
  1. 成堆的水泥和玻璃置在沥青面的停车场上像塔。

    Huge blocks of cement and glass towered over asphalt parking lots .

  2. 一种像塔一样的架子结构,可用来支撑一座桥。

    A tower-like framework used to support a bridge .

  3. 我已经搜过了天像塔和猫头鹰屋,一无所获。

    I 've searched the astronomy tower and the owlery . there 's nothing there .

  4. 长得像塔一样的长颈鹿看起来很需要一张舒服的床垫,不过睡觉不是长颈鹿要操心的大事。

    These towering beasts look like they need a comfy mattress but shut-eye 's not a giraffe 's biggest concern .

  5. 我们也要像塔赫拉&赫蒂杰鼓励的那样,为安拉的喜悦成为一个优秀穆斯林,度过纯洁完美的一生。

    As At-Tahirah , Khadijah invites us , too , to live lives that are pure and to become better Muslims , for Allah 's sake .

  6. 自从1941年开始改道,一直到1982年,这片湖已经流失了51%的表面面积,露出了曾一度淹埋在水下的凝灰岩(石灰石),像塔一样耸立在水面,形成了一道独特的风景。

    By 1982 , the lake had lost 51 percent of the surface area it had before the diversions began in 1941 , revealing once-submerged tufa ( limestone ) , which now forms scenic , jutting towers across the water 's surface .

  7. 像在塔底排列或增大。

    Arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid .

  8. 这座看守所有118年的历史,造型有点像伦敦塔,时至今日仍有昔日的囚徒陆续来访。

    The 118-year-old reformatory , which resembles the Tower of London , is still visited by ex-convicts .

  9. 这房子又高又窄,像一座塔。

    The house is so high and narrow as to resemble a tower .

  10. 最高的有九层,像一个塔。

    Looking like a tower .

  11. 重阳糕又称花糕、菊糕、五色糕,制无定法,较为随意。最高的有九层,像一个塔。

    There is no fixed ways for the Double Ninth Cake , but super cakes will have as many as nine layers , looking like a tower .

  12. 有人跟你说过你很像坦茜马谢塔吗?

    Did anyone ever tell you you look like Tanzie marchetta ?

  13. 你看见喷泉后面看起来像角锥体的塔了吗?

    You see behind the fountain , that tower that looks like a pyramid ?

  14. 这样使得“母舰”极其有效地反击这些像“导弹发射塔”一样的基地防设施。

    This makes the Mothership extremely potent against fixed base defenses like these missile turrets .

  15. 还有另外一个奇迹,就是这里的冰。这里的冰有各种各样的形状,有些像桥,有些像塔或者像其它的什么形状。

    An additional wonder generated here are the bright glaciers , where ices are formed into various shapes like bridges , pagodas and others .