
  • 网络Electric Power Information Technology
  1. 电力信息化,让我们远离电荒

    Informationization of Electricity Industry Enabling Us to Apart from Shortage of Power

  2. 基于智能电网的河北电力信息化建设展望

    Forecast Construction of Hebei Electrical Power Informationization Under Smart Grid

  3. 对河北省软件产业发展及我国电力信息化商机的思考

    Thinking on Hebei software industry and commercial opportunity of computerized China power industry

  4. 推动电力信息化应重视的几个问题

    Discussion on Some Valued Proposals for Propelling Information Technologies Application in Electric Power

  5. 本文将对指导黑龙江省电力信息化建设规划提供一定的决定支持。

    This article would provide certain support for the Heilongjiang electric power informationization construction .

  6. 辽宁电力信息化建设实践

    Practice of Building Liaoning Power Information System

  7. 本文主要讨论在电力信息化中如何建立和完善数字巡检系统。

    In this paper , the establishment and improvement of digital inspection system in power informationization are discussed .

  8. 构建高效、合理的电网自动化信息平台正是电力信息化的重要内容。

    Construction of high-efficient , rational automatic information platform of power network is exactly the important content of power informatization process .

  9. 当前国内电厂在实施电力信息化过程中,普遍存在着所谓孤岛自动化系统问题。

    During the process of information systems automation in domestic power plants , the problem of island information robotization systems exist universally .

  10. 本文立足于电力信息化项目的管理,将管理方法规范化、管理工具专业化、管理职责具体化,总结出一套适应电力信息化的项目管理模式和项目管理有效方法。

    Sum up a set of project management models and project management effective ways to adapt to the information of electric projects .

  11. 最后,针对评价结果进行了分析和探讨,并提出了福建电力信息化的对策和建议。

    Finally , the article analyzes and discusses the evaluation result , and gives countermeasures and suggestions to the Fujian electric power informatization .

  12. 随着电力信息化工程的开展,电力变压器状态检修数据由分散的海量数据变成易于查询的有用信息成为日益重要的研究课题。

    It is an increasing important issue to turn the scattered large amounts of status overhauling data into useful information which is convenient to analysis and enquiry .

  13. 现阶段,电力信息化建设的重要性已越来越深入人心,电力系统内的各家企业纷纷建设起了自己的具有各自特色的管理信息系统。

    Considering the importance of the electric information , most of the enterprises have founded their own information management system , such as the remote ammeter reading system .

  14. 随着电网规模的扩大、电力信息化的发展和智能化电网的建设,电能质量问题日益成为电力部门和用户普遍关注的问题。

    With the enlargement of the power grids , development of informationization and construction of smart grid , power quality issues have increasingly captured considerable attention from both utility companies and their customers .

  15. 随着我国电力信息化的大力发展,电厂信息网络已经由几个孤立的网络发展成一个多连接的信息共享的复杂网络。

    With the rapid development of information for power market in China , information network for electrical power plants has developed from the previous isolated individual network to multi-connect complex ones for information share .

  16. 随着电力信息化发展,特别是电力信息管理系统和电力自动化两部分之间的信息融合,电力企业的信息安全和网络安全越来越重要。

    With the development of power information industry , especially the information amalgamation of the management information system and automation of the power system , information security and network security is becoming increasingly important .

  17. 电力信息化系统建设具有信息量大、涉及面广、专业性强、资金和技术密集等特点,造成信息系统开发过程中的种种困难,难以预见的风险因素也呈现出不断增多的趋势。

    The power of information system construction with informative , covers a wide range of highly specialized , capital and technology-intensive characteristics , resulting in information systems development process difficulties , unforeseen risk factors have also shown a growing trend .

  18. 随着网络技术的广泛应用,利用Web技术发布信息资源已经成为目前电力系统信息化发展的趋势。

    It becomes a tide to issue the information in power system by widely using Web technology .

  19. 基于MIS的配电网线损分析是电力系统信息化发展的需求,对其进行研究具有理论和实际意义。

    Distribution loss analysis based upon MIS is the requirements of power information development .

  20. 地理信息系统(GIS)技术在电力系统信息化中起着重要作用。

    Make a summary geography information system ( GIS ) technology play a important role in power systematic informative process .

  21. 本文首先通过分析ERP系统在国内外的发展与电力行业信息化发展的现状,指出了ERP系统在发电企业应用的发展方向与前景;

    In this paper , the current development situation of the ERP system is analyzed , and the developing direction and prospect used in the electricity power enterprise in ERP system is pointed out .

  22. 为了实现电力企业信息化建设的信息整合、工作协同和有效管理,需要建设企业信息门户EIP。

    Power enterprises need Enterprise Information Portal " EIP " to improve their information integration , facilitate collaboration and take efficient management .

  23. 厂级监控信息系统(SIS)在电力企业信息化建设的进程中得到了迅速的推广和应用,同时也给生产和科研创造了新的发展契机。

    Supervisory Information System ( SIS ) has a rapid application in the process of informationalization of electric power enterprises and stimulates the interest of researchers at same time .

  24. 介绍面向服务的架构(SOA)的基本原理、技术特征和应用优势,针对目前电力营销信息化存在数据孤岛和信息孤岛的现状,提出电力营销SOA解决方案和实施原则。

    The paper introduces the principle , technology character and application superiority of SOA . It brings out the solving program and implementing principle about the marketing SOA in light of data island and information island in present power marketing .

  25. 电力系统信息化建设的第一步要求是将反映系统运行的各种参数转化为数字量,以便利用计算机技术进行处理,为此在电力系统厂站端设置了大量的智能设备(IED)。

    In order to facilitate data-processing with computer , the first step in power system information integration is to convert substation operation parameters into digital signal , so kinds of intelligent electronic devices ( IED ) are introduced into the substation .

  26. 漯河市电力公司信息化建设及其安全性研究

    Study on Information Build and Security of Luohe Electric Power Corporation

  27. 中间件在电力企业信息化产品中的应用

    The Application of Middleware in Electrical Power Enterprise Information Product

  28. 电力系统信息化安全技术解决方案的探讨

    Discussion on Technical Solution of Information Security in Power System

  29. 电力企业信息化建设思考与实践

    Th in k and practice of IT construction in electric power enterprise

  30. 网格技术在电力调度信息化中的应用的探讨

    Discussion of Grid Technology Applying in Informatization of Power Dispatching Automation System