
  • 网络Homo antecessor;pioneer man
  1. 不像你何先驱这些人想参加。

    Unlike you Mr Sumpter these people wanted to attend .

  2. 鲁迅将永远作为中国新文化运动的光辉先驱受人歌颂。

    Lu Xun will be for ever celebrated as the glorious harbinger of a new Chinese cultural movement .

  3. 作为一个可能是先驱的人,我的根深深根植在亚洲&比纯粹的金钱或商业要深得多。

    As someone who maybe was a pioneer , it 's a much deeper rooted journey back to Asia ─ a much deeper journey than purely financial or commercial .

  4. 因为他是先驱,是第一人。

    Coz ' he was a pioneer , he was the first one .