
  1. 最后,提出了合规文化建设和合规制度建设。

    Finally , we stress the compliance culture construction and compliance institution construction .

  2. 现代中国没有合规文化。

    Modern China has no culture of compliance .

  3. 现在要求跑步进行合规文化,要创新的内容和要改进的细节很多。

    Now requires running compliance culture , innovation of content and to improve the lot of detail .

  4. 从政治角度来看,此种解决方法颇为便利,但它们不会将中国推向合规文化。

    Such solutions are politically expedient , but they will not move China towards a culture of compliance .

  5. 制订法律以形成良好行为规范的努力,已造成一种合规文化而非道德文化。

    The attempt to legislate and regulate people into good behaviour has spawned a compliance culture rather than an ethical culture .

  6. 而商业银行经济运行发挥着不可替代的角色,所以合规文化建设出不得半点纰漏,要稳中求进。

    While the economic operation of commercial banks play an irreplaceable role , so the compliance culture construction out any flaws , to advance steadily .

  7. 《指引》从良好的合规文化建设、有效的合规管理体系和严格的合规管理制度等三方面对商业银行提出了有针对性的要求。

    The " Practices " require the commercial banks to improving compliance management system . For example , building a good compliance culture and building a compliance management system which is effective and rigorous .

  8. 从员工的管理理念、职业道德的培养谈到合规文化建设对农村商业银行风险管理的重要意义。

    In this chapter , it talks about the significance to the risks management of rural commercial bank from the management philosophy of staffes , the cultivation of professional ethics to the compliance cultural constructions .

  9. 针对文章发现的问题,提出对策:首先要建立科学的合规风险管理框架,其次要把合规纳入激励约束机制、然后建立高效的合规问责制,最后重视合规文化建设。

    Puts forward the countermeasures against the problems found : firstly , to establish compliance risk management framework of science , secondly to compliance into the incentive and restraint mechanisms , and the establishment of efficient compliance accountability , and finally to the compliance culture construction .