
yuán luó jí
  • metalogic
元逻辑[yuán luó jí]
  1. 主要内容:1.从解析角度分析了n维逻辑空间及n元逻辑函数的结构性质,论证了二者之间的一一对应关系。

    The main content includes : ( 1 ) Mathematical analysis of the structural properties of n-dimensional logical space and that of n-element logical function .

  2. 2~(2~k)值n元逻辑函数、范式及0&1方程的图象分析;

    The 2 ~ ( 2 ~ k ) - valued n-elemental Logical function , its normal formulas and its analysis of the image of 0-1 equation ;

  3. 用图象分析法求2~(2~k)值n元逻辑方程的再生解。

    The reproducing solution of 2 ~ ( 2 ~ k ) - valued n-elemental Logical equation by using the analytical method of the image to has been gained .

  4. 针对传统的二元逻辑无法定量描述单元部分失效对系统整体性能的影响的问题,采用模糊数运算方法,对部分失效条件下的NPP典型系统性能进行了定量计算;

    The effect of components ' partial failure on system performance can not be quantitatively calculated by traditional binary logic .

  5. 根据调查收集的丰富的数据和信息,借助SPSS软件进行描述性统计分析和二元逻辑分析方法,全面分析农户对于生态系统服务的认知度、影响因子、空间差异和原因。

    According to the data and information from survey , used the description statistics and the logic analysis of the SPSS to understand farmers ' perception of ecosystem services , the influence factors , spatial differences and reasons .

  6. 本文介绍了一个基于元逻辑程序设计的专家系统工具HEST。

    The paper discusses an expert systems tool based on meta-logic-pro-gramming , HEST .

  7. 物元逻辑树及策略生成

    Logical Tree of Matter element and Development of Tactics

  8. 会计信息管制的二元逻辑框架探析

    Dualistic Logical Framework Analysis on Regulation of Accounting Information

  9. 根据分析结果,建立了二元逻辑回归模型展开实证研究。

    Based on the above analysis , we build the binary logistic regression model .

  10. 二元逻辑代数方程式

    Logical algebraic equatin with two unknowns

  11. 继而,本文通过建立二元逻辑回归模型,以舞弊样本和控制样本构成总样本,分别进行单因素分析和二元逻辑回归分析。

    Then , this paper build a binary logistic regression model to constitute a fraud samples and control samples of total samples , and did the single factor analysis and binary logistic regression analysis respectively .

  12. 最后,为了验证模型的有效性,笔者利用历史数据对预警模型进行回判测试,计算出二元逻辑斯蒂模型的总体预警准确率和误判率。

    Finally , to verify the validity of the model , I used historical data back to the early warning model for sub-test , binary logistic model to calculate the overall accuracy rate and false alert rate .

  13. 本文着重讨论和辨析了现代逻辑系统的一些基本概念,如演绎有效性,真与可靠性,逻辑系统的句法,逻辑系统的语义,逻辑系统的元逻辑,等等。

    This paper is concentrated on the clarification of some essential concepts of systematic logic , such as deductive validity , truth , soundness , syntax , semantics , and the meta-theory or meta-logic of a logic system .

  14. 体育活动和体育工作的实践证明后现代主义哲学的三种说法&追求本质是幻想、家族相似论和拒斥二元逻辑,都站不住脚。

    The practices of Chinese sport activities and sport work proved that the three versions of post-modernism philosophy & " seek to essence is a fancy "," the theory of family resemble " and " refused duality logic " were not existed .

  15. 本文在阐述反倾销预警理论和研究意义的基础上,结合国内外研究现状,进行预警模型的选择,最终选定使用二元逻辑斯蒂回归这一方法来构建反倾销预警模型。

    This paper describes the early warning of anti-dumping theory and research implications , based on the situation of research at home and abroad , I compared the early warning models , and ultimately I selected using the method of binary logistic regression to build the anti-dumping early warning model .

  16. 本文在分析一元道义逻辑OAP系统的基础上,分析探讨道义悖论,并提出自己解决悖论的初步设想。

    This paper analysises and discusses the deontic paradoxes based on the brief introduction of the monistic deontic logic and dualistic deontic logic , and puts forward the author 's own initiatory thinking .

  17. 二元道义逻辑研究试论《中庸》思想体系的逻辑建构

    A Tentative Approach to the Logic Construction of the Ideological System of " Golden Mean " Doctrine

  18. 一元谓词逻辑和类逻辑都不能完全反映传统词项逻辑的特征。

    Both one-predicate logic and the class logic can not express all characteristics of traditional lexical item logic .

  19. 外语教师话语行为中的元语言逻辑&外语教学分析的一个新视角

    Metalanguage Logics in the Discourse and Behavior of Foreign Language Teacher ── A New Angle to Analyze Foreign Language Teaching

  20. 在理论基础上,现代大学制度应超越“一元”逻辑和简单的“多元”逻辑而走向有机的“制衡”逻辑。

    Therefore , the modern university system should surpass the " unitary logic " or the simplified " pluralistic logic " to be a " restraint logic " .

  21. 本文还根据MV-DYL电路的特点,提出一种高速的多值逻辑与或通用阵列,阐明用100个规律排列的MV-DYL与门可以实现二元十值逻辑运算功能。

    A high-speed AND-OR universal array of multiple valued logic is proposed , and 10100 different decimal logic functions of two variables can be realized by use of 100 MV-DYL AND gates regularly arranged .

  22. 同一复合结点内的元结点是逻辑或的关系。

    Compound node contains some meta-nodes whose relationship is logical or .

  23. 基于空间滤波技术的二元图象光逻辑运算

    Optical logical operations of binary images based on the technique of spatial filtering

  24. 偶数元择多逻辑函数的稳定性和代数结构

    The Stability and Algebra Structure of Maximum Logic Functions with Even Number of Variables

  25. 在此基础上通过二元和多元逻辑回归,我们探讨了儿童性暴力与几个潜在的人口统计和社会风险因素之间的联系。

    The association between childhood sexual violence and several potential demographic and social risk factors was explored through bivariate and multivariate logistic regression .

  26. 一元多值逻辑函数集中的一类极大封闭集&线性置换群在对称群中的极大性

    A class of maximal closed sets in the set of the unary many-valued logic functions : The maximality of the linear permutation group in the symmetric group

  27. 老工业基地社会既是探讨新二元社会的逻辑切入点,又是新二元社会研究的主要对象;

    The old industrial base society is not only the logical starting point for exploring the new dualistic society , but also the primary subject of research on the new dualistic society .

  28. 其内涵丰富而深刻,主要表现在董仲舒赋予《易传》中的“元”以逻辑在先和价值根源之意义,表明“元”是一个价值本体范畴;

    This is mainly embodied by that DONG Zhong-shu granted the Yuan , origin , in Yi Zhuan the significance of being logically prior and the origin of value , indicating the Yuan was an ontological category of value .

  29. 对元胞自动机中逻辑变量的转换规则进行了添加,使云层在风力作用下可以漂移,增加了其真实性:采用Impostor技术来简化计算。

    Adding the status shift rules for the cellular automaton which can make cloud move by wind and using impostor to predigest the calculation .

  30. 二元判定图在逻辑模拟中的应用

    The Applications of Binary Decision Diagrams in Logic Simulation