
  • Image illuminance;【航天】illuminance of image plane
  1. 大口径、长焦距光学系统杂光系数、渐晕系数、像面照度均匀性等参数的测试

    Test of stray light coeffcient vignetting coeffcient and image surface illumination uniformity of optical system with large aperture and long focal length

  2. 分别从日光和夜间点光源照明模型出发,研究了目标和景物在此照明模型下的成像性质,分析了传输介质对照明和成像光束的衰减作用,得出了光学成像系统像面照度的计算公式。

    Based on the illumination models of daylight and point sources , the paper studies the properties of imaging , analyzes the effects of medium on optical lines , and gets the formulas of the irradiance on the imaging plan .

  3. 提出充分利用像差渐晕改善像面照度均匀性的方法;论述标定轴外光束边界的逐次渐近过程和运用入瞳距离变量实现孔径光阑位置全域优化的技术。

    In the end , it expounds the successive approach method to confirm the boundary of abaxial beams , and how to realize global optimization of the aperture stop ′ s position using the entrance pupil ′ s distance variable .

  4. 论文还介绍F-sinθ镜头的基本原理,指出借助F-sinθ镜头可以避免因工作面积扩大而造成的像面边缘照度下降,提出将其用于大工作面激光打标机的设想,并给出了设计实例。

    Finally , the principle of F-sin θ lens is also introduced . The reason that F-sin θ lens can avoid the declination of relative illumination as increase of its working area is represented . And its potential application in laser marking machine with larger working area is expected .