
  • 网络cadence
  1. 每一终止式结尾都有一次停顿。

    There was a pause at the end of each cadence .

  2. 终止式作为和声理论中不可或缺的重要组成部分,在作品分析中提供了大量的信息,使音乐展现出独有的个性特征。

    Cadence which is indispensable to Concord Theory , provides lots of information in works analysis and makes music show a unique personality characteristics .

  3. 本文主要以钢琴作品作为分析材料对终止式进行分析。

    This paper discusses cadence , mainly based on the piano woks . This paper analyzed cadence on piano works as analytical materials .

  4. 另一方面,为学习西方音乐理论提供另一条途径,而终止式作为乐曲曲式中的重要组成部分,本身就是具有美学研究价值的。

    On the other hand , it provides another way to study western music theories and cadence acts as one of the most important parts of music melody and has great value of aesthetic research .

  5. 在Windows中,没有保持关于线程终止的显式线程状态。

    In Windows , there are no explicit thread states maintained with respect to thread termination .

  6. 终止检查是隐式的;当上一个调用中未返回行时,递归将停止。

    The termination check is implicit ; recursion stops when no rows are returned from the previous invocation .