
  • 网络First heat;Shen Yun Performing Arts
先热 [xiān rè]
  • [preheat] 先将[发动机]加热到运转温度,再行运转;在热处理或机械处理前预先将金属加热

  1. 我是想先热一下身

    l thought l 'd warm up a little .

  2. 火刑的时候,是脚先热

    I think the feet go first when they set the stake on fire .

  3. 我今晚出去前得先热热身我的舞步。

    I need to warm up my dance steps before I go out tonight .

  4. 让我们先热热身。

    Let 's warm up first .

  5. 热身我今晚出去前得先热热身我的舞步。

    warm up I need to warm up my dance steps before I go out tonight .

  6. 采用先热浓盐酸溶解,再焙烧、浸出、水解、结晶和还原等方法,可分离回收金属,制取金属钨粉、钴粉和金属钛。

    E. by using the process composed of dissolving with hot concentrated hydrochloric acid , roasting , leaching , hydrolysis , crystallization and reduction , it is possible to recover valuable metals and make metallic tungsten powder , cobalt powder and metallic titanium .

  7. 先慢跑热热身,免得拉伤肌肉。

    Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging .

  8. 预制件整体炭毡先通过热梯度气相沉积(CVD)处理,然后经反复的真空-压力浸渍Al2O3型无机胶,再通过500℃烧结制得。

    The preformed part of carbon felt was treated by heat gradient CVD process , and then repeatedly vacuum pressure impregnated with Al 2O 3 inorganic matrix and sintered at 500 ℃ .

  9. 比基本断裂功(we)先随热拉伸比(HSR)增加而增加,热拉伸比为19.17左右时达到最大值,继续增加热拉伸比,we降低。

    The specific essential work of fracture ( w_e ) of the composite first increases with the increase of the hot stretch ratio , and shows a maximum at a hot stretch ratio of 19.17 , then decreases with further increasing the hot stretch ratio .

  10. 先煎热平底锅,再加油,红洋葱,大蒜;煮大概2-3分钟。

    In a paella pan , add oil , onion and garlic . Saute for 2-3 minutes over a medium heat .

  11. 差分方程组的求解采用联立求解与逐次求解相结合的方法,即在一个时间步长内先对热采数学模型采用全隐式联立求解,而后进行活性剂输运方程的隐式求解。

    The models were solved using finite difference method . The difference equation set was solved combined simultaneous solution method and step solution method .

  12. 将蒸煮滑豆腐先蒸热,去掉多馀水分后压碎;芫茜切碎,部分拌入豆腐中。

    Steam the tofu and drain excess moisture , mash it up . Chop up the coriander and mix some of it in the tofu .

  13. 这个集装箱到不了目的地别担心你们多半淹死前就先被热死了我们走

    This container never reaches its destination . Don 't worry . You 'll probably die of heat stroke before you drown . Let 's go .

  14. 爬虫类和两栖类动物要先让身体热起来才能活动

    Reptiles and amphibians must warm their bodies ...

  15. 为什么混合气在被送入接触室之前要先净化?热交换器的用途是什么?

    Why should the combined gas be purified before it is transmitted into the contact tower ? What is the use of the heat exchanger ?

  16. 上菜顺序要求先冷后热,先咸后甜,每席必有鱼,没有海参不算大席。

    After the first heat requirements of the order to serve cold , after a sweet first , I must every fish , no sea cucumber is not a big majority .

  17. 采用间接法进行热力耦合分析,即先通过瞬态热分析研究结构的瞬态温度变化,然后在结构分析中把温度作为热载荷施加在有限元模型上。

    The indirect method of thermal-structure coupling was used . A transient thermal analysis was made to get the temperature distribution , and then the structure analysis followed used the temperature distribution got as a temperature load .

  18. 计算结果表明,在夏季大空间火灾中,顶棚附近温度的变化规律是先下降,热空气层消失时达到最低,之后再上升;

    The calculated results show that , in large space fires in summer , the temperature near the ceiling first drops , decreasing to the lowest point when the hot air layer disappears , before it rises .

  19. 该铝锰硅复合脱氧剂的生产工艺分二步进行:第一步先在矿热炉内利用贫锰矿冶炼母合金,第二步采用炉外精炼的方法去除杂质和调整合金成分。

    Abstract The process of producing Al-Mn-Si complexing deoxidant is divided into two steps : the first is smelting foundry alloy in submerged are furnace with lean manganese ore , the second is eliminating impurity substance and adjusting alloy component by softening out of furnace .

  20. 先是考察将热单轴各向异性材料在连续调制光辐照下,在柱坐标系下建立光热辐射测量(PTR)技术的三维理论模型。

    At first , the 3-D theoretical model of photothermal radiation was built in the cylindrical coordinate axes , by reviewing thermally uniaxial materials irradiated by continuously modulated beam .

  21. 他们这样早晚先把自己给热死。

    They 'll wear themselves out eventually .

  22. 那我先为姑娘们热一下我的加长新轿车

    And I 'm going to warm up my new town car for the ladies .

  23. 临床中,在开展热疗前应先了解辐射器的热场分布。

    So , it is necessary to survey the heat distribution of the microwave radiator antenna before we carry out a treatment in the clinic .

  24. 是这样的:你先把油给热了,然后放入调味品,然后把韭菜放进锅里。

    It 's like this : first you heat the oil , and then put into the seasoning , and then put leek into the pot .

  25. 先用开水烫热紫砂壶,然后放茶叶至壶的50%-70%。

    First you heat the cinnabar tea pot water , and then put in the tea to fill approximately 50 % to 70 % of its capacity .

  26. 泡茶之前先用一点热开水冲一下茶壶。当泡茶时隔住茶叶的装置。

    S - a little hot water around in the pot before steeping the tea . a device to keep back tea leaves when pouring a cup of tea .

  27. 直接系统是污水直接进入机组蒸发器和冷凝器的形式,间接系统是污水先经过污水换热器,将热量传给中介水,再由中介水进入蒸发器和冷凝器与制冷剂换热的形式。

    The indirect system is a form that the sewage goes through the sewage heat exchanger first , passing the heat to the refrigerating fluid , and then the refrigerating fluid enters into the evaporator and the condenser to change heat with the refrigerant .

  28. 我想先让你来个简单的,先热热身。

    I want to warm you up with something easy .