
  • 网络avant-garde
  1. 端上来的牛里脊泡在红葡萄酒汁中,并用一些时蔬点缀,与其说是一道菜,倒不如说更像先锋派艺术展示。

    The beef comes in a red-wine sauce and is served with little vegetables arranged more like an avant-garde art exhibition than a plate of food .

  2. 在文学和艺术领域,主要分析了跨掉派,黑色幽默和欧洲先锋派艺术对反文化运动的影响。

    Then in literature and art , the influence of Beat Generation , Black Humor , and European Avant-garde on the occurrence of counterculture movement is analyzed .

  3. 非人化是现代主义艺术,尤其是各种先锋派艺术的一个根本特征,它根源于审美现代性之自反性悖论。

    " Dehumanization " is a basic feature of modern art , especially various avant-guard style arts . It originates in " reflexive " of aesthetic modernity .

  4. 先锋派艺术的一些抽象艺术语言被应用于海报设计中,使十月革命后的海报设计实现了真正意义上与绘画的分离,并结合了俄罗斯主要先锋艺术流派的特征。

    The avant-garde art , abstract art language is used in the poster design , poster design to achieve a real sense of separation and painting after the October Revolution , and a combination of the characteristics of the Russian avant-garde art schools .

  5. 美术学院外的先锋派行为艺术。

    Pioneer action art in a gumtree ousidet of art school .

  6. 先锋派的艺术风格、边缘化的题材逐渐变成了后来者走向成功的捷径。

    Avant-garde artistic style and edging subject have gradually become the successors ' shortcut to success .

  7. 本文主要从西方先锋派合唱艺术的发展状况、主要表现特征及其出现的原因等方面进行论述。

    From three main perspectives , namely the developmental status of Avant-garde chorus , the major expressive characteristics as well as the reasons concerned .

  8. 其作品视觉独到,思想浓厚,并打破了传统的艺术表现手法,自创了一系列先锋派的艺术精品。

    Original vision of his work , deep thinking , and break the traditional means of artistic expression , and invented a series of avantgarde works of art .

  9. 但这条路对于艺术家们来说并不容易:除了零下的温度和长达数月的黑暗,这个仅有60万人的小首都直到最近,享誉世界的都是出口的木材和泡在液中的鱼干,而不是先锋派当代艺术。

    But the route isn 't easy for those involved : Aside from subzero temperatures and months of darkness , the relatively small capital city of 600000 was , until very recently , better known for timber exports and dried fish aged in lye than cutting-edge contemporary art .

  10. 第二章主要从二十世纪下半叶的历史背景,合唱团的发展概况论述二十世纪下半叶即先锋派之后合唱艺术发展的情况。

    The second chapter basically from the historical background of the 20th century , the development situation of the choir of the 20th century that this choral art development after the avant-garde .