
  • 网络Fiber Manufacture
  1. 应用范围:光学仪器制造各种电子、电器、精密仪器的擦拭光纤制造实验室器具及仪器的清洁印刷业机器的清洁包装业。

    Application range : optics instrument , electronic , apparatus , precision instruments wiping , sensorius fiber manufacture , apparatus and equipment in lab cleaning , machine in print and packing industry .

  2. 光纤制造中复绕单元加工次序调度策略的研究

    Scheduling Strategy of Process Sequence for Rewind Cell of Fiber Manufacturing

  3. 光纤制造管理系统是光纤制造技术的重要组成部分。

    Fiber manufacturing management system is a key part of fiber manufacturing technology .

  4. 氢氟酸填充腐蚀方法在光子晶体光纤制造中的应用

    Application of Hydrofluoric Acid 's Corrosive Properties in the Fabrication of Photonic Crystal Fibers

  5. 随着激光二极管泵浦技术以及光纤制造工艺的进展,适合多种不同应用目的的光纤激光器缤呈异彩地涌现于世。

    With the development of LD pumping and fiber manufacturing technology , all kinds of fiber laser come into use .

  6. 随着相关学科的发展,塑料光纤制造技术不断发展,性能更加完善。

    The manufacturing technique of plastic optical fiber is developed unceasingly and the properties of POF have been further improved with the development of related branches of science .

  7. 随着我国光纤制造工业的迅速崛起和光纤应用的普遍推广,光网络越来越多的应用于我们的生产和生活当中。

    As the rapid emergence of optical fiber manufacturing industry and widespread application of optical fiber , optical network are increasing used in our production and daily life .

  8. 由于光纤制造工艺的因素,埋置式光纤传感器的应变量测受到光纤构造的影响,该文主要分析保护层对测量精度的影响。

    The calibration precision of an embedded fiber optic sensor is greatly affected by the structure of the sensor since the fiber in the sensor is a composite material .

  9. 随着光纤制造业规模急剧的扩大,光纤市场的激烈竞争不断要求企业进一步降低成本、提高产品质量与缩短交货期。

    With the rapid expansion of fiber-optic manufacturing scale , the competition of fiber market continues to require companies to further reduce costs , improve product quality and shorten delivery time .

  10. 为提高光纤制造中复绕单元的信息反馈速度和计划执行的效率,提出了以断纤信息反馈速度与加工时间为优先考虑的调度策略。

    To enhance information feedback speed and the efficiency of planning execution for rewind cell of fiber manufacturing , a strategy considering information feedback speed and rewind process time in high priority was proposed .

  11. 通过侧边开槽法光纤制造工艺和光纤熔融拉伸技术分别制作完成了一根共线四芯光纤和一段带有尾纤的双子光纤,从而部分实验验证了新型连接器方案的可行性。

    A piece of collinear four-core fiber and a piece of Gemini fiber are fabricated by groove stack draw technology and fused-strech technology respectively , which proves the feasibility of the novel connector partially .

  12. 概述了我所引进的世界一流水平的美国Aster公司单模光纤耦合器制造技术;

    The excellent fabricating techn - ology for single mode optical fibre couplers imported to our Institute from USA Aster Company is outlined ;

  13. 一种新型的可调谐非线性啁啾光纤光栅制造技术

    Fabrication technology of a novel tunable nonlinear chirped fiber grating

  14. 低损耗塑料光纤的制造工艺

    A Process for the Production of Plastic Optical Fiber with Low Loss

  15. 化学法镀银光纤的制造工艺研究

    Study on Making Ag coated Optical Fiber by Chemical Method

  16. 亚微米直径光纤的制造及其中的受激拉曼散射效应

    Manufacturing Fabrication of Submicro-diameter Fiber and Stimulated Raman Scattering Effect in it

  17. 光纤耦合器制造中的动态监测系统

    The dynamic monitoring system in manufacture of fiber coupler

  18. 熔锥型保偏光纤耦合器制造的关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Techniques of Manufacturing Polarization Maintaining Fused Couplers ; polarization splitter fiber coupler

  19. 讨论掺铒光纤的制造技术和掺铒光纤放大器的放大原理。

    The fabricating technology of erbium-doped fibre and the amplification principle of erbium-doped fibre amplifier are discussed .

  20. 光纤材料制造及其应用

    Manufacture and Application of Optical-Fiber

  21. 本文首先介绍了高带宽梯度折射率塑料光纤的制造方法和性能;

    First , this paper introduces the manufacturer methods and properties of the graded index polymer optical fiber ( GI-POF ) in detail .

  22. 在光纤器件制造中采用超细径光纤不仅可以减小器件和相应部件的体积,而且可以提高器件性能。

    During the manufacture of fiber devices , it can not only reduce the volume of device and its corresponding parts , but also significantly improve device performance by using ultra-thin fiber .

  23. 由于相位模板法仅使用一个光学器件,因而减少了光纤光栅制造系统的复杂性,是光纤布拉格光栅写入法中最有前途、使用最广泛并且具有本征稳定性的一种方法。

    Using only one optic element , the phase mask provides a robust and inherently stable method for reproducing fiber Bragg gratings , and reduces the complexity of the fiber grating fabrication system .

  24. 光通公司是一家国有控股上市公司,是我国光通信行业的开创者之一,在充分竞争的光纤光缆制造业中,曾经长期处于在行业的前列水平。

    Optical Fiber Communication Co. , Ltd is a state-owned listing Corporation , one of the pioneers of China communication industry , it was in the front of optical fiber and cable industry , a full competition manufacturing industry .

  25. 光纤预制棒制造设备控制系统

    Control system of MCVD process equipment

  26. 我国目前的熔锥型光纤器件的制造技术、熔融拉锥装备主要依赖进口。

    At present , our country 's fabrication technique and fabricatation setup of fused taper fiber device are depend on importing .

  27. 介绍了美国费城Drexel大学研究出来的多晶氧化铝包层蓝宝石光纤的两种制造方法。

    Two manufacturing methods for sapphire optical waveguides with polycrystalline alumina cladding , developed by Drexel University in Philadelphia , USA are introduced .

  28. 光纤有源器件封装制造中的自动对准方法研究

    Study on Automatic Alignment Technique in Fiber Active Devices Packaging

  29. 这些结果为光子晶体光纤的设计和制造提供了理论依据。

    These results provide the theoretical base for the design and production of the Photonic Crystal Fiber .

  30. 该分析对于星形耦合器所使用光纤的选择及其制造工艺有参考价值。

    This analysis is useful for the choice of optic fiber and for the reference value of fabricating technique of star coupler .