
  • 网络Tear gas
  1. 警察使用催泪瓦斯驱散人群。

    Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds .

  2. 军队使用催泪瓦斯和枪托驱散示威者。

    Troops used tear gas and rifle butts to break up the protests

  3. 警察使用催泪瓦斯驱散示威人群。

    Police used tear gas to break up a demonstration

  4. 防暴警察向人群中投掷了催泪瓦斯罐和烟幕弹。

    Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd .

  5. 军队用炮火和催泪瓦斯予以反击。

    The army responded with gunfire and tear gas

  6. 警察使用了催泪瓦斯攻入屋子以后,恐惧的一天结束了。

    The day of terror ended after police used teargas and stormed the house .

  7. Guy-cryfilm(男性催泪影片)指主要面向男性观众,但表达情感强烈的影片。

    A guy-cry film is a film that generally addresses a male audience , but has strong emotional material .

  8. 男性催泪影片中突出的主题包括,兄弟情,牺牲奉献,忠诚,以及家庭。

    Important themes to the guy-cry genre are concepts of brotherhood , and family .

  9. 以男性为主角的战争片和传记片也属于男性催泪影片。

    War movies and biographical films of a male character tend to also be guy-cry films .

  10. 体育类影片是男性催泪影片的一个重要类别,但体育运动并不是构成一部男性催泪影片的必要因素。

    Sports films are important to the guy-cry genre , but sports action is not necessarily essential to qualify a film as a genuine guy-cry .

  11. 制片方儒意影业表示,这部催泪影片将在北美、日本、韩国、英国、西班牙、澳大利亚、新西兰、哥伦比亚等国家和地区上映。

    The tear-jerker film will be released in North America , Japan , the Republic of Korea , Britain , Spain , Australia , New Zealand , Colombia and several other countries and regions , according to Ruyi Films , one of the producers .

  12. 这是一个非常催泪的爱情故事,一位老爷爷每天早上对一个不知道对她意味着什么的老奶奶朗读故事,影片落幕后,留下的苦乐参半的回味不会消失,它会一直跟着你;

    This achingly tender love story , read out loud by an elderly man every morning for a woman that has no idea what it means , won ’ t end with the closing credits . It will follow you , leaving a bittersweet aftertaste ;

  13. 2002年,House食品集团株式会社的科学家们发表了一篇文章,文章中提出一个假设,洋葱中催泪酶的功效可以被减弱,但其原有的口感和营养价值能被保留。

    In 2002 , House Foods Group scientists published a paper in which they hypothesized that tear-inducing enzymes in onions could be weakened while retaining their full flavor and nutritional value .

  14. 但最近中韩联合出品的另一部影片——4月份上映的浪漫催泪片《分手合约》(AWeddingInvitation)却取得了不俗的票房成绩。艺恩咨询的数据显示,该片的票房达到了人民币1.922亿元。

    However , another recent Sino-Korean co-production , the romantic tearjerker ' A Wedding Invitation ' released in April , earned 192.2 million yuan ( $ 31.3 million ) , according to EntGroup .

  15. 政府和伦敦警察厅(metropolitanpolice)应制定周密的应对规则,应当考虑催泪瓦斯和高压水枪等非致命武器,但不应使用塑胶子弹,后者在北爱尔兰曾留下令人不快的记忆。

    It is for the government and the metropolitan police to determine the precise rules of engagement . Non-lethal tools such as tear-gas and water-cannon should be considered rather than plastic bullets , which have an unhappy history in Northern Ireland .

  16. 《暮光之城》系列续集《新月》的导演ChrisWeitz在近日采访中表示这一部电影“会是有史以来最催泪电影”。

    ' New Moon'director Chris Weitz has said he hopes the latest film in the'Twilight'saga " will produce more tears than any movie before " .

  17. 直升机盘旋在圣乔万尼广场(PiazzaSanGiovanni)上空,防暴警察发射催泪瓦斯,与数百名抗议者爆发的冲突持续至夜晚。这些抗议者大多是年轻人,许多人戴着头盔。

    Helicopters hovered over Piazza San Giovanni as riot police fired tear gas and fought running battles into the night with hundreds of protesters , mostly young , many wearing helmets .

  18. 这种喷雾最大的好处就是如果你没有击中攻击者脸部,即使是胸部,配方中的CN催泪瓦斯也可以起作用。

    The advantage of this formula is that it that you don 't have to hit the attacker in the face ; even if you hit them in the chest the tear gas will affect them .

  19. 在巴勒斯坦领土上对无辜平民施放的催泪瓦斯是在宾夕法尼亚制造的。直升飞机和F-16战斗机也是美国制造的。

    The tear gas civilians inhale in the Palestinian Territories is made in Pennsylvania , and the helicopters and the F-16 fighter planes are also made in the USA.

  20. 警察用橡皮子弹与催泪瓦斯驱散抗议者。

    Police used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse protestors .

  21. 掏出纸巾吧,在这部动人的催泪小说中找到答案。

    Grab your tissues and find out in this touching weeper .

  22. 催泪瓦斯与焦烟的气味多日未散。

    The smell of tear gas and soot lingered for days .

  23. 他们遭到了催泪瓦斯和警棍的攻击。

    and they were attacked with tear gas and night sticks .

  24. 警方使用催泪瓦斯以阻止示威者扔石头的举动。

    Police used tear gas to stop demonstrators from throwing stones .

  25. 他们用催泪瓦斯和消防喉,以驱散人群。

    They used tear gas and fire hoses to disperse the crowd .

  26. 目击者称,警方施放催泪瓦斯来驱散人群。

    Witnesses said the police fired tear gas to disperse the crowd .

  27. 好斗的学生向防暴警察投掷火焰弹,警察则用催泪瓦斯予以还击。

    Militant students hurled firebombs and riot police retaliated with tear gas .

  28. 警察将催泪瓦斯投入人群中。

    Police started lobbing tear gas canisters into the crowd .

  29. 防暴警察已经使用高压水枪和催泪瓦斯。

    The riot police had been using water cannons and tear gas .

  30. 我就看一部悲剧电影来催泪吧。

    I 'll just work up some tears with a sad movie .