
  • 网络ams;advanced manufacturing system;advanced manufacture system
  1. 然后对先进制造系统作了详细的介绍,与传统制造系统相比,总结了先进制造系统的特征。

    Then , this paper introduces AMS detailedly , compares it with the traditional manufacturing system , and concludes its characters .

  2. 本文研究并指出了先进制造系统中人这个因素所要具备的条件及受到的约束即人的素质特性。

    The requirments and constraints for human in AMS are studied by the authors and the results of the study are pointed out in the paper .

  3. 首先介绍了面向先进制造系统的先进维修技术(AdvancedMaintenanceTechnology,AMT)的概念;

    The paper presented the concept of advanced maintenance technology oriented to an advanced manufacture system .

  4. 运用ABC系统的先进制造系统经济评价模型

    An Economic Evaluation Model fot Advanced Manufacturing Systems Using Activity-Based Costing

  5. 针对先进制造系统的复杂性,提出了基于多Agent结构的一种检测监控系统模型。

    Because of the complexity of advanced manufacturing system , an Inspection and Monitoring system model based on Multi-Agent is presented in the paper .

  6. 先进制造系统中一种基于MAS的检测监控技术研究

    Research on Inspection and Monitoring Technologies Based on Multi-agent System in Advanced Manufacturing System

  7. 活动为基础的成本计算(ActivitybasedCosting,简称ABC)系统是一种更适应先进制造系统生产特征的成本会计创新模式。

    Activity-Based Costing ( ABC ) Systems are new cost accounting models that are more suitable for production characteristics of Advanced Manufacturing systems ( AMS ) .

  8. 先进制造系统PDMS研究

    Research on PDMS of Advanced Manufacturing System

  9. 提出了适应先进制造系统的PDMS工作流方法模型。

    A model of a manufacturing workflow adapted to PDMS of Advanced Manufacturing System is proposed .

  10. 围绕CIMS与FMS的研究与实践,先进制造系统的发展和应用取得了巨大的成就。

    Based on study and practice of CIMS and FMS , great achievement has been made in development of and application in advanced manufacturing system .

  11. 为提高生产率,先进制造系统中广泛采用自动导向小车、机器人和抓钩(Hoist)等自动化材料搬运装置。

    To increase the output in advanced manufacturing , automated material transport devices , such as automated guide vehicle , robot and hoist are widely used .

  12. 研究表明,MC是一种与制造企业和企业群、设计和过程全面优化相关的,渐进的、不断优化的先进制造系统模式。

    Researches show that the mass customization is a gradually optimizing manufacturing system mode related with enterprise and a group of enterprises , optimizing the processes of design and manufacturing .

  13. 敏捷维修(agilemaintenance,AM)是后勤保障领域的新概念,面向先进制造系统的敏捷维修技术研究才刚刚起步。

    Agile maintenance ( AM ) is an new concept for logistics , it can be applied to maintenance for advanced manufacturing system . In china , study on for AM for manufacturing system is in initial stage .

  14. 将先进制造系统的工作流分为办公工作流和生产工作流,讨论了在PDMS基础上的工作流的Petri网表达方式,并实现了一个实际办公工作流。

    Work flow of Advanced Manufacturing System can be classified into office workflow and manufacturing workflow . Petri-net means of expression of the workflow based on PDMS is discussed , with a practical office workflow realized .

  15. 先进制造系统的决策模式及其决策支持系统

    A Decision Model and Decision Support System for Advanced Manufacturing Systems

  16. 知识化制造系统&新一代先进制造系统

    Knowledgeable Manufacturing System & A New Kind of Advanced Manufacturing System

  17. 基于虚拟环境的先进制造系统仿真技术

    Simulation Technology for Advanced Manufacturing System Based on the Virtual Environment

  18. 先进制造系统的发展与故障诊断系统设计

    Development of Advanced Manufacturing System and Design of Fault Diagnosis System

  19. 先进制造系统战略无形效益评价研究

    Study on Estimation of Advanced Manufacturing System Strategy Intangible Benefits

  20. 先进制造系统适度递阶的协同控制的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on the Moderate Hierarchical Synergetic Control of Advanced Manufacturing Systems

  21. 先进制造系统战术无形效益形成机理研究

    Formation Mechanism of Invisible Benefit in Advanced Manufacturing System

  22. 大规模定制设计&先进制造系统中的敏捷产品开发模式

    Large-scaled Customized Design & Development Mode for Efficient Product in Advanced Production System

  23. 先进制造系统信息集成技术综述

    Overview of Information Integration Technology of Advanced Manufacturing Systems

  24. 简要介绍了各种先进制造系统模式。

    Various modes of advanced manufacture system were introduced .

  25. 先进制造系统经济评价模型的创新

    On Improving Economic Evaluation Mode on Advanced Manufacturing System

  26. 先进制造系统运行控制理论中调度问题综述

    Survey to scheduling problem of advanced manufacturing running systems

  27. 先进制造系统及其关键技术的研究

    The Study of Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Key Technologies

  28. 构建基于先进制造系统的一体化实验室

    Construct the whole lab based on Advanced Manufacturing system

  29. 先进制造系统柔性价值的货币化及经济评价模型

    The Monetary Terms of Flexibility Value and Economic Evaluating Model in Advanced Manufacturing Systems

  30. 网络化集成优柔性化的BMEI-AMS&1先进制造系统

    Network integrated and flexible advanced manufacturing system BMEI-AMS-1