
  • 网络photonics technology
  1. 光子学技术&新世纪信息高科技的佼佼者

    Photonics Technology & The Outstanding High Technique in Modern Information Society

  2. 取得多项创新性研究成果,促进了微波光子学技术的研究和应用。

    Several original results are obtained , promoting the research and application of microwave photonics technology .

  3. 光子学技术在祖国医学中的应用

    MEDICAL SCIENCE Photonics Photonic technology and its application in traditional Chinese medicine

  4. 中医色诊研究及光子学技术在色诊中的应用

    Study of Colour Inspection of TCM and Application of Photonics on Colour Inspection

  5. 随着社会的发展,光学与光子学技术逐渐成为信息产业、工业生产、人民生活等各方面的重要技术支柱。

    Optics and photonics have become the powerful support of information technique , industry , human life and other important aspects of modern society .

  6. 光子学技术是继电子学技术之后对信息高科技将产生重大影响的一门新技术。

    Following the great achivement of electronics , Photonics , as a novel technology , will play an important role in modern information high-tech field .

  7. 这种形势迫切需要信息处理的速度必须不断地提高,但是提高的速度逐渐地开始受到现有的电子学和光子学技术的限制。

    In that case , the speed of processing information must be improved . However , the fundamental limitations started to be imposed on the existing electronic and optical technologies .

  8. 随着光纤通信技术的不断发展,利用光子学技术处理微波和毫米波信号正引起人们越来越广泛的兴趣,并由此产生了一个新型的交叉学科&微波光子学。

    With the development of optical fiber communication technology , using the photonic technology to process the microwave and millimeter-wave signal has attracted considerable attention in recent years . A new interdisciplinary area is then produced in this environment .

  9. 然而,在神经科学与生理学中,无损伤的大脑功能光子学检测技术正展现出它的优势而逐渐成为重要的神经成像方法〔1〕,其中内源信号在大脑活动光学成像中得到广泛应用。

    The non-invasive optical measurements that investigate the brain function now reveal their advantages and become important neuroimaging techniques .

  10. 作为一种非入侵、无损、高分辨率的成像方法,生物医学光子学成像技术近年来发展迅速,成为生命科学领域与光学领域的研究热点。

    With rapid development in recent years , biomedical optical imaging , as a non-invasive , non-destructive and high resolution imaging technique , has become a focus of study in the fields of life science and optics .

  11. 扼要介绍了光子学与光子技术的发展、光信息存储原理及不同类型光信息存储的物理机制;

    The photonics and photon technique are stated briefly .

  12. 光子学与光子技术&光学科学技术的新阶段

    Photonics and Photonics Technology & the New Progress of Optical Science and technology

  13. 光子学和光子技术

    Photonics and Photonic Technology

  14. 概述了光子学及光子技术的产生、发展及其在科研、信息技术和经济发展中的应用。

    This paper summarizes the development and application of photonics and photon technology in scientific research , information technology and economy .

  15. 20世纪,传统光学迈向现代光学,光子学和光子技术破门而出。

    In the 20th century , traditional optics was striding forward to the modern optics , and photonics and its technology forced open its doorway .

  16. 光生高品质微波与超宽带信号作为微波光子学的关键技术,正成为研究热点方向。

    Photonic generation of high quality microwave and ultra-wideband signals are key techniques of microwave photonics systems , and has attracted much more research interests .

  17. 讨论生命科学与信息技术间的交叉研究,并介绍一些研究题目与方向,诸如生物信息学、生物医学光子学、微技术和仿生学等。

    This paper mainly discusses the interdisciplinary research of the life science and information technology , and also describes some research topics and direction , such as bioinformatics , biomedical optics , micro & nanotechmologies , bionics , etc.

  18. 微波光子学是一门融合微波技术和光子学技术、研究微波和光信号相互作用的新兴交叉学科。其特征是使用光子学的技术手段实现对微波/毫米波信号的产生、传输、控制和处理。

    Microwave photonics is a multi-disciplinary research area which studies the interaction of microwave and optical signals for applications such as microwave / millimeter-wave signal generation , distribution , control and processing by means of photonics .