
  • 网络fake commodities;fake and inferior commodities;fake and shoddy goods;Harmfulness of Fake Commodities
  1. 预防和控制假冒伪劣商品的法律思考

    The Legal Thought of Prevention and Control of Fake and Inferior Commodities

  2. 该专栏作家关于假冒伪劣商品的评论表现了他对新闻语言的精通。

    The columnist 's comment on fake and inferior commodities showed his good command of the journalistic language .

  3. 假冒伪劣商品使中国的消费者饱受其害,并最终醒悟。

    Fake and low-quality products have disillusioned customers in china .

  4. 假冒伪劣商品的盛行,对我国新时期对外发展战略的实施已产生了严重的影响。

    Fake shoddy commodities bring bad influence with foreign development strategy .

  5. 假冒伪劣商品凸现的成因及防范措施

    The cause for formation of fake and inferior commodity and precautionary measures

  6. 采取这些措施我们才能减少假冒伪劣商品。

    Only by adopting these measures can we reduce the fake commodities .

  7. 假冒伪劣商品打击力度分析

    Analysis of Effect of Fighting Against Counterfeit and Inferior Goods

  8. 信息不对称&假冒伪劣商品的经济分析

    Reason for False and Inferior Merchandise from Informational Asymmetry Analysis

  9. 假冒伪劣商品与劣货驱逐良货现象

    Counterfeit and the Phenomenon of " Interior Goods expel Qualified Goods "

  10. 假冒伪劣商品都不名一文。

    Counterfeit or poor-quality commodities are not worth a penny .

  11. 假冒伪劣商品存在的重要前提是信息不对称;

    The asymmetrical information is the important premise of fake and shoddy merchandise ;

  12. 市场经济体制建设与假冒伪劣商品的治理

    Market economic system and treatment of counterfeit goods

  13. 假冒伪劣商品市场交易的博弈分析&兼论打假之对策

    An Analysis of the Marketing of Fake and Inferior Commodity based on Game Theory

  14. 请认准产品标志,勿购假冒伪劣商品。

    Recognize the real product markings . Beware of imitation , fake and poor products .

  15. 假冒伪劣商品经查出便当众销毁

    As soon as counterfeit and inferior commodities are seized , they are immediately destroyed in public

  16. 众所周知,假冒伪劣商品损害了消费者的利益。

    As is known to all , fake and inferior commodities harm the interests of consumers .

  17. 假冒伪劣商品的博弈分析

    A game analysis of bastards

  18. 什么是假冒伪劣商品?

    What are counterfeit goods ?

  19. 环境监测仪器以其便捷和专业的特点,能满足假冒伪劣商品鉴别、食品安全、环境监理等大量关乎国计民生的检测检验需求。

    Environment monitoring instruments are essential to identify the safety of goods , food , environmental conditions , etc.

  20. 王海等消费者维权人士已开始帮助人们起诉假冒伪劣商品制造商。

    Consumer activists such as Wang Hai have begun to help people sue the manufacturers of shoddy goods .

  21. 假冒伪劣商品严重威胁着消费者的健康和生命安全,已成为社会经济肌体上的毒瘤。

    It has become the cancer of our social organism that it clearly poses risks to public safety .

  22. 假冒伪劣商品屡禁不止的原因及对策

    The Causes of and the Solutions to the Failure of Constant Banning of Fake and Poor Quality Products

  23. 然而,阿里巴巴打击假冒伪劣商品不力的名声,使得一些卖家不敢入驻。

    However , Alibaba 's reputation for being unable to fight fakes and counterfeit goods has kept some sellers away .

  24. 假冒伪劣商品博弈和信誉市场的建立分析

    A Study of Fake Commodities with Game Theory and Analysis of Founding Credit System in China ′ s Market Economy

  25. 第三,使用假冒伪劣商品会损害消费者的身体健康甚至危害生命安全。

    Worst of all , they will bring about potential dangers because using fake commodities will cause accidents and endanger consumers'lives .

  26. 品牌要谨防假冒伪劣商品的进攻,要采取打击性防御和保护性防御措施。

    Trademark should beware of imitative and false commodities attacking , and it should take the defensive measures of striking and protecting .

  27. 王军律师指出,如果买家购到假冒伪劣商品,议价者将对买家承担怎样的责任?

    Lawyer Wang Jun asked what happens when the buyer ends up with a fake product and what responsibilities bargainers have to buyers ?

  28. 假冒伪劣商品可以发现,现在,然后,在市场,这引起了公众关注。

    Fake commodities can be found , now and then , in the market , which has aroused a lot of public attention .

  29. 南非是2010年的世界杯主办国。在近来的几个月里,打入国内的假冒伪劣商品数量有上升势头。

    The 2010 World Cup host nation has seen an increase in the amount of fake goods coming into the country in the past months .

  30. 假冒伪劣商品不但影响经济的健康发展,而且损害企业和广大消费者的利益。

    Fake and shoddy goods will not only affect the healthy development of the economy , but also damage the interests of businesses and consumers .