
cuī féi
  • fatten
催肥 [cuī féi]
  • [fatten] 在宰杀前的一段时间内喂以大量精饲料,促使猪、鸡等家畜或家禽很快长肥

催肥[cuī féi]
  1. 在夏季,它是很难捕捉海豹,所以夏季到来之前,熊大量吃因为它们可以用来催肥了,然后吃了他们的身体脂肪。

    In the summer it is harder to catch seals , so before summer arrives , the bears eat as much as they can to fatten up , then live off the fat in their bodies .

  2. 我们正被快餐业催肥。

    We are being supersized into obesity by the fast food industry .

  3. 己稀雌酚(DES)和双烯雌酚(DI)是人工合成的雌性激素,它对禽肉类动物具有明显的生长和催肥作用。

    Diethylstilbestrol ( DES ) and Dienestrol ( DI ) are synthetic estrogen and as a growth promoter in meat-producing animals and fowl .

  4. 前期准备工作已经完成。羔羊催肥前准备工作

    The first-phase preparations have been finished . preconditioning of feeder lamb

  5. 这些猪正在被催肥以供食用。

    These pigs are being fatted out as porkers .

  6. 农民在养猪、养家禽和种菜时用于催肥和催熟的添加剂也是一个重要因素。

    In addition , farmers use additives on pigs , poultry and vegetables to make them grow faster .

  7. 在五年或者六年后,他们拥有了森林,土壤被催肥,村庄被拯救了。

    In a matter of five or six years , they have a forest , the soil is enriched , and the village is saved .