
  • 网络Usance Letter of Credit Payable at Sight;Usance credit payable at sight;Usance Credit Payable at Sisht
  1. 论约定优于法定原则试析商业银行利用假远期信用证进行融资

    The Principle that Promissory is more advantageous On Commercial Bank ' Financing by Buyer 's Usance Credit

  2. 对建立在进出口贸易和银行信贷有机融合基础之上的假远期信用证而言,银行可通过多种措施,有效降低融资风险,大大提高贷款的安全性。

    For buyer 's usance credit based on import and export trade and integration of bank credit , banks can take a variety of measures to reduce the risk of financing , thereby greatly increase the safety of loans .