
  • 网络TV spot
  1. 托尼在当地报纸上浏览了一下电视节目预告。

    Tony scanned through the television programmes in the local newspaper .

  2. 我恐怕得说,电视节目预告送给的是ChanandlerBong.

    I 'm afraid the TV Guide comes to Chanandler Bong .

  3. 顺便问一下,你有《电视节目预告》吗?

    By the way , do you have a TV Guide ?

  4. 你为什么不查一下电视节目预告呢?

    Why don 't you look up the TV guide ?

  5. 有些报纸刊登整个星期的电视节目预告。

    Some newspapers print television listings for the whole week .

  6. 请给我电视节目预告。

    Give me the TV guide , please .

  7. 花十分钟查看电视节目预告;

    Seven minutes checking the TV Guide ;

  8. 那女生现在《电视节目预告》工作

    She now works at TVGuide .

  9. 此外,我已经看过电视上的预告片,看起来好恐怖。

    Besides I 've seen the trailer for this one on TV . And it looks terrible .

  10. 你常会从电视听到上述的预告。

    You have often heard announcements like this on television .

  11. 后来,电影公司的市场宣传人员有了一套标准的程序:电影上映前几星期在影院和电视广告里播放预告片、发布平面广告、推出公告牌。

    Back then , studio marketers followed a standard playbook : Trailers played in theaters , and TV commercials , print ads and billboards arrived a few weeks before release .