
  • 网络Grass bud;Typha latifolia
  1. 超临界CO2萃取鹤草芽浸膏的研究

    Study of Extractive by Supercritical CO _ 2 Extraction

  2. 建水草芽生长发育的研究

    A Study on the Growth of Rhizome in Common Cattail

  3. 又是春天了,暖风吹绿了树叶和草芽。

    Spring comes again , the warm winds blow the leaves and sprouting grass .

  4. 四株枯草芽抱杆菌的菌液对香蕉冠腐病的防效均在70%以上,最高防效达94.74%,显著高于生产上常用的杀菌剂施保功的防效(52石3%)。

    The four Bacillus subtilis strains ' antagonism to banana crown rot all exceeded 70 percent , which overran significantly that of Sporgon ( 52.63 ), the common used fungicide in commercial .

  5. 而我很懒,除了偶尔扫扫院里被风吹进的一些落叶,从不去拔那些破土而出的草芽,任它们滋长。

    And I was so lazy , apart from occasionally sweeping some fallen leaves in the courtyard , that I never plucked grass shoots breaking through the earth , letting them grow secretly .