
  • 网络Optical Module;optical transceiver;SFP;GBIC
  1. 智能SFP光模块数据诊断功能的应用

    Application of the Digital Diagnostic Monitoring Function of SFP Optical Module

  2. 155M光模块简易误码测试系统设计应用

    The design of the simple BER testing for 155M optical module

  3. PWM调光模块的设计是对线性调光模式的补充,能够更好的实现对LED灯的控制。

    PWM dimming module is a complement for linear dimming mode . It allows for better control of the LED lights .

  4. 上位机软件通过VISA实现程控测量仪器,可以对光模块各项参数进行自动测试。

    PC software can measure the parameters of optical modules automatically by controlling programmable test instruments through VISA .

  5. 对SFP光模块常用的电接口电平(LVPECL)进行了深入研究;

    An accurate study on Electrical Interface of SFP ;

  6. 一种多功能SFP光模块监测平台的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of a monitoring platform for SFP optical transceiver module

  7. 应用光模块完成的E1/T1与以太网数据复接系统的设计具有广泛的应用价值。

    Optical transceiver module combined with E1 / T1 and Ethernet using PowerPC processor has extensive and practical means to real-time datum communication application .

  8. SFP光模块和4通道SerDes千兆以太网解决方案

    GigaBit Ethernet Physical Layer Solution Utilizing SFP Optical Transceivers and Quad-Channel SerDes

  9. 针对煤矿、机场等特殊工业现场,设计了一种基于复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)和光模块的光纤现场总线通讯系统。

    A fiber field-bus communication system based on complex programmable logic devices ( CPLD ) and optical transceiver was designed for some special industrial fields such as colliery and airfields .

  10. 用于ATM-PON的突发式光模块爆破模式的超声乳化白内障吸除术

    Burst - Mode Optical Transmission Modules for ATM-PON Phacoemulsification using burst mode

  11. 用于ATM-PON的突发式光模块

    Burst - Mode Optical Transmission Modules for ATM - PON

  12. 大容量、智能化、小型化和集成化已经成为SFP光模块新的发展趋势,DWDMSFP光模块正是在这一背景下应运而生的产物。

    Large capacity , intelligentize , miniaturization and integration become a new tendency of the SFP , and in this background emerges the DWDM SFP .

  13. 本文重点进行了光模块主要的电路包括传输线、LD偏置电路与APC电路、低噪声高线性射频电路、FSK调制与解调功能电路与监视控制功能电路的设计。

    The module design contains transmission line , bias and APC circuit of LD , low noise and high linearity RF circuit , FSK modern , monitor and control circuit design and PCB layout .

  14. 单片机能够将数字诊断部分实时监测参数通过RS232传输给上位机PC显示。本文针对测试平台还设计了一款光模块自动化测试系统上位机软件。

    The host computer PC displays the digital diagnostic part of real-time monitoring parameters which transmit by single-chip via RS232.In this paper , a piece of automated testing system PC software of optical modules for test platform was designed additionally .

  15. 基于LUA脚本的光模块测试系统在原有测试系统的软硬件基础上进行改进,借助自动化测试框架的先进设计理念,发挥LUA脚本语言的灵活性,优化系统结构,提高测试效率。

    The new test system based on LUA script optimized the structure of optical test system by the flexibility of LUA , based on the advanced theory of automation test framework .

  16. DS01收发器光模块可用双纤光模块,也可选用单纤光模块。选用单纤双向光模块时收发器必须成对使用。

    DS01 single mode media converter may be used double optical fiber-module or single optical fiber-module which must be used in couples .

  17. 从智能SFP光模块在各种网络中的实际应用角度出发,首先分析了智能SFP光模块数字诊断功能的作用,介绍了SFF-8472协议体系结构和数字电位器的基本原理。

    SFP optical transceivers are applied widely in various kinds of networks . The function of digital diagnostics for SFP optical transceivers is analyzed . The architecture of SFF-8472 Specification and the principles of digital potentiometer are also introduced .

  18. 实验验证表明,光模块满足SFF-8472协议和多源协议MSA要求,采用逆向的新参数校准方式,五个模拟量的校准误差满足指标要求。

    Experiment verification shows that the optical module meets the requirements of SFF-8472 and multi source protocol MSA , and using the retrorse data calibration to calibrate data , the five analog calibrating deviations also satisfy the requirements of the index .

  19. 小封装光模块在多端口应用中的热特性

    Thermal Characterization of Small Form Factor Transceivers for a Multi-Port Application

  20. 小封装光模块的热插拔技术研究

    Research on Pluggable Technology of Small Form Factor Pluggable Fiber-optic Communication Module

  21. 带数字诊断功能的小封装光模块研究

    The Research of Small Form Factor Pluggable Transceiver with Digital Diagnose Monitor Function

  22. 光模块(仅节点)

    Optics Module ( Nodes Only )

  23. 带数字诊断功能光模块的应用简化了系统维护工作,提高了系统的可靠性。

    The use of optical transceiver with digital diagnosis function simplifies the maintenance work and enhances the reliability of communications system .

  24. 光模块是光网络中一种用于实现光电,电光转换的重要子模块。

    The optical module is an important sub-module in optical network . It is used to realize optical-electro , electro-optical conversion .

  25. 为了满足系统不断增长的需求,光模块正不断向标准化、小型化、智能化发展。

    In order to meet the growing needs of the system , optical modules are developing to be standardized , miniaturized and intelligent .

  26. 光模块是光纤通讯收发端光电转换器和电路控制器的组合,其作用是实现光/电信号的转换。

    The optical modular is the combination of optical-electrical converter and circuit controller of fibre optic communication transceiver , which realizes photoelectric transformation .

  27. 而射频光模块是光纤直放站的核心组成部分,它的工作性能直接影响网络覆盖的质量。

    As the key part of the repeater , the quality of the coverage network is directly affected by the performance of RF optical module .

  28. 通过本套光模块自动测试系统的设计与实现,对于虚拟仪器在光通信测量领域的应用推广将具有极大的推动作用。

    Through the designing and realizing of this automatic optical module testing system , it will greatly popularize the application of virtual instrument technology in the photo-communication measurement domain .

  29. 在模块详细设计方案保证下,通过投板并测试,验证了模块开发方案的优良性。新方案能简化生产过程过程,提高光模块批量生产效率。

    Detailed design modules in the programme to ensure that , by the assembly and testing of the actual vote panels , the certification of modular development programmes feasibility ;

  30. 介绍小封装光模块进行热插拔的技术难点及其解决方法和具体实现,主要包括热插拔时激光器的安全、热插拔时浪涌电流的抑制以及热插拔对系统总线干扰等问题。

    The difficulty and the method of implement pluggable technology will be introduced including the safety of laser , the surge current of plug and the safety of system bus .