
  • 网络children’s books;children book
  1. 我想研究的方向是儿童书籍插画,创作小朋友们喜欢的儿童故事。

    The area I want to research is illustration of children books and creating favorite stories for children .

  2. 报道说许多儿童书籍索然无味。

    The report said many children 's books were not interesting .

  3. 1970年代末开始儿童书籍插图和图画书的创作。

    He started creating children 's illustrations and picture books since late1970s .

  4. 不是孩子&这些读着儿童书籍的人是如假包换的成年人。

    Not children & these were real grown-ups reading children 's books .

  5. 他因为撰写儿童书籍而闻名。

    He was famous because of the books he wrote for children .

  6. 是谁让这些成年人去读一本儿童书籍的?

    Who told these adults they should read a kids'book ?

  7. 我们打算扩大儿童书籍的出版。

    We 're plan-ning to extend ollr publishing of children 's books .

  8. 他是个著名的儿童书籍插图画家。

    He is well known as an illustrator of children 's books .

  9. 而他们选择了阅读儿童书籍。

    Yet they chose to read a children 's book .

  10. 这种风格对于儿童书籍来说有点过于浮华生硬。

    The style was too pompous and dry for a children 's book .

  11. 她写的儿童书籍相当不错。

    She writes reasonably good children 's books .

  12. 没有插图的儿童书籍通常销售情况不好。

    Unillustrated children 's books usually sell poorly .

  13. 儿童书籍的出版是一个发展很快的行业。

    Children 's publishing is a fast-growing business .

  14. 这个公司出版儿童书籍。

    This company publishes children 's books .

  15. 这就是本文所提出的儿童书籍互动性理论。

    This is just the viewpoint proposed in the paper called Interaction of Child Book .

  16. 儿童书籍的设计研究

    Study of Children 's Book Design

  17. 阅读时跳过那些儿童书籍,直接找你感兴趣的东西来读。

    Skip the children 's books and start with the stuff that you 're actually interested in .

  18. 在底层,你可以找到大量儿童书籍及儿童活动地带。

    An extensive collection of children 's books and an activity area is also located in the basement .

  19. 今天我们将开始学习20世纪最重要的儿童书籍作者。

    Today we 'll start looking at the most important children 's book authors of the twentieth century .

  20. 所以儿童书籍形态设计的美与丑、好与坏就显得格外重要。

    Therefore , the children 's books shape design 's good or bad is especially important for people .

  21. 她的推荐总是一针见血——从儿童书籍到成人文学。

    She always hits the nail on the head with herrecommendations -- from children 's books to adult literature .

  22. 所以我从小就开始读书,读的是英国和美国的儿童书籍。

    So I was an early reader , and what I read were British and American children 's books .

  23. 看来很多人已经喜欢上读书,多亏《哈里·波特》丛书使得儿童书籍兴盛起来。

    Many are already hooked on books , thanks to the Harry Potter series , which has the kids ' book business buzzing .

  24. 50年代中期,休斯博士成为世界上最受欢迎、最成功的儿童书籍作家。

    By the middle1950s , Doctor Seuss had become one of the bestloved and most successful children 's book writers in the world .

  25. 我曾经尝试阅读过西班牙语的儿童书籍,但这实在是太无聊了,我看了几页就看不下去了。

    I 've tried reading children 's books in Spanish but found them so boring that I never got past the first few pages .

  26. 儿童书籍设计是书籍设计中一个很重要的门类,本文从儿童书籍设计的现状出发分析了目前儿童书籍设计的问题和误区。

    Children 's book is an important part of book . Above all , the paper analyse the condition and problem of these book 's design .

  27. 他在长期的文学创作生涯中,从事长短篇小说、戏剧、游记、散文、批评以及儿童书籍的创作。

    In his long literary career , Greene has written novels , short stories , plays , travel books , essays , criticism and books for children .

  28. 我也问她是否对市场上的儿童书籍做过任何调查,她承认她从来没有想到过要这样做。

    I also asked whether she had done any research regarding other children 's books on the market , and she admitted that had not occurred to her .

  29. 如果我们愿意,我们可以连续四次把这个奖颁给一位美国的儿童书籍作家。

    We could , if we wanted to , award this prize four times in a row to a children 's book writer working in the United States .

  30. 在1962年,贝斯与前图书馆员莱奥诺拉·克莱恩合作创作了个人儿童书籍,数十年间这本书在绝版书收藏界中享有极高的名气。

    In 1962 , Bass collaborated with former librarian Leonore Klein on his only children 's book , which spent decades as a prized out-of-print collector 's item .