
tíng yùn
  • Outage;off-the-line;off-stream
停运[tíng yùn]
  1. 降低汽轮发电机组高压加热器停运率的途径

    Method on reducing the off-stream ratio of high pressure heater for steam turbine generator set

  2. 铁路网的很多区段停运。

    Huge sections of the rail network are out of action .

  3. 英国航空公司地勤人员的罢工已经造成伦敦至曼彻斯特的航线停运。

    A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester

  4. 郑州东站160余趟列车停运,造成大量旅客滞留。严重内涝导致郑州路面交通基本瘫痪。

    More than 160 trains stopped services at Zhengzhoudong Railway Station , stranding a large number of passengers .

  5. 7月25日19时起,进出上海高铁列车全部停运。

    All high-speed trains bound for Shanghai from all directions had been suspended beginning at 7 pm on Sunday .

  6. 此外,上海地铁运营部门宣布,7月25日下午起,上海地铁所有地面、高架区段车站停运。

    In addition , the municipality 's subway operator announced that all sections of line running above ground and on elevated tracks had been suspended since Sunday afternoon to ensure safety .

  7. 如果主用PLC中的程序带有顺序标志位,或者需要保持外围设备的继电器,一旦进行主、备切换,程序将无法继续正常运行、外围设备将有可能停运。

    If there were some sequence flags or must keep relays of peripheral equipment , program can not run as usual , and peripheral equipment may be stopped when the switch completed .

  8. 编制了C语言程序,运用操作元件真值表来划分负荷点的停运类型,使得停运类型的判定比前一方法更简单。

    The preparation of the C language program and using of the operating elements " truth table " to divide the load point outage type makes it much simpler than previous method to the judgment of the outage type .

  9. 如个人网页生成服务GooglePageCreator就在9月份悄然停运,与名为GoogleSites的类似产品合二为一。

    Google Page Creator , a service that allowed users to create their own Web pages , was quietly discontinued in September , effectively merged into a similar product called Google Sites .

  10. LOLP考虑发电机组的强迫停运。

    The LOLP considers the forced outage of a generating unit .

  11. 上周三,纽约证交所(NYSE)和美国联合航空(UnitedAirlines)都因为神秘的计算机故障暂停运转数小时,《华尔街日报》(WSJ)网站也短暂出现无法打开的问题。

    On Wednesday both the New York Stock Exchange and United Airlines suspended activity for several hours due to mysterious computing problems , while the Wall Street Journal 's website briefly went down .

  12. 针对岭澳核电站2号主变压器B相油样色谱分析发现乙炔事件,将主变压器停运并进行了内部检查,在完成了必要的改进性维修后变压器恢复运行。

    In the analysis of main transformer phase B of unit 2 in Ling ' ao Nuclear Power Station ( LNPS ) by chromatography , acetylene was found . In order to carry out the inside check , the main transformer had been stopped and restored after necessary maintenances .

  13. 文中还讨论了机组FOR、停运容量步长△X和系统增减机组对M值的影响规律,从而为制定电力系统电源发展规划和机组检修计划提供了一个较可靠的系统参数。

    Also discussed is the influence of unit FOR , outage capacity step length delta x and system unit increment and decrement to systems M value . Thus , more reliable system parameters can be provided for power system source development planning and unit maintenance programming .

  14. 纯十八胺法在燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电机组9F级余热锅炉停运保护中的应用

    Application of Pure Octadecylamine Method to Lay-up Protection of 9F Heat Recovery Steam Generator of Gas-steam Combined Cycle Generator Set

  15. 国产200MW机组高压加热器停运的经济性计算分析

    Economical Performance Calculation and Analysis of HP FW Heaters Shutdown of Domestically-made 200 MW Generating Units

  16. 此外,结果表明了600MW机组的国内平均的强迫停运小时、降低出力等效停运小时和等效强迫停运率EFOR有降低的趋势。

    The results also show that the average forced shutdown hour , low contribution shutdown-hour and equivalent-forced shutdown-ratio have a trend to decrease .

  17. 本文介绍珠海发电厂700MW机组启动、停运及正常运行时,制粉系统无需人工干预的全程自动启停控制过程。

    The article recommend that zhuhai700MW unit start stop and normal running , milling system auto start and stop completely .

  18. 介绍了135MW机组长周期停运后各台设备维护保养所采取的一些措施,对同类型机组长周期停运后的维护保养工作有一定的借鉴意义。

    Several maintenance measures during long-term outage of135 MW units are introduced , and these measures have some guiding significance to the same type units .

  19. 分析在高压220kV母线停运过程中,产生电磁谐振的原因,并结合实例,阐述了如何在设备上及运行人员的操作方法上进行防范的解决措施。

    The causes of electromagnetic resonance generated when the 220 kV bus bar stop running is analyzed , and how to protect against it throngh the equipment and the operator is presented .

  20. 位于日本北部岛屿北海道岛的上白泷站,距离东京北部约1300km,三年前就本应停运。

    The Kami-Shirataki station in Japan 's north island of Hokkaido , about 1300km north of Tokyo , was supposed to shut operations three years ago .

  21. 据此提出了市场环境下衡量各发电公司因机组检修停运而带来的机会成本指标&单位容量机会成本(OCPC)。

    A new index & opportunity cost per capacity ( OCPC ) is proposed , which is used to evaluate the economic loss caused by unit maintenance .

  22. 中国的出租车司机一直在抱怨收入低、工作时间长,但推动近期停运事件的,似乎还有优步(Uber)等打车软件的流行,以及新闻媒体对许多司机口中的不公平竞争的密集关注。

    Cabdrivers in China have long complained about low wages and long days , but the recent strikes appear to also have been fueled by the spread of ride-hailing apps like Uber and a flurry of news media attention to what many drivers say is unfair competition .

  23. 由此,本文推广了处于使用寿命期的可修复元件的可靠性指标MTBF及强迫停运率FOR,提出了条件平均故障间运行时间MTBFt及区间平均强迫停运率FORa等可靠性指标。

    The reliability indices Mean-Time-Between-Failures ( MTBF ) and Forced Outage Rate ( FOR ), which have already been used during useful life period , are spread so that conditional Mean-Time-Between-Failures ( MTBFt ) and interval average Forced Outage Rate ( FORa ) are suggested .

  24. 给出了可用系数AF、不可用系数UF、强迫停运率FOR、运行率SER、等效可用系数EAF和等效强迫停运率EFOR的点估计和区间估计的公式,用于鉴定大型火电设备的可用性水平。

    Some point estimation and interval estimation formulas for availability factor AF , unavailability factor UF , forced outage rate FOR , service rate SER , equivalent availability factor EAF and equivalent forced outage rate EFOR are given in use for authenticating availability level of large capacity thermal power equipments .

  25. 简要介绍安顺电厂二期(2×300MW)烟气脱硫控制系统的网络配置、模拟量调节回路、顺序控制回路、烟气脱硫装置紧急停运条件以及烟气脱硫装置与机组控制系统的联系信号等。

    This paper introduces network configuration , the main loop of analog control and sequential control , the condition of FGD emergent stop of the FGD control system , and contact signal between FGD and unit control system in Anshun Power Plant , Phase ⅱ .

  26. 最后,以6节点的可靠性测试系统IEEERBTS为评估对象,展示了继电保护失效概率、一次设备实时停运概率和连锁故障条件概率的计算步骤和该实例的部分考虑继电保护影响的运行可靠性数据。

    Lastly an application is clarified using IEEE RBTS of six nodes to show the approach of calculating the probability of relay protection failure , primary component outage and cascading failure . As a result , partial data of operational reliability indices considering the effect of relay protection are shown .

  27. 停运期间采取适当的保护。

    Suitable protection must be taken during the time of shutdown .

  28. 江苏电网大机组非计划停运分析

    Analysis of Unplanned Outage of Unit in Jiangsu Electric Power System

  29. 单元机组非计划停运时数分配不等性分析

    Analysis on Unequal Distribution of Unplanned Outage Time of Generating Unit

  30. 京晶:超过1000多个航班和列车停运。

    More than 1000 flights and train services have been cancelled .