
  • 网络Ethernet
  1. 光纤以太网把以太网技术扩展到LAN之外,进入城域网(MAN)。

    The optical Ethernet extends Ethernet technologies from LAN to metropolitan area network ( MAN ) .

  2. 基于光纤以太网的集控站综合自动化系统通信方案

    Communication Project of Integrated Automatic Substation System Based on Optical Fiber Ethernet

  3. 新一代基于光纤以太网的SCADA系统&关于电网调度系统及其体系结构研讨

    New Fiber Ethernet SCADA-On Electric Power Network SCADA and System Structure

  4. 过程层网络与站控层网络采用双备份光纤以太网并配有GPS对时网。

    Process layer network and station control network uses the " double backup optical fiber Ethernet " and equipped with GPS time synchronization network .

  5. 并提出了基于光纤以太网的新一代SCADA系统的应用。

    And the application of new generation SCADA based on optic fiber Ethernet has been proposed .

  6. 采用光纤以太网实现系统所有节点的网络连接,并完善后台监控系统并实现与管理信息系统(MIS系统)接口。

    Uses optical fiber ethernet realization system all pitch points the network connection , and consummation backstage supervisory system and realization and management information system ( MIS system ) connection .

  7. 分析和比较光纤以太网、CABLEModem和PON3种宽带接入技术的特点和适用场合,可作为实施有线电视网络双向改造的参考。

    This article analyzed and compared the characteristic and suitable situation of the optical fiber Ether - net , Cable Modem and the PON three kind of wide bands insert technologies . This can give reference for CATV net bidirectional transformation .

  8. 通过对传统的光纤以太网通信方式的分析,根据配电自动化系统的特点,设计出用以太网设备服务器或交换机EDS代替光纤收发器或光端机的新型通信方案。

    On the basis of analysing traditional fibre optic Ethernet communication mode , according to the characters of automatic power distribution system , a new communication scheme which using Ethernet Device Server or exchanger in place of fibre optical transceiver or optical transmitter ( EDS ) and receiver was designed .

  9. 基于光纤以太网的纵联保护通信方案

    Research on Pilot Protection Communications Based on the Fiber Optic Ethernet

  10. 基于自愈式光纤以太网技术的配电自动化系统【医】自然治愈力,自愈力

    Automation System of Power Distribution Based on Technology of Self-Recover Fiber Ethernet

  11. 配网自动化中的光纤以太网通信技术及特点

    Fiber Ethernet Communication Technology and Features in Distribution Automation

  12. 筒式纤维织网过滤器光纤以太网收发信机

    Fabric cartridge filter fibre optic Ethernet transceiver

  13. 此种算法可有效地消除网络中冗余路径和监测网络的结构变更,因此此种终端可组建结构复杂的光纤以太网网络,并及时发现和处理网络故障。

    By this algorithm , it eliminates redundan network paths efficiently and inspects the change of the network structure . So this terminal can suit complex fibre optic Ethernet with detecting and processing faults on time .

  14. 通过实际的工程应用介绍了基于自愈式光纤以太网技术的配电自动化系统,阐明了整个系统的软硬件和网络结构,并在此基础上分析了所集成的电力、工业自动化、网络和计算机软件技术。

    With the practical application , the paper introduces automation system of power distribution based on self-recover fiber Ethernet , illustrates the software , hardware and structure of the whole system . The paper also analyses the integrated technology of electric power , industrial automation , network and software .

  15. 通过深入研究以太网技术,结合高速铁路对TSAS实时性要求,提出了一种新的工业控制以太网解决方案:分布交换式双环光纤自愈以太网。

    Through studying deeply Ethernet technique , combining the TSAS real-time needs of TPSAS , a new industrial control Ethernet solution plan : the Distributed and Exchanged Double-loop Optical Self - repaired Ethernet was brought out .

  16. 光纤与以太网桥接转换器的设计及实现

    Design and Implement Bridge Media Converter of Fiber to Ethernet

  17. 光纤工业以太网技术及其在港口的应用

    Fast Industrial Ethernet Technology and Application in Port

  18. 随着数字光纤通信、以太网以及电子式传感器等技术的快速发展,变电站综合自动化已经进入了智能化的新阶段。

    With the development of digital fiber optic communication and net work technology , Integrated Substation Automation System is ready to enter a new stage of intellectualization .

  19. 近年来,由于光纤通信技术和以太网技术的迅猛发展,基于以太网的无源光网络(EPON)技术在国内得到了大规模应用。

    Due to the rapid development of optical fiber communication and Ethernet technology , Ethernet-based Passive Optical Network ( EPON ) technology has been widely applied in China in recent years .

  20. 它采用点到多点结构、无源光纤传输,在以太网之上提供多种业务。

    It takes the structure of point to milt points , passive fiber-optical transfer , offering diversification service .

  21. 本文介绍了光纤的基本原理、基于光纤以太网的集控站网络模型,以及通讯规约的选择。

    This article introduces communication theory of optical fiber , model based on optical fiber Ethernet and choose of stipulations of an agreement .

  22. 与几种电力系统常用的通信方式相比较,光纤通信具有不可比拟的先进性,光纤通信和以太网技术相结合,是电力系统通信方案的发展趋势。

    Compared with several communication methods of power system communication , optical fiber has superior advance . The combination of optical fiber and Ethernet technology is the trend of power system communication .

  23. 在工作场所,铜和光纤介质的智能结合,也使得我们可以在基于光纤的网络使用以太网供电(POE)。

    The intelligent combination of copper and fibre optic media at the workplace also makes it possible to use power-over-Ethernet ( PoE ) in networks based on fibre optics .