
  • 网络World War Z;World War
  1. 举个例子,《僵尸世界大战》(WorldWarZ)电影开头那种俯拍镜头,在我的高清电视上看,人物就像是蚂蚁在爬行一样。

    For example , an overhead scene at the beginning of the film ' World War Z ' looks like ant-sized people are scrambling around on my HDTV .

  2. 《僵尸世界大战》(WorldWarZ)和《行尸走肉》等僵尸题材影视剧运用了多种现代人的恐惧:逐渐升级的全球暴力、疾病的爆发以及我们对自己变老时意识不清的恐惧。

    Zombie dramas like ' World War Z ' and ' The Walking Dead ' play to multiple modern fears : escalating global violence , disease outbreak , our fears of losing our own minds as we age .

  3. IMDb的数据显示,《僵尸世界大战》是美国过去30年间票房最高的恐怖片,例外的是它是一部惹人注目的大制作恐怖片。

    World War Z , ' whose giant budget was a glaring exception , is the top-grossing horror movie in the U.S. of the past 30 years , according to IMDb . '

  4. 如果布拉德皮特真的在50岁前息影,那么,《僵尸世界大战》可能是他出演的最后一部作品。

    If Pitt does end up quitting acting by age50 , could his last film end up being'World War Z ' ?

  5. 安吉丽娜朱莉选择缺席她姨妈的葬礼,这样她可以飞去英国支持皮特的新电影《僵尸世界大战》的首映礼。

    She opted to miss her aunt 's funeral so she could jet to Britain to support Brad Pitt at the premiere of his new movie World War Z.

  6. 派拉蒙日前发布了即将公映的由布拉德皮特主演的僵尸惊悚片《僵尸世界大战》的黑白海报,海报上一群僵尸攻击直升飞机。

    Paramount Pictures has released a new black-and-white poster for its upcoming zombie thriller World War Z , starring Brad Pitt , that features a horde of zombies piled high as they attack a helicopter in flight .