
tíng chǎn
  • stop production
停产 [tíng chǎn]
  • [stop production] [工厂或作坊]停止生产

停产[tíng chǎn]
  1. 国产DI仪存在着观测精度较低、性能稳定性不高等问题,且产品已经基本处于停产状态,售后运行维护能力不足;而进口DI仪价格又十分昂贵,售后维修周期长。

    The domestic DI instrument faces with the following problems : low accuracy 、 unstable performance 、 basically in stop production and poor after-sales service ; More than that , imported instrument is extremely expensive and has a long after-sales maintenance cycle .

  2. 皖维集团(wanwei)的化工和水泥厂已被勒令停产,并要求在2个月内解决环境问题,否则即被关闭。

    The wanwei chemical and cement plant has been ordered to stop production and resolve environmental issues within two months or close .

  3. 这种汽车已于2002年停产。

    The car went out of production in 2002 .

  4. 徕卡M2型相机于1967年停产。

    The Leica M2 was discontinued in 1967

  5. 她的设备每停产一秒钟,公司都要损失钱。

    Every second her equipment was off line cost the company money .

  6. 他们有大量完好的、略有瑕疵的以及已停产的炊具、冰箱和其他货品可供选择。

    They have a huge selection of perfect , slightly imperfect and discontinued cookers , fridges and so on .

  7. 一个售货员忽悠我买了一个停产的模型。

    I let a sales clerk fool me into buying a discontinued model .

  8. 逾期不改正的,责令停止施工、停止使用或者停产停业,可以并外罚款:

    those who do not make the corrections after the time limit , shall be ordered to stop construction , stop use of things concerned or stop production or business , and may be punished with penalty simultaneously :

  9. C油田群动态海缆不停产铺设技术方案研究及实施效果

    The technical program and implementation effect of dynamic subsea cable installation under production in C oilfield group

  10. 此外苹果公司最近还停产了iPodClassic音乐播放器。

    Apple also recently killed off its iPod Classic .

  11. 比如在2013车型年度之后,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)旗下的雪佛兰(Chevy)Avalanche皮卡将宣告停产。

    General Motors is saying goodbye to the Chevy avalanche after the 2013 model year .

  12. 2013年,RBEnergy公司在加拿大魁北克省开采了一座新的碳酸锂矿,第二年便宣告停产;

    In 2013 , RB Energy Inc. opened a new lithium carbonate plant in Quebec , only to suspend operations in 2014 .

  13. 达特取代了之前停产的道奇酷博(Caliber)。

    The dart replaces the discontinued and unlamented dodge caliber .

  14. 10月11日,三星最终宣布二次召回Note7手机并永久停产该机型,并向消费者提供全额退款或免费更换其他机型。

    Samsung eventually announced a second recall and permanent discontinuation of the Note 7 model on Oct 11 , offering full refunds or exchanges to alternative models .

  15. 内华达州WesternLithium公司一度被视为特斯拉可能选择的一个潜在供应商,可惜股东最终也是空欢喜一场,该公司目前也处于停产中。

    Nevada-based Western Lithium , which has been repeatedly floated as a potentially convenient supplier for Tesla , has taken shareholders on a very bumpy ride , and is not yet online .

  16. 例如,美国汽车制造商通用汽车(GeneralMotors)位于路易斯安那州的一座生产皮卡的工厂,由于缺少通常由日本提供的零部件,计划于近日停产。

    For example , General Motors , the US carmaker , plans to stop production today at a factory in Louisiana that makes pick-up trucks , due to lack of parts normally supplied from Japan .

  17. 《财富》(Fortune)的阿莱克斯•泰勒表示,预计日本几家最大的汽车厂商将继续停产。有些分析师还预测说,停产将会延续数月。

    As Fortune 's Alex Taylor notes , Japan 's largest auto producers are now expected to remain shut down through Wednesday , and some analysts foresee further disruptions lasting months .

  18. 但在号称已解决问题的新手机起火的报道出现后,美国和澳大利亚的电信公司表示将停售盖乐世Note7,三星随即将其停产。

    But production was halted after telecommunications companies in the United States and Australia said they would not offer the Galaxy Note 7 following reports of fires involving new phones in which the problem was supposedly fixed .

  19. 美国参议院外交关系委员会主席约翰克里(johnkerry)呼吁在利比亚的外国石油公司停产,并建议美国重新对该国实施制裁。

    John Kerry , chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee , called for oil companies to halt operations in Libya and suggested the US reimpose sanctions on Tripoli .

  20. 而在此形势下,一亚洲PX大厂却因操作不当,面临重重社会舆论而迅速停产。

    Compounding these challenges , a major Asian PX facility has been immediately shut down in response to social concerns about its operation .

  21. Intel将不会向外界供应处于停产状态的处理器产品,不过这并不意味着市场上就完全找不到这些产品。

    End of life CPUs cannot be ordered from Intel any longer , but this doesn 't actually mean that they will no longer be available on the markets .

  22. 那售货员骗他说照相机真是价格低廉,但是他却没说那相机由于构造上的缺陷所以是停产型号。他话里的threwsomebodyacurve意思是耍花招骗人。

    4 : The salesman threw me a curve when he told me it was a real bargain , but he didn 't say that the camera was a discontinued model because of its inbuilt defect .

  23. 我没有随便堆砌三菱(Mitsubishi)这样过气的品牌或是铃木(Suzuki)这样的断档品牌,也没有选择那些早已停产的过时车型。

    I have avoided piling on distressed brands like Mitsubishi and discontinued ones like Suzuki and obsolete models that are already out of production .

  24. BernsteinResearch分析师马克斯沃伯顿(MaxWarburton)表示,欧洲汽车制造商,如戴姆勒,以往在第三季利润下降,是因为它们8月份因休假季节停产。

    In the past , European carmakers such as Daimler had posted lower third-quarter profits as they shut down production in August for the holiday season , said Max Warburton , analyst at Bernstein Research .

  25. 采用老的电子设计(就是使用PC插件和主/从板的S2000光谱仪)光谱仪型号也已经停产。

    The spectrometer models with older electronic designs ( PC plug-ins and the master / slave boards of the S2000 Spectrometer era ) are also being discontinued .

  26. 直到这款手机于2005年逐步停产,它已卖出了1.2亿部。(如今,)这款手机将由芬兰HMD全球公司出售。

    The phone , which sold 126million handsets until it was phased out in 2005 , will be sold by Finish company HMD Global .

  27. 为苹果公司生产iPhone的富士康公司在中国北部的一家工厂停产,原因是之前发生了多达两千工人卷入的打斗,并且有大约40人受伤。

    Foxconn , the company that makes Apple 's iPhones , has suspended production at a factory in northern China after a brawl that involved as many as 2,000 workers and left about 40 people injured .

  28. 美国汽油价格昨日跃升,这是因为热带风暴“艾萨克”(isaac)即将席卷墨西哥湾,迫使炼油厂在燃油库存下降之际停产。

    Us petrol prices leapt as tropical storm Isaac churned across the Gulf of Mexico , forcing refineries to batten down operations at a time of declining fuel stocks .

  29. 麦格理证券(MacquarieSecurities)分析师表示,在中国北部大型钢铁中心唐山,多数工厂目前的运转水平是其正常产能的30-50%,而许多小型铁矿已经停产。

    Analysts from Macquarie Securities said that in Tangshan , a big steel-making centre in north China , most mills were running at 30-50 per cent of normal capacity and many small iron ore mines had ceased production .

  30. 本钢薄板坯连铸连轧生产线在调试生产阶段,精轧机F3多次出现轧裂卡钢停产事故。

    The Finishing mill F3 repeatedly occurs accidents of rolling crack and stopping steel plate in debugging production stage of thin slab concasting and conrolling production line in Bengang .