
hé tonɡ chǎn pǐn
  • contractual product
  1. 全厂合同产品的生产总进度计划编制和调整系统

    Making & Adjusting the General Production Plan for Factory Contracted Products

  2. 验收标准是指合同产品在验收测试中符合的标准

    Acceptance Standard refers to the standards that Contract Products shall meet in the acceptance test

  3. 接受方同意合同产品将符合高标准

    Licensee agrees that the Contract Products covered by this Contract shall be of high standard

  4. “合同产品”是指合同附件二中所列的产品。1本合同附件是本合同不可分割的组成部分。

    " The Contract Products " mean the products stipulated in Appendix 2 to the Contract .

  5. 许可方保证不会发生被许可方被指控有关合同产品上的侵权责任。

    Licensor guarantees that Licensee shall not be claimed for product liability in relation to contract products .

  6. 在接受方开始出售合同产品后,应许可方的要求

    From time to time after Licensee has commenced selling the Contract Products and upon Licensor 's request

  7. 无法使合同产品达到合同附件一规定的最低验收标准。

    Fails to make Contract Products meet the minimum level of Acceptance Standards as specified in Appendix 1 .

  8. 合同产品的名称、型号、规格、数值、技术数据和验收标准

    " Names , Models , Specifications , Indices , Technical Data , and Acceptance Standard of Contract Products "

  9. 鉴于许可方有权并且同意向被许可方授权利用与合同产品相关的专有技术

    Whereas Licensor has the right and agrees to grant Licensee a license to exploit Know-how in connection with Contract Products

  10. 鉴于被许可方希望获得许可其利用该专有技术制造、使用和销售合同产品

    " Whereas Licensee desires to obtain a license for exploiting Know-how to manufacture , use and sell Contract Products "

  11. 鉴于许可方拥有设计、制造、安装、检验合同产品的有价值且成熟的专有技术

    " Whereas Licensor possesses valuable and mature Know-how on the design , manufacture , assembly and inspection of Contract Products "

  12. 合同产品是指与用专有技术和技术资料设计、制造、安装或检验的各类产品

    " Contract products refers to all types of the products designed , manufactured , assembled , or inspected with know-how and technical documentation "

  13. 接受方应向许可方出具一份报告以说明手中的和正在加工中的合同产品的数量和种类。

    A statement showing number and description of Contract Products covered by this Contract on hand or in process shall be furnished by Licensee to Licensor .

  14. 取得生产许可证书后,方可进行生产。许可方保证不会发生被许可方被指控有关合同产品上的侵权责任。

    Production shall not begin before the SPL is obtained . Licensor guarantees that Licensee shall not be claimed for product liability in relation to Contract Products .

  15. 不在知情的情况下向有意或有可能在其他地区出售合同产品的第三者销售该产品。

    It will not knowingly sell the Contract Products covered by this Contract to persons who intend or are likely to resell them in any other area .

  16. 合同产品的生产,出售,分销不得影响许可方以及其商标本身的名声。

    The manufacture , sale and distribution of the contract products shall not reflect adversely upon the good name of Licensor or any of its program or the registered trademark .

  17. 接受方同意从许可方取得,许可方同意向接受方授予单独使用附件一所指的注册商标的许可权利,且只在制造和出售,分销合同产品时使用。

    Licensee agree to obtain from licensor , and Licensor agree to grant Licensee the right to utilize the registered trademark solely and only upon and in connection with the manufacture , sale and distribution of the contract products .

  18. 许可方应以最优惠价格向被许可方提供零部件,原材料和制造合同产品所需的标准件,双方应适时就此签署一份独立的协议,作为本合同的附件。

    A separate agreement shall be signed in due time between the parties on supplying by Licensor the parts , components , raw materials , and standard parts for producing contract products at the most favorable price for licensee .

  19. 制造执行系统(MES)在实现企业范围的信息集成和从合同到产品的全程自动化生产管理中起着承上启下的重要作用。

    Manufacturing execution system plays an important role in information integration of enterprise-wide and automation management from contract to product .

  20. 鞍钢新轧钢股份有限公司冷轧厂制造执行系统(MES)覆盖了从接收用户合同到产品发货的整个生产经营活动。

    Manufacturing Execution System of Cold Rolling Plant in Angang New Steel Co Ltd covers the plant-wide production and business activities , from receiving customer 's contracts to delivering products .

  21. 毕业后,为公司免费翻译外贸合同和产品介绍。

    After graduation , I translate some contracts and products introduction for some companies for free .

  22. 方案将对原有营销体系的客户、合同、产品、销售流程、市场数据等进行整合,形成高效的IT系统。

    The original customer , contract , product , sales process , market data will be integrated into the new system .

  23. 在市场经济条件下和国际贸易中,买卖双方十分需要用检测数据来判定合同中产品质量。

    The examine data is seriously needed to determine the quality demand in a deal by both sides of the business in international trade .

  24. 这封信是回应富士康的连连跳事件的,富士康是全球最大的合同电子产品制造商。

    The letter was in response to a puzzling rash of suicidesin southern China at Foxconn Technology , one of the world 's largest contract electronics manufacturers .

  25. 一般包括:销售合同和产品信息查询、售后合同管理、现场服务管理、售后配件信息管理和客户满意度调查等模块。

    Generally includes : sales contract and product information query , after contract management , field services management and after-sales service process management and after-sales parts information management module .

  26. 上月销售过一批库存产品,同样也是合同与产品目录确定后,才发现有些产品没货或存货量不对。

    We selled a set of stocks last month , and we found that there were no stocks or the wrong stocks amounts for some products after also checking between sale contract and product catalogues .

  27. 乙方在协议期间,应该始终按照这份协议条款中规定的“产品责任险”的政策,以乙方认为合理的投保范围来投保合同相关产品。

    Party B shall maintain at all the times during the term of this Agreement a policy of Products liability insurance in respect of the Products at level of cover to be reasonably determined by Party B.

  28. Spec在MDMServer的其他特性中都得到了使用(例如合作伙伴统计、合同属性和产品类别属性)。

    Specs are used in other features throughout MDM Server ( for example , in party demographics , agreement attributes , and product category attributes ) .

  29. 本公司实力雄厚,重信用、守合同,保证产品质量,赢得了广大客户的信任。

    The company 's strength , re-credit , keep the contract , to ensure product quality , has won the trust of customers .

  30. 更为复杂的是,客户可能在不同的季度或年度获得同一笔合同交付的产品与服务,但提前付清了所有费用。

    Adding to the complexity , the customer may receive each contract deliverable over different quarters or years , while paying for all up front .