
guāng liàng
  • bright;light;shine;shiny;gloss;luminous
光亮 [guāng liàng]
  • (1) [bright;shining]∶明亮

  • 学生们在光亮的教室里上课

  • (2) [light]∶亮光

  • 这些星云有的厚到几万亿公里,本身并不发光,如果在附近有恒星,它就反射出光亮,叫亮星云。--《宇宙里有些什么》

光亮[guāng liàng]
  1. 如果采用火焰气刨,则应将其打磨至可见光亮的金属表面

    If back-gouging is applied , grinding to bright metal is required .

  2. 研究了一种低氰电镀光亮22K金工艺。

    A low cyanide bright 22K gold plating process was investigated .

  3. 天空中的点点光亮就是星星。

    The stars were points of light in the sky .

  4. 莱恩借着手电筒的光亮把它仔细研究了一会儿。

    Len studied it a moment in the beam of his flashlight

  5. 黑暗中只有一点零星的光亮。

    There was only one sliver of light in the darkness .

  6. 研究表明婴儿通过辨别光亮和黑暗的区域来学会看东西。

    Research suggests that babies learn to see by distinguishing between areas of light and dark

  7. 边桌上的灯在锃亮的木头上投射下片片温暖的光亮。

    The lamps on the side-tables threw warm pools of light on the polished wood .

  8. 整座大楼一片漆黑,只有3层的一个窗户透出一丝光亮。

    The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-story window .

  9. 不要使用锅底光亮、能反射热的平底锅,因为热量会被反射回去。

    Avoid pans with a shiny , reflective base as the heat will be reflected back .

  10. 他们走近、拥抱,然后噗的一下就在一道炫目的光亮中消失了。

    They approach , embrace , and poof ! they disappear in a blinding flash of light .

  11. 经过大量的抛光和擦拭,黄铜光亮如新。

    It took a considerable amount of polish and elbow grease before the brass shone like new .

  12. 桌子刷上油漆后显得很光亮。

    The table gleamed after being painted .

  13. 仅有的光亮来自一个小孔。

    The only light came through a narrow aperture .

  14. 灯塔的光亮在数英里之外都能看见。

    The blink of beacon could be seen for smiles .

  15. 电灯光亮来自白热的灯丝

    A fine wire heated electrically to incandescence in an electric lamp .

  16. 当灯被打开时,它发出光亮

    An electric light glows when it is turned on .

  17. 这种光亮还会影响野生动植物,扰乱昆虫、鸟类和其它动物所遵循的黑白昼夜交替的周期。

    It also affects wildlife , disrupting the natural light-dark cycle that insects , birds and other animals are tuned1 into .

  18. 结果,两只眼同时在黑暗环境中的时候,适应了光亮的那只就会出现“眼盲”的情况。

    Subsequently , with both eyes uncovered in the dark , the light-adapted eye is perceived to be " blind " .

  19. 当我们默默地走了好几个小时以后,天黑了下来,星星开始发出光亮。

    When we had trudged along for several hours , in silence , the darkness fell , and the stars began to come out .

  20. 樱桃木主要用来制作家具,这种硬木呈现出非常光亮的棕色。

    The wood of the cherry-tree is much used for making furniture . It is a hard wood , of a very pretty , brownish colour .

  21. 人造光源发出的熟悉的光亮不仅会模糊我们看夜晚漆黑天空的视线,它还会扰乱我们的睡眠,影响我们的健康。

    As well as obscuring our view of a naturally dark night sky with that all-too-familiar glow , artificial light can disrupt our sleep and affect our health .

  22. 人造卫星在每天凌晨1点30分拍摄一张该城市的图像,结果发现,80%的城市光因被射向天空而被浪费掉,这些光亮来自非路灯光源,包括大型广告牌、招牌、泛光灯和建筑物立面。

    Capturing an image of the city at 01:30 every morning revealed that 80 % of the urban light that was wasted by being beamed upward into space was from non-streetlight sources , including billboards2 , signs , floodlights , and facades3 .

  23. 低氰电镀光亮22K金工艺研究

    Study on low cyanide bright 22K gold plating process

  24. 酸性光亮镀Cu的研究

    Study on the technology bright acidic copper plating

  25. 新型光亮润滑剂YI在ABS和PVC塑料制品中的应用

    Application of New Gloss Lubricant YI in ABS and PVC Products

  26. 将其应用于光亮镀镍电镀溶液中除去微量Cu(2+)杂质,效果良好。

    Their effect of re - moval of trace Cu ~ ( 2 + ) from bright nickel electroplating solution is good .

  27. 当温度在90℃,pH在5.5时,所得镀层含磷量为7.8%,镀层光亮、耐蚀性优良。

    Phosphorus content of 7.8 % was obtained in deposit with bright and good corrosion resistance at temperature of 90 ℃ with pH 5.5 .

  28. 给出了全光亮化学镀NiPCu合金的工艺规范及影响镀层性能的因素。

    The Abstract technological parameters of bright electroless Ni P Cu plating and the factors affecting the performance of the deposit were discussed in the paper .

  29. 316L不锈钢冠脉支架光亮热处理的研究

    A Study of Bright Heat Treatment for 316L Stainless Steel Coronary Stent

  30. X射线与扫描电镜图显示该Ni-P镀层光亮、致密,为非晶态结构,其磷含量为12.1%。

    X-ray and SEM test indicate that the Ni-P deposit is bright and compact and has amorphous structure , with phosphorus content of 12.1 % .