
  • 网络Railway rail;railway track
  1. 铁路钢轨的修磨及修磨用砂轮

    A summary of railway track rectification and grinding wheel for track grinding

  2. 铁路钢轨、辙叉等通过铁基合金粉末热喷涂层来提高抗磨性;

    Worn railway track is repaired with thermal spray coating of Fe-base alloy powder .

  3. 高速铁路钢轨RCF伤损特征及NDT研究进展

    RCF Damage Characteristics of High-speed Railway Rail and Research Development of NDT Techniques

  4. 钢轨打磨列车是用于铁路钢轨养护维修的专用装备。

    Rail grinding train is the special device for railway maintaining .

  5. 包钢高速铁路钢轨生产展望

    The outlook of high - speed heavy rail of Baotou Steel

  6. 高速铁路钢轨的疲劳寿命研究

    The Research of the Rail 's Fatigue Life of the High-speed Railway

  7. 铁路钢轨钢材应力强度因子的有限元计算方法

    FEA calculation method of stress intensity factor of rails steel

  8. 高速铁路钢轨动应力测试分析

    Test analysis of track dynamic stress of high-speed railway

  9. 我国铁路钢轨断裂事故分析及其影响因素

    Analysis on fracture accidents and its influencing factors for steel tracks in China

  10. 云冈专用铁路钢轨爬行的治理

    Bring the Yungang Appropriation Railroad Crawls Length under Control

  11. 铁路钢轨擦伤、低塌等缺陷的修复喷焊。

    Repair spray-fusing of defects such as scratch and concavity of railroad track .

  12. 低温下铁路钢轨抗脆断设计方法分析

    Analysis and Discussion on the Design Method for Rail Fracture-resisting under Low Temperature

  13. 铁路钢轨用钢及其热处理的研究进展

    Research Progress of Rails Steel and Its Heat Treatment

  14. 贝氏体焊条直接堆焊修复铁路钢轨特性研究

    Study on Characteristics of Bainitic Welding Rod for Direct Built-up Welding in Rail

  15. 铁路钢轨损伤机理研究

    The Research of Wear Characteristics on Steel Rail

  16. 高速铁路钢轨的平顺性

    The Smoothness of High-speed Railway Track Rails

  17. 高速铁路钢轨焊接技术

    The Rail Welding Technique of High-speed Railway

  18. 铁路钢轨接续线爆压冷焊技术

    Cold welding under explosive pressure for rail

  19. 低温下铁路钢轨铝热焊缝接头冲击韧性试验与断口分析

    Analysis of the Impact Toughness Test and Fracture of Rail Thermit Welding Joints at Low Temperature

  20. 高速铁路钢轨材质选择

    The Material Selection of High-speed Rail

  21. 铁路钢轨的锈蚀会导致轨道电路的分路不良。

    Rust in the surface of the rail may lead to bad shunt circuit of rails .

  22. 广深准高速铁路钢轨波状磨耗特点和发展规律

    Characteristics of Rail Corrugation on Guang Shen Quasi high Speed Railway and the Pattern of Its Development

  23. 低温下铁路钢轨钢材及铝热焊缝拉伸试件断口分析

    Study on the fracture scanning of rail steel and thermit welding after the tensile test at low temperature

  24. 本论文的研究成果为我国高速铁路钢轨的磨耗测量提出了一种可行的解决方案。

    In this paper , the results of research proposed a workable solution for steel rail abrasion measurement of high-speed railway in China .

  25. 为了适应市场经济新的要求,包钢建立了铁路钢轨(重轨)质量动态跟踪网络系统。

    To meet the new requirements in market economy , the network system on heavy rail quality dynamic tracing is established at Baotou Steel .

  26. 客运专线要求高质量的钢轨焊接接头,其外观质量严于常速铁路钢轨焊头;

    It is required high-quality rail welded joint on passenger dedicated line and its appearance quality should be better than that on normal speed line .

  27. 重载与高速铁路钢轨选材的技术要求不尽相同,应根据钢轨具体损伤形式而决定。

    The selection requirements of rail material of heavy-haul and high-speed railway are not the same . Rail material should be selected and used according to practical rail damage .

  28. 根据重载高速铁路钢轨的特点,提出开发中碳多元合金化的高强度高韧性重轨钢。

    Based on the characteristics of rail for heavy loads and high speed railway , to develop high strength and toughness , middle carbon & complex alloy steel for heavy rail is suggested .

  29. 随着我国进入高铁时代,对铁路钢轨接头质量的要求越来越高,如何确保钢轨焊接接头质量已成为目前急需解决的问题。

    As China has entered the era of high-speed railway , the railway rail joint increasingly high demands for quality , how to ensure the quality of rail joint has become an urgent problem .

  30. 以高速铁路钢轨的技术要求为代表,现代钢轨生产技术正在向精炼、精轧、精整的方向发展。

    The Technology of high-speed railroad , as a representative , reflects the tendency of modern productive technology of steel rail is developing to the direction of pure smelting , precise rolling and precise mending .