
hé ɡé pǐn
  • Qualified products;acceptable product;quality product
  1. 此外,利用不合格品率(p)控制图对印后装订工序的不合格品进行了分析和监控。

    In addition , p control chart is used to analyze and control the unqualified rate of the binding .

  2. 最后给出了来料不合格品控制流程在当前设计的Web平台上运行实例。

    By applying the system , the paper gives the running instance of nonconforming product control process on the Web platform in the end .

  3. 开展降损活动控制CATV用声表面波滤波器不合格品率

    Increasing Qualified Product Ratio of SAW Filters For CATV hy TQC Activity

  4. 介绍计件值工序中常用的Pn-控制图,阐明如何估计不合格品率p及合理选择抽样个数n。

    This article introduces Pn-control chart commonly applied in count-basis process , and illustrates how to estimate the rate of preference for rejection P n and reasonable choice sampling number n.

  5. 文末,利用扩展的活动图表达了质量管理中一个典型的过程&不合格品的控制过程。第三章详细介绍了选课子系统的基于UML的设计蓝图。

    The extended UML activity diagram is used to illustrate the defective product control process which is a typical process of quality management .

  6. qa同事发出扣留信息,同时在不合格品上贴扣留单。

    QA colleagues send the detainment information , and paste the detainment bill on the non-conforming products .

  7. 本文针对微电路生产的实际特点,在工艺不合格品率为PPM水平时,讨论了等效工序能力指数的概念和计算方法。

    A new concept of the Equivalent Process Capability Index and its estimating method are provided at PPM level .

  8. 不合格品的处理应当考虑并符合ccp策划中纠偏行动的要求。

    The handling of non-conforming products should be considered and should comply with the requirement on the corrective action in CCP planning .

  9. 在最佳条件下,产品中MgO的收率达90.42%,产品质量达到HG/T2959-2000合格品标准。

    Under the optimal technological conditions , the recovery of MgO in the product can achieve 90.42 % . The product quality can achieve standard of HG / T2959-2000 .

  10. qc在线检测发现不合格品时,立即扣留成品,查明原因,通知生产及时调整。

    When finding non-conforming products in the on-line test , QC detains immediately the finished products , identifies the cause and informs production department to make timely adjustments .

  11. 对于产品合格品率这个因素,运用X-R控制图的方法分析了如何动态监控生产过程,以预测未来产品质量的走势,并举例说明了X-R控制图的制作方法。

    For quality rate , it analyzes how to monitor the production process by using X ? R control chart .

  12. 同时对上海滨海平原区土层的液塑限试验合格品的临界相关系数平方值R2进行了探讨,并结合实践分析了上海滨海平原区土层的液塑限相关系数特点。

    At the same time , the square of limited correlation coefficient of the accepted samples of the littoral plain area in Shanghai is discussed in the paper . Based on practice experience , the characteristic of the correlation coefficient of liquid-plastic limit is analyzed .

  13. 三台1200m3引进乙烯球罐因球壳板的曲率超差判为不合格品而废置,后对球壳板进行修复重新安装再利用。

    As the curvature of shell steel plate exceeding the specified value , three 1200m 3 imported ethylene spherical tanks were judged to unqualified product and put aside as useless . After repairing and reinstalling , the shell steel plate were reused .

  14. 提高曲轴油堵合格品率的工艺方法

    Technological Process for Improving Qualified Rate of Oil Plug for Crankshaft

  15. 不合格品进行控制,供应商质量改进及跟踪;

    Quality control on nonconformity parts , supplier quality improvement tracing .

  16. 我们希望它们都能是合格品。

    We hope all of them are keepers ( legal-sized ) .

  17. 应按《状态标识控制程序》标识不合格品。

    Non-conforming products should be identified as per Status Identification Control Procedure .

  18. 发现不合格品时,要做好标识,隔离存放。

    Non-conforming products should be identified and segregated when found .

  19. 在机械零件的切削加工和检验中,可能出现伪不合格品。

    There may be pseudo_unqualified products during the course of mechanical cutting .

  20. 包钢大中修工程不合格品的控制

    Control of nonconforming product in major and intermediate overhaul at Baotou Steel

  21. 供应商不合格品信息的反馈,跟踪及处理。

    Defect parts information feedback to supplier and follow up .

  22. 投射灯的照度测量及合格品判别

    Measurement on Illuminance and Quality Control for Projection Lamps

  23. 连续合格品链长控制图的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Consecutive Conforming Run-length Control Charts

  24. 进货中的不合格品须隔离并加上标识以防止进一步使用。

    Incoming non-conforming materials are segregated and separately identified to prevent inadvertent use .

  25. 制造业企业不合格品的管理

    Enterprise of the Manufacturing Industry to Manage the Reject

  26. 批量生产中不合格品返修物流规划

    Reverse Logistics Planning of Un-standard Products in Mass Production

  27. 在控制不合格品率前提下的控制界限的确定

    Determination of Control Range under the Presupposition of Controlling Rate of Unqualified Products

  28. 不合格品,次品:一件不规则的东西,如商品。

    One , such as an item of merchandise , that is irregular .

  29. 任何返工后的不合格品均须重新检查。

    Any reworked non-conforming products must go through the re-inspection processes after rework .

  30. 检验员负责监督不合格品的处置。

    The inspectors are engaged to supervise the disposition of the nonconforming items .