence of its logic method is the hypothesis , that is , deductive method , and its mechanism is the discussion in community .

  3. 结合现代科学中最常用的假说&演绎法为框架构建培养学生科学思维的教学策略。

    The combination of the most commonly used hypothetico & deductivism of modern science for constructing the framework of cultivating students ' scientific thinking teaching strategy .

  4. 教学实践结果表明,在以假说&演绎法为框架的科学思维培养能够有效的促进学生的智力发展,提高学生相关知识的理解和学习。

    The practical results show that , in the framework of hypothetico & deductivism the scientific thinking training can effectively promote students ' intelligence development , improving students ' understanding and learning related to knowledge .