
  1. 赫赫有名的元嘉三大家即出现于这一时期。

    Famous " Yuan Jia three people " that appeared in this period .

  2. 试论元嘉诗歌

    On the Yuan jia Poems

  3. 宋文帝诗体现了元嘉诗风的特点,注重使事用典。

    WenDi ' poetry is Yuan Jia embodies in the characteristics , focusing on making things with the Code .

  4. 他也是中古诗歌从元嘉体向永明体过渡进程中的重要作家。

    He is also an important writer during the poetry change of the style of YongMing to the one of YuanJia .

  5. 孝武帝诗作中体现了刘宋文风由元嘉之风向永明诗风转变的痕迹。

    Xiao Wu Di ' spoems reflects the style of Poetry change wind from the Yuan Jia to the Yong Ming .

  6. 附录《元嘉文学系年》,对元嘉文学发展过程进行较为详细的梳理。

    The chronicle of Yuanjia Literature , which sorts out the developing process of Yuanjia literature , is included in the appendix .

  7. 学界一般认为元嘉北伐导致了北强南弱的形势,这个结论有些片面。

    It is the scholars unilateral conclusion that the northern expedition during Yuanjia caused the north to be stronger than the south .

  8. 第二节,从诗歌风格和层次结构两个方面,分析谢庄诗从元嘉体向永明体的转变。

    The second part analyses his poetry transit from Yuan Jia style to Yong Ming style , from poetry style and hierarchical structure two aspects .

  9. 赋体文学一个鲜明的创作手法就是“前后左右广言之”。这种创作手法深刻地影响了元嘉时期的诗歌创作。

    " Narrating in an overall and detailed manner ", one of the distinctive creation method of fu-style literature , exerted a deep influence upon the Yuanjia poetry creation .

  10. 作为元嘉三大家之一的鲍照,是近年来南朝文学研究的热点之一。

    Bao Zhao , one of the three famous writers in Yuan Jia Period , has been researched as one of the focal points in Nan Dynasty literature research in recent years .

  11. 南朝宋文帝元嘉年间关于“符伍”问题的辨论,反映当时士庶之间在法律规定的量刑标准上并无明确区别;

    The debate about " ranks " in Yuanjia Period under the regime of Emperor Wen in Southern Song Dynasty showed that there were no clear standards for legal penalty among the gentry and the multitude .

  12. 因此,系统分析元嘉文学的发展机制,归纳其艺术成就,分析其历史地位,对中古文学研究进一步深入具有重要意义。

    Therefore , a systematic analysis of the development mechanism , a generalization of its artistic achievements and an analysis of its historic status are quite significant to the further research of Middle Age of ancient Chinese literature .

  13. 第四章从诗体长度、骈对、声律、用韵四个方面辨析元嘉体的体制特征,分析元嘉体对中国古典诗歌体制发展的重大意义。

    The fourth chapter tries to analyze the mechanism characteristics of " Yuanjia style " from four respects : length , parallel pair , tunes and rhythms ; analyzes the significance of " Yuanjia style " for the development of Chinese ancient poetic mechanism .