
hé huǒ
  • form a partnership;partnership;share with;association
合伙 [hé huǒ]
  • [form a partnership] 共同;一起

  • 合伙干

合伙[hé huǒ]
  1. 我以为比尔和凯西要合伙。

    I thought Bill and Kathy were going to form a partnership .

  2. 你可能会准备成立一个关于爱情或与他人合伙企业对你很重要。

    You may be ready to form a partnership in love or business with someone important to you .

  3. 合伙住宿并自理膳食的全部费用按周计价。

    All prices are based on a week 's self-catering in shared accommodation .

  4. 一家人好像在合伙对付他。

    The whole family seemed ranged against him .

  5. 我的几个兄弟要开办一个汽车修理厂,想让我与他们合伙干。

    My brothers are opening a garage and they want me to go in with them .

  6. 他们合伙买下了他们参加赛车时用的那部车。

    They formed a syndicate to buy the car in which they competed in the race .

  7. 我与他合伙开始做出口生意。

    I entered into partnership with him to start an export business .

  8. 这两家公司合伙欺骗政府。

    The two firms colluded to cheat the government .

  9. 他们同意合伙干,共负盈亏。

    They agreed to work on shares .

  10. 他们合伙不久就散摊了。

    Their partnership soon broke up .

  11. 我丈夫一个人举足艰难,因此他决定和他的老同学合伙干,现在他们在一起干得很有成就。

    My husband was getting nowhere in his own so he decided to cast in his lot with his former classmate and now they 're successfully in business together .

  12. 李小平,重庆大工律师事务所副主任、合伙律师,西南政法大学经济法系法学学士毕业,现为西南政法大学在册硕士研究生。

    Xiaoping li , vice chair of dugong law firm , bachelor of law , graduated from Southwest University of political science and law ( swupl ), and a present master in swupl .

  13. 合伙企业的另一主要缺点是决定要由大家来作

    Partnerships suffer another major disadvantage : decision-making is shared .

  14. 里克很不高兴,因为其他的男孩子都合伙反对他

    Rick was unhappy because the other boys were ganging up on him .

  15. 与传统的办公环境不同,合伙办公的人员通常受雇于不同的机构。

    Unlike in a typical office environment , those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization .

  16. 合伙企业指的是两个或两个以上的个人为牟利而组成的商事联合体。

    A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit .

  17. “合伙办公”是一种以共享工作环境,而各自独立活动为特色的办公形式,通常是共享一间办公室。

    Coworking is a style of work that involves a shared working environment , often an office , and independent activity .

  18. 她决定和朋友合伙,用仅有的一点钱来养殖和训练自己的赛马。

    She will form a syndicate with her friends , and together they will use what little cash they have to breed and train a racehorse of their own .

  19. 其主要外部股东包括恩颐投资公司(NewEnterpriseAssociates)和加速合伙公司(AccelPartners)。

    Major outside shareholders include new enterprise associates and accel partners .

  20. 按惯例,firm是指合伙企业,与公司相对。

    Traditionally , a firm is referred to a partnership , as opposed to company .

  21. 理查德•戴尔是波士顿地区的风投公司西格玛合伙公司(SigmaPartners)的合伙人。

    Richard dale is a partner with Boston-area VC firm sigma partners .

  22. 本文作者艾力克斯•陶西格现任高地资本合伙公司(HighlandCapitalPartners)负责人,投资早期科技公司。

    Alex Taussig is a principal with highland Capital Partners and invests in early stage technology companies .

  23. 近几来年,民间对有限合伙形式的风险投资(venturecapital)呼声很高,地方政府也因此纷纷出台了有关有限合伙的法规或办法。

    The local governments have issued some related regulations and the measures on the limited partnership for the abroad requirements on the Venture Capital by the populace .

  24. 不仅如此,德勤在卢森堡的合伙公司去年宣布与autonomy开展紧密的合作,推出一款autonomy开发的软件。

    Moreover , Deloitte Luxembourg last year announced a close partnership with autonomy to roll out a piece of autonomy software .

  25. 这四家私募公司是:贝恩资本(BainCapital),百仕通集团(TheBlackstoneGroup),银湖合伙基金(SilverLakePartners)和TPG资本(TPGCapital)。

    The four firms are : Bain Capital , the Blackstone Group ( BX ) , Silver Lake partners and TPG capital .

  26. 在Wetpaint之前,他跟人合伙创建了蓝色尼罗河公司(BlueNile)。

    Prior to Wetpaint , Elowitz co-founded Blue Nile .

  27. 其他的大股东还包括风投机构加速合伙公司(AccelPartners),DST集团,T.RowePrice基金公司和高盛(GoldmanSachs)。

    Other major holders include accel partners , DST group , T. Rowe price and Goldman Sachs .

  28. 加速合伙公司(AccelPartners)和哈里森金属(HarrisonMetal)共同负责了此轮融资,辛格•卡西迪曾进入前者学习并开展过创业活动。

    Accel partners , where Singh Cassidy had been an entrepreneur-in-residence , and Harrison metal co-led the round .

  29. 论表见合伙制度(2)效标关联效度研究发现:EI维度具有明显的内外向人格特征;

    Apparent Partnership ( 2 ) Criterion validity study showed that : Generally , EI was apparent ;

  30. JenniferSandberg是费舍尔飞利浦亚特兰大办事处的一名合伙律师。

    Jennifer Sandberg is a law partner in the Atlanta offices of Fisher & Phillips .