
  1. 火控系统角输出测量的一种简易光电方法

    An Easy Electro-optical Method of the Output Angle Measurement in the Fire Control System

  2. 载流子迁移率测量的光电方法

    Photoelectric Method of Carrier Mobility Measuring

  3. 通过光电方法精密测量旋转轴的扭转角获得动态扭矩和转速;

    Through photoelectricity method , the torque angle of the revolving shaft is precisely measured to get dynamic torque and speed .

  4. 若将输入图像与每一幅存贮的图像进行光学异或逻辑运算,并用光电方法探测逐点逻辑运算输出光强的总和,则与最小透射光强相对应的存贮图像就是输入图像的最佳匹配。

    The best match is indicated by the minimum collected transmitted light intensity resulted from optical XOR logic operations between the input image and every stored image .

  5. 在反射激波后,(1,4)带的辐射强度随时间呈线性增加,用光电方法记录了这种变化。

    The intensity of the radiation for the ( 1.4 ) - band just behind the reflected shock wave , which increases linearly with time , is recorded with a photoelectric device .

  6. 分析了601800波长区内的谱线,用光电方法得到了550580波段光谱以及OV193谱线轮廓。

    Spectral lines in the wavelength range of 60-1800A have been analysed . The spectrum in the wavelength range of 550-580A , as well as the spectral profile of OV 193A line have also been obtained by means of the photoelectrical method .

  7. 一种基于CCD对准的光电测量方法

    An opto-electronic measuring method based on CCD aiming

  8. 对于THz辐射脉冲的产生,介绍了常用的光电导方法和光整流方法。

    The physical essence of generation of THz radiation pulse is a second polarization process is emphasized .

  9. 应用腐蚀电化学与光电化学方法研究TiO2纳米膜及复合纳米膜在模拟海水中的光电性能和耐腐蚀行为。

    Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical method of corrosion were used for studying the photoelectric properties and resistance to corrosion behavior of TiO2 film and composite nano-films in simulated seawater .

  10. Φ25mm火炮身管直线度光电测量方法

    Optoelectronic method for measuring the straightness of the bore with a diameter of 25 mm

  11. 本工作采用光电化学方法研究CdSe半导体隔片电化学光电池的电功率输出特性。

    In this paper , using photo-electrochemical methods , the power output characteristics of a CdSe semiconductor septum electrochemical photocells ( SC-SEP ) has been studied .

  12. 用光电化学方法研究了纳米管钛酸钠的光电化学行为,通过与TiO2(P25)薄膜电极进行比较,得出了纳米管钛酸钠显示出p型光响应的结论。

    The photoelectrochemistry of the film electrode was also investigated by photoelectrochemical method . The nano-tube titanic sodium represents the character of P-type photo-response , compared with TiO_ ( 2 )( P25 ) film electrode .

  13. 针对CCD器件对1.06μm激光信号探测的难点,提出了利用红外变像管加CCD摄像机的二次光电成像方法。

    It is known that 1.06 μ m laser are hard to detect with a CCD camera . To solve this problem , this paper proposes a twice imaging method that combine IR image tube with CCD camera to detect 1.06 μ m laser .

  14. 首先,利用常规的光电测试方法,对单层电致发光器件ITO/Alq3(90nm)/Al的载流子注入与传输机制进行探讨。

    Firstly , the charge carriers injection and transport mechanism of single-layer device ITO / Alq3 ( 90nm ) / Al was investigated by using the traditionally measurement methods .

  15. 溶液浓度在线测量的光电传感方法研究

    Investigation of Measurement of Solute Concentration in Line by Optoelectronic Method

  16. 在水力模型中用光电的方法测量地形

    Application of photo-electric method for bed levels measurement in hydraulic models

  17. 轮对几何参数及踏面缺陷光电检测方法

    Photoelectric measurement for geometrical parameters and tread defects of wheel set

  18. 金属的光电化学方法防腐蚀原理及研究进展

    Principles of Photoelectrochemical approach for metal anticorrosion and current status

  19. 测量高斯光分布半宽度的光电共轭方法

    Measurement of FWHM for Gaussian Beam Distribution with Photoelectric - Conjugate Method

  20. 光电化学方法在锆及其合金氧化中的应用

    Application of Photo-electrochemical Methods in Investigation of Oxidation Zirconium and Its Alloys

  21. 动态判别溶液浓度大小的光电测量方法

    A Novel Photoelectric Measurement Method for Differentiating the Solution Concentration

  22. 沥青软化点光电检测方法研究

    Method Research of Photoelectric Testing for the Softening Point of Petroleum Bitumens

  23. GB/T13986-1992照相机焦平面曝光量的光电测量方法

    Photoelectric method for measuring exposure in focal planes of camera

  24. 物体三坐标自旋转角度光电测试方法

    The Measurement of Three Angular Coordinates of Rotating Object

  25. 机车轮对踏面磨耗的非接触光电检测方法研究

    Research on Measurement of Wheel Set Tread Wear by Non-contact Optoelectronic Detecting Method

  26. 皮革表面粗糙度在线光电检测方法与微机系统

    In-line Photoelectricity Measurement Method and Micro-Computer System for the Roughness of Leather Surface

  27. 气动光学效应光电校正方法研究

    Photoelectric correction methods applied to aero - optical effects

  28. 大型平台变形量实时监测的光电测量方法

    Optoelectronic Method for Measuring the Deformation on Large-scale Platform

  29. 一种新颖的模拟信号光电隔离方法

    New Method of Analog Signal Optical - Electrical Isolating

  30. 微流控芯片分离效果光电检测方法研究

    Study on the Photoelectric Technique on Testing the Separation Effect by Microfluidic Chip