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  1. 可见光定标是FY-2气象卫星多通道扫描辐射计研制的关键技术之一,发射前的精确定标是气象资料定量化和数字化应用的主要依据。

    Visible calibration is one of the key technologies for multi-channel scan radiometer ( MCSR ) on FY-2 geostationary meteorological satellite . Accurate pre-launch calibration is the base and foundation for applications of meteorological information .

  2. 光定价格不讲价。

    That 's a fix price no bargaining .

  3. 研究人员对沉积物使用了一种叫做释光定年的技术手段,结果也证明该图画可追溯到大约10000-12000年前。

    And the researchers used a technique called optically stimulated luminescence on sediment , which also dated to around 10-12000 years ago .

  4. 基于低温辐射计的InGaAs陷阱探测器高精度光辐射定标研究

    Highly accurate optical radiation calibration of InGaAs trap based on cryogenic radiometer

  5. FY-2多通道扫描辐射计的可见光外场定标

    Visible outfield calibration for FY-2 multi-channel scan radiometer

  6. 利用351.1nm的激光抽运BBO晶体产生的相关光子,建立了一套基于相关光子的光辐射定标系统,分析了它的原理和实验装置,给出符合测量系统,并对结果进行了讨论。

    With 351 nm laser to pump β - Barium Borate ( BBO ) crystal , a radiometric calibration system based on correlated photons had been set up , and its principle and experimental setup were analyzed . Coincident metrical system was given , and the experimental result is discussed .

  7. 三维计算机视觉系统中的结构光快速定标

    Fast Camera Calibration For 3D Computer Vision System of Structured Light

  8. 一种用于近红外高精度光辐射定标的测量光路

    Highly Accurate Calibration of Optical Radiation Detectors at Near Infrared Spectrum

  9. 基于相关光子的光辐射定标方法研究

    Optical Radiometric Calibration Based on Correlated Photons

  10. 影响热释光剂量计定度系数的因素

    Factors Influencing Calibration Coeffecient of TLD

  11. 基于低温辐射计高精度光辐射定标结果(1999和2003年)的对比研究

    Comparison of Highly Accurate Optical Radiation Calibration Based on Cryogenic Radiometer Between 1999 and 2003 Year

  12. 利用∑-Δ型模数转换器解决光辐射定标中弱信号测量的设计难题

    Solution to the problem of weak signal measurement in radiometric calibration based on Σ - Δ ADC

  13. 成份:光甘草定、377、透明质酸、雪颜素、传明酸、甘草干细胞等。

    Ingredients : glabridin , 377 , hyaluronic acid , whitening essence , tranexamic acid , orange stem cells etc.

  14. 在建立了激光光散射定值分析方法基础上,研制了3种葡聚糖分子量标准物质。

    Based on the establishment of light scattering value determination method , three dextran molecular weight CRMs are studied and characterized .

  15. 为提高定标精度,提出一种基于相关光子的光辐射定标方法,它是一种独立于基于辐射源和基于探测器的定标方法。

    A method of optical radiometric calibration based on correlated photons was proposed to improve calibration precision . It was independent of the methods based on radiometric source or detectors .

  16. 式中X是点光源与可动光阑S间的距离(cm),即移动吸收槽直至透射光强度为定值的距离;

    Where x is the distance between the point light source and the movable diaphragm ( in cm ), i.e. the distance when the emergent intensity is a constant value ;

  17. 分波阵面造成的双光干涉的定域问题

    On the Bi - beam Interference Localization of Component wave Fronts

  18. 光弹调制器定标新方法

    A new method for calibration of photoelastic modulator

  19. 卫星遥感仪器的可见光星上定标

    On-orbit Visible Calibration for Satellite Remote Sensing Instrument

  20. 在此,我们对图像分析过程中的光源,测定背景光强度、定标,图像分割及图像测量等应注意的问题做一浅析。

    In this article , we would superficially analyze the problems needing attention such as the source of light , measurement of the strength of background light , working out of the measurement criteria , cutting a-part of the targets from the background , measurement of the images .

  21. 无线光通信中的定长双幅度脉冲间隔调制

    Fixed Length Dual-Amplitude Pulse Interval Modulation for Optical Wireless Communications

  22. 风吹得油灯光摇闪不定。

    The wind flickered the light of the oil lamp .

  23. 结构光测量中的定标

    The Calibration in Structured Light Ranging

  24. 野外自然条件下,明党参光合碳闹定能力远低于峨参。

    The photosynthetic carbon assimilation ability of C. smyrnioides was lower than that of A. sylvestris under natural environment .

  25. 此外,用柱层析法和制备薄层法从新疆光果甘草中分离得到光甘草定。

    We also prepared glabridin ( GB ) from Xinjiang Glycyrrhiza glabra by column chromatography and thin layer chromatography methods .

  26. 本文通过求光从等离子体与真空界面的反射率,解析地求出了长标尺长度和短标尺长度的线性密度轮廓冷等离子体对光的定态共振吸收率。

    The resonant absorption of light in cold plasma for linear density profile has been calculated analytically both for long and short scalelengths by calculating the reflectivity from the plasma and vaccum interface .