
  1. 刘福通领导的红巾起义从根本上瓦解了元朝的统治。

    The rising up of the Red Turbans led by Liu Futong destroyed the reign of Yuan completely .

  2. 元朝的统治也日趋腐朽,帝位之争异常激烈。

    The rule of the Yuan Dynasty grew more and more corrupt . The scrambling for the throne was terribly serious .

  3. 尽管元廷为恢复权威与控制能力进行过努力,但最终军阀集团的斗争在事实上瓦解了元朝的统治。

    The Yuan government had made an effort to resume authority and the govern ability , but at last , the struggles among warlord blocs had disintegrated the Yuan 's governance in fact .

  4. 至正二十八年(1368),大明军北伐,元顺帝北走上都,元朝在中原的统治宣告结束。

    In1368 , the troops of Dynasty Ming attacked the North and emperor Yuan Shun fled northwards .

  5. 同年,明朝军队占领大都(即今天的北京),元朝首都,最终结束了元朝的统治。

    In the same year , the Ming army captured Dadu ( currently Beijing ), the capital city of Yuan , ultimately ending the Yuan Dynasty .